

This was published 3 years ago

As it happened: Victoria records seven new cases for Sunday; premier delays announcing lockdown changes for several days


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Watch: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews gives the daily COVID-19 update

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews presented the daily COVID-19 update on Sunday asking Victorians for 'cautious pause' over the next 48 hours before announcing significant easings of lockdown restrictions.

Mr Andrews wants to see the results for over 1000 tests connected to the northern suburbs outbreak at East Preston Islamic College and Croxton Special School.

He still hopes to be able to make significant announcements early this week about re-openings for retail stores among other announcements.

A number of things will re-open in regional Victoria from Tuesday at 11.59pm including gyms.

"The results may well tell us that there are a handful of extra cases, they are all linked and we have the thing wrapped up. If that is the case then we can make detailed announcements about the next steps and we will be able to take those steps.

"It would have been irresponsible today to stand up and say, well, there are so many tests that we do not have results for but I reckon we should wing it.

"Put it another way, waiting to get results instead of pretending we know what the results are would not be responsible nor a safe thing to do. And if we are criticised for that, so be it."

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By Ashleigh McMillan

'Shattering blow': Peak business body lashes decision to pause easing restrictions

By Ashleigh McMillan

Victoria’s peak body for business says the decision by the state government not to scale back Melbourne’s restrictions came as a "shattering blow" to businesses.

The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) said in a statement on Sunday afternoon there had been some "good news" for regional Victoria, with new allowances around gyms, pools, under-18 sport, funerals and religious services.

But VCCI chief executive Paul Guerra said while Victorians had done "everything asked of them to reduce infections", Sunday’s decision not to ease restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne meant that "the goalposts move once again".

"Today’s announcement is a shattering blow to businesses, who have again been told to wait,” he said in a statement.

"It’s like Groundhog Day, and has left businesses in limbo even though average case numbers are now below the Government’s target for reopening.

"The delay announced today can only point to a lack of confidence in the efficacy of the contact tracing system and the ability of health officials to manage the COVID-19 crisis."

Opinion: Traditionally a day for the faithful, on this Sunday Daniel Andrews prays for time

By Tony Wright

Timing is everything for a politician with a critical announcement to make

But the novel coronavirus doesn’t care a fig about timing, consigning a clearly exasperated Daniel Andrews and millions of citizens of Melbourne to an extended period of pain, fear and loathing.

No changes: Daniel Andrews was unable to announce an easing of restrictions on Sunday.

No changes: Daniel Andrews was unable to announce an easing of restrictions on Sunday.Credit: Getty Images

The new uncertainty caused by the sudden outbreak in infections in Melbourne’s northern suburbs over recent days comes at the most consequential moment imaginable.

Melbourne’s thousands of businesses and vast numbers of workers rely on end-of-year, pre-Christmas trade.

Christmas is just two months away. For many businesses – perhaps most – ruin or survival is now a difference in days before they can resume trading.

The hope that those crucial days might be brought forward from November 1 – previously the date promised by Andrews' "road map" – has now all but evaporated, despite the Premier talking of "a cautious pause" that was, somewhat absurdly, "not a setback".

Click here to read the story.


Intellectually disabled prisoners punished without oversight

By Zach Hope

Victorian prisoners with known intellectual disabilities are facing internal disciplinary hearings, and receiving punishments, without specialist support services to ensure they understand what is happening and what they have done wrong

The coronavirus pandemic has shut down almost all of prisoners' face-to-face access to the outside world and advocates, largely left in the dark about what is happening within prison walls, have noted a sharp decline in call-outs from Corrections Victoria staff.

Victorian Public Advocate Colleen Pearce.

Victorian Public Advocate Colleen Pearce.

The Office of the Public Advocate said it had received only 50 calls from Victorian prisons this year for volunteer Corrections Independent Support Officers to accompany intellectually disabled prisoners – either in person or via video-link – during disciplinary hearings.

This is despite prisons convening 433 such hearings from January 1 to October 13 for people with diagnosed intellectual disabilities, according to Justice Department figures.

Click here to read the story.

'Riding every bump and tackle': Pubs, reduced in capacity, still heaved in Geelong

By Zach Hope

In few cities or towns in Australia could a pub crowd heave as one in their straining seats – roar, gasp and shriek in collective joy and indignation – quite like they can in Geelong

Even with restricted crowd numbers, 10 people per indoor space and 70 in the beer gardens, every Geelong mark, goal and tackle recalled something like a long-forgotten place behind the goals at the MCG.

Caitlin Mikinlay enjoys the grand final at the Sporting Globe in Geelong on Saturday night.

Caitlin Mikinlay enjoys the grand final at the Sporting Globe in Geelong on Saturday night.Credit: Darrian Traynor

At the Elephant and Castle Hotel, part-owner Mario Gregorio moved from the kitchen and through the dining rooms pumping his fists, clapping and bellowing "C'mon Cats" to the ceiling.

Wired punters marched like soldiers, stony-faced and focused, to the toilets in the quarter breaks and back to seats for deep-breathing and beers.

Click here to read the story.

'Now we are crushed': Neil Mitchell's take on Melbourne restrictions

Let's run through some emotions, because this is Victoria today: angry, frustrated, confused, disappointed and suspicious. That's just a start. We feel dudded.

For weeks we clung to the hope that if we did the right thing, if we kept the doors to business closed and stayed locked in our houses, then today the pain would begin to ease and the reopening would begin.

3AW's Neil Mitchell.

3AW's Neil Mitchell.Credit: Joe Armao

We worked hard at beating this virus down to figures that once looked unachievable. But we did it. The 14-day average for new cases is 4.6. The target was five. We did it and we were proud of ourselves.

Until now.

Now we are crushed. Because despite meeting the targets, our Premier has decided to delay any further reopening in the metropolitan area, and make restricted changes in regional Victoria.

Why? He doesn't get it. He says he is hitting "pause" and there may be better news within a few days, or a week.

The national employer organisation Ai Group said this was a "hammer blow" to business. The Business Council of Australia said it was "devastating". And the Chamber of Commerce said business was in "limbo". It is claimed 1000 jobs a day are vanishing.

The business leaders were all correct. So too were the small business operators, the owners of cafes and pubs and shops, some of whom simply cried at the news.

And why? The targets were met. People did the right thing despite the pain. And having been promised likely relief, they got none. The government says there is a dangerous new outbreak emerging in the north of the city and that needs to be crushed. So 6 million people are locked away because of a handful.

The real reason behind this is another failure of this government. The decision to delay reopening is an admission the crucial contact tracing system is not good enough.

Read the full opinion piece from Neil Mitchell here.


'Encouraging sign': Victoria's testing chief on negative tests from Melbourne's north

By Ashleigh McMillan

The head of Victoria's testing team says the lack of new cases emerging from tests processed in Melbourne's northern suburbs today was a "good development".

All of the 1135 tests analysed from the area around the city's current major outbreak had come back negative, Victoria's health department confirmed on Sunday evening.

DHHS' Jeroen Weimer.

DHHS' Jeroen Weimer.Credit: Wayne Taylor

Commander of testing and community engagement Jeroen Weimar said it was an "encouraging sign" that zero positive cases had turned up in tests analysed on Sunday.

Another 1400 tests completed on Sunday by residents in and around the outbreak zone are now in the lab.

"Obviously it’s a good development that of all those 1100 or so samples overnight, no positive results from that," Mr Weimar told 7News on Sunday night.

"We’ve been working very hard over the last few days with all of the community out in the northern suburbs to get this under control.

"What we’ve seen over the last few days is literally over 13,000 people coming forward to get tested. We’re getting their results turned around very quickly, within a day."

There were six new cases revealed in the northern suburbs on Sunday, with the cluster now totaling 39 cases across 11 households.

One key metric for the next step of reopening has been reached in Victoria: a 14-day rolling average of fewer than five cases per day across the state.

But the number of mystery cases remains at nine across two weeks, which is higher than the five mystery cases originally required for the next reopening stage in the state’s roadmap.

Mr Weimar said as the results from Melbourne's north roll in, there will be a renewed focus on probing mystery cases.

"We’re tracking down where we have remaining cases of community transmission, and that’s a very serious thing," he said.

"It’s very important as we’re about to take this next significant step that we have all aspects of community transmission under control to make sure we never have to go back to the place we’ve been over recent months.

"We can not let up at this point. We have worked so hard to get here, we have to continue to ensure people do come forward to get tested."

Premier Daniel Andrews indicated on Sunday morning he would likely provide an update about when metropolitan Melbourne's restrictions would change on Tuesday, once more test results related to the cluster were received.

"Those test results will come back and hopefully what they will show us is not just some additional cases ... but that those cases are linked, and that we know that there is a chain of transmission," he said.

“This is not anything other than a cautious pause … This is not a setback. It is simply waiting and being led by the data, being led by the science."

No new positive cases from 1135 tests processed in Melbourne's north today

By Ashleigh McMillan

No new cases of COVID-19 have been discovered in the more than 1100 tests processed on Sunday from Melbourne's northern suburbs.

All of the 1135 tests analysed from the area with the outbreak had come back negative, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed on Sunday evening.

Earlier today, Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton asked for 24 to 48 hours to wait for the results of more than 1000 tests drawn from Melbourne's northern suburbs, before he would announce his plans for reopening retail and hospitality.

"I am confident [we will contain the outbreak]. I am not confident about the cases whose test results are yet to come back ... We cannot contain what we are yet to identify," he told reporters.

There are a total of 39 cases linked to the outbreak in Melbourne's north.

DHHS testing commander Jeroen Weimar said there were 1400 swabs taken on Sunday across the city's northern suburbs which are now in the lab being analysed. Testing will proceed throughout the evening.

"This testing enables us to get a very clear picture of how many cases there are and ensure there is a plan in place for everyone who tests positive along with the close contacts," he said.

"There will at times no doubt be delays as more people come forward, but we are so appreciative of everyone making the effort, particularly during these colder spring days.

"People have really embraced this call to action for which we are very grateful. We continue to meet with community and business leaders to ensure everyone has the information they need."

'A living hell': the serious and persistent symptoms of 'long COVID'

By Melissa Cunningham

It has been more than 100 days since Garry Keeping caught coronavirus and still his hands shake uncontrollably

Walking less than 100 metres to the end of his street leaves the Derrimut father of two breathless and bedridden for days. But it is the constant “brain fog” that frustrates him the most.

Garry Keeping, with his wife Kamal, was diagnosed with COVID on July 18. Three months later he is still experiencing lingering effects, including hand tremors, forgetfulness and fatigue.

Garry Keeping, with his wife Kamal, was diagnosed with COVID on July 18. Three months later he is still experiencing lingering effects, including hand tremors, forgetfulness and fatigue. Credit: Eddie Jim

"I can't even dial a number into the phone," said the 57-year-old, who developed a tremor in both his hands after being infected with the virus in July.

"I'll see the numbers right in front me, but they get all up muddled in my head. I am too terrified to get behind the wheel because I am worried sick I'll black out while driving. It's been a living hell."

Mr Keeping is one of thousands of people all over the world who caught SARS-CoV-2 months ago and survived it, yet are stuck in their homes.

No longer contagious, but still gasping for breath, they have been dubbed the 'long-haulers' and the persistence of their strange and often debilitating symptoms is perplexing doctors globally.

Click here to read the story.


CHO reveals where Victoria's new cases were found

By Ashleigh McMillan

Victoria's Chief Health Officer has shed some light on which local government areas recorded a new case of COVID-19 today.

Of the seven cases announced in Victoria on Sunday, three are officially linked to East Preston Islamic College, while two are also preliminarily linked to the college as investigations continue.

Another case announced on Sunday morning has been linked to Regis Macleod aged care facility and one remains under investigation.

When it comes to where those seven new cases were found, there were three cases each in the local government areas (LGAs) of Banyule and Darebin. A single new case was found in Glen Eira, which is the only active case in the area.

Hume still has 17 active cases - the most in any LGA in Victoria - followed by Wyndham which has 15 active cases, and Brimbank and Banyule which both have eight active cases.

The six new cases recorded in the northern suburbs on Sunday means the cluster has grown to 39 cases across 11 households.

Around 2500 COVID-19 tests were administered on Saturday alone across Banyule, Darebin, Hume, Moreland and Nillumbik, as health authorities try to clamp down on the major outbreak

More than 12,100 tests have been completed across Melbourne's northern suburbs since Tuesday.

"We are continuing to meet with a broad range of faith and community leaders, women’s groups, and local businesses to ensure the message gets out there and we have resources in multiple languages that can be utilised," Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton said in a press release on Sunday afternoon.

"Residents in Dallas, Roxburgh Park, Broadmeadows, Preston and West Heidelberg who have even the mildest of symptoms are being encouraged to get tested for coronavirus."

The nine mystery cases between October 9 and October 22 are located in the following postcodes: 3025, 3029 (two cases), 3047, 3073, 3081, 3128, 3152 and 3173.

Two cases of COVID-19 remain active in regional Victoria - both in Greater Shepparton. There are 98 active cases in metropolitan Melbourne. The number of active cases has increased by two compared to Saturday.

Eight healthcare workers have an active case of COVID-19, while four people connected to aged care currently have the virus.

Seven people across Victoria are still hospitalised with the infection, but none are in intensive care.

Non-aged care outbreaks with the highest number of active cases include:

  • Eastern Health Box Hill Hospital outbreak (five active cases, total of 15)
  • South-eastern community cluster (four active cases, total of nine)

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