

This was published 5 months ago


Can trans women and biological women share an identity? This case may provide an answer

The problem with identities is that they’re like … elbows. Everybody has them. And like elbows on an aeroplane armrest, they sometimes battle to occupy the very same space. That is the essence of a case in the NSW Federal Court this week.

Tickle v Giggle isn’t the light-hearted affair the litigants’ names would suggest. Giggle is an app created to provide a space for women to communicate on a range of issues just among women. It is a platform to find other women to travel with, share houses with, and, if they’re lesbian, perhaps find someone to date.

Roxanne Tickle says Giggle for Girls illegally discriminated on the grounds of gender identity after her access to the app was revoked.

Roxanne Tickle says Giggle for Girls illegally discriminated on the grounds of gender identity after her access to the app was revoked.Credit: AAP

Trans men, who were born female, are invited to join the app, which sees itself as providing a safe space for all people who have experiences and vulnerabilities particular to female biology.

Roxanne Tickle is a trans woman who was excluded from partaking in the app because, while she identifies as a woman, she was born male. Tickle has reportedly had gender-affirming surgery and, as Australian law allows, changed her birth certificate to reflect her gender identity. Her lawyer has taken pains to emphasise how genuinely and profoundly she feels that she is a woman. Despite these feelings, Tickle was denied access to Giggle, on the basis that the app is exclusively for biological females, which Tickle is not.

The court case will decide whether Tickle was discriminated against by Giggle. But the deeper question this case raises pertains to a conflict of rights. The same conflict of rights that inspired Harry Potter author JK Rowling’s challenge to a new Scottish law which, opponents feared, would make it a hate crime to draw the distinction between women by biology and women by identification.


The question these cases raise is whether biological women have a right to an identity distinct from trans women. To date, trans rights activists have assumed that there is no conflict and that the way they feel about womanhood is the way every woman must feel. However, many biological women feel that their distinct identity is being erased by a gender-based concept of womanhood.

This creates a conflict of rights, which occurs when two (or more) parties have rights that can’t be exercised simultaneously. Two elbows can occupy the same armrest if one is content to angle a bit forward and the other a bit back, but they can’t both occupy the position that feels most natural at once.

A less flippant example is abortion: from the moment a woman conceives, there is a potential conflict of rights between her and the child she is carrying. Abortion laws mediate this conflict of rights on a sliding scale, which is why a first-trimester abortion is unconditionally the decision of the woman in Australia, while a third-trimester abortion is only likely to be approved in extreme circumstances. These are what we call zero-sum situations: only one party can fully exercise their rights; the other has to give way.


There has never been mediation between trans and biological women. Instead, laws passed in the name of inclusivity pretend there is no potential for conflict.


Australia is party to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), adopted by the United Nations. In the early 80s, the Hawke government introduced the SDA which implemented the treaty in Australia. But then in 2013, the government made changes to the SDA which removed the definition of male and female and added gender identity as a protected attribute.

While the conflict of rights describes the principle underlying Tickle v Giggle, the amendment to the Sex Discrimination Act is the legal substance. It created the ambiguity that is at the heart of this case. The judge is considering whether sex-based rights can be negated by gender-based rights. There are two different elbows on the same armrest, and one or both are going to have to shift position.

The conflict between these groups has been escalating, and the compassion that once dominated the discussion seems to have dried up. Women who feel they are being robbed of their identity are less inclined to address trans women with their preferred pronouns. Their arguments go right down to the cellular level: people born with XY chromosomes will, they point out, never become XX.

On the other side, trans activists accuse anyone who acknowledges conflicting rights of being transphobic, or “TERFS” – trans-exclusionary feminists – using a term which was first coined by feminists as a slur. Ambiguity has led to insecurity, which is leading to hate.

Identity is fundamental to what it is to be human, which is why there is a lot riding on this case. The outcome is being closely watched by the same-sex attracted community, whom activists accuse of transphobia or “genital fetishism” if they are not attracted to trans women or men.


Some are also becoming concerned that homosexuality is being eradicated by doctors who are willing to prescribe puberty blockers and eventual “gender-affirming” surgery as a “cure” for gender-non-conforming children, hijacking their gay or lesbian leanings to reinforce the idea of gender identity.

Given how important it is for society to have this discussion openly and respectfully, it is a great shame that this trial was not live-streamed for public viewing. It was meant to be, but after an activist took a screenshot of the interlocutory hearing and disseminated it online with a snarky comment about the Giggle founder, the presiding judge chose not to proceed with the live stream. It is all the more important, then, that the public understand exactly what is at issue when the judgment is eventually handed down.

The issue is whether everyone is entitled to an identity, biological women included. Elbows are out in the frivolous-sounding Tickle v Giggle, but there’s no funny bone.

Parnell Palme McGuinness is managing director of strategy and policy at award-winning campaigns firm Agenda C. She has done work for the Liberal Party and the German Greens.

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