

Parnell Palme McGuinness is managing director at campaigns firm Agenda C. She has done work for the Liberal Party and the German Greens.

How Dutton is recruiting Labor to do his job for him

How Dutton is recruiting Labor to do his job for him

For Labor, talking about its own policy somehow keeps turning into an ad for the opposition.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness


How a Q&A appearance revealed why some of my school teachers hated my guts

How a Q&A appearance revealed why some of my school teachers hated my guts

Teachers recently huffed about me on my high school’s “old girls” page. They’re right: I was indeed a “Little Miss”.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
The crude cap on foreign students is a rotten immigration policy

The crude cap on foreign students is a rotten immigration policy

The arbitrary cap on higher education numbers won’t work. Here’s a better idea: cut student numbers with more rigorous, export-quality courses.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
Be more civil, you racist: Why insults should not be banned in parliament

Be more civil, you racist: Why insults should not be banned in parliament

The teals want to raise the tone of debate, but they get the lowest political Scrabble score with the word “racist”.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
In a post-truth world, can we at least be honest about Raygun?

In a post-truth world, can we at least be honest about Raygun?

A frightening number of people will still insist that Rachael Gunn’s breakdancing performance was really actually totally good. If we fall for that, we’ll fall for anything.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
Successful multiculturalism takes work. Just ask the UK, once the riots stop

Successful multiculturalism takes work. Just ask the UK, once the riots stop

Governments must not nurture separatism if many cultures are to live together well.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
Trump’s got a women problem, but he’s found the culprits – women

Trump’s got a women problem, but he’s found the culprits – women

The US election is between kidults and cats. If White Dudes for Trump don’t grow up quickly, America had better stock up on Snappy Tom.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
TikTok, TikTok … time’s up for Trump?

TikTok, TikTok … time’s up for Trump?

Forget policies, this US election will be all about personalities. And what’s working for Kamala Harris right now are the very things Republicans hate about her.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
J.D. Vance is a jump to the left and a step to the right

J.D. Vance is a jump to the left and a step to the right

Vance has transcended his disadvantage and shown what the idea of America is meant to be. That makes him an important symbol of what the future can hold.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
What if renewables don’t deliver the cheapest power, after all?

What if renewables don’t deliver the cheapest power, after all?

We must reduce emissions. But while the science is settled, the costings are not.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
Australia will lose if Payman’s identity politics triumphs

Australia will lose if Payman’s identity politics triumphs

The senator’s passionate politics renders compromise unpalatable. The last thing Australia needs is this type of politics.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness

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