

This was published 3 years ago


Traditionally a day for the faithful, on this Sunday Daniel Andrews prays for time

Timing is everything for a politician with a critical announcement to make.

But the novel coronavirus doesn’t care a fig about timing, consigning a clearly exasperated Daniel Andrews and millions of citizens of Melbourne to an extended period of pain, fear and loathing.

The new uncertainty caused by the sudden outbreak in infections in Melbourne’s northern suburbs over recent days comes at the most consequential moment imaginable.

No changes: Daniel Andrews was unable to announce an easing of restrictions on Sunday.

No changes: Daniel Andrews was unable to announce an easing of restrictions on Sunday.Credit: Getty Images

Melbourne’s thousands of businesses and vast numbers of workers rely on end-of-year, pre-Christmas trade.

Christmas is just two months away. For many businesses – perhaps most – ruin or survival is now a difference in days before they can resume trading.


The hope that those crucial days might be brought forward from November 1 – previously the date promised by Andrews' "road map" – has now all but evaporated, despite the Premier talking of "a cautious pause" that was, somewhat absurdly, "not a setback".

Andrews, who has placed himself at the centre of Victorian’s entire COVID-19 saga – and thus has made himself a political target for disaffection – knows his fortunes are running low, and his dark mood during his media conference on Sunday made it clear.

His official statement made it clearer: "We are so close – so close – to beating this thing. I’m asking each of you: keep going. Dig deep. Stay strong."


It was a pleading following a weekend of textbook telegraphing that bad news was likely.

But the virus is withholding the mercy of time, causing a growing number of Victorians, who have already displayed astonishing forbearance through the long winter and into the spring, to grow more than agitated.

The weekend’s Age/Ipsos poll revealed that Andrews and his administration still had a store of support for most of the state’s lockdown restrictions, though patience with the continuing closure of restaurants and retail stores was clearly running short.

But that poll reflected the feelings of Victorians when expectation was high that the Premier was preparing to announce significant easing of restrictions on Sunday.

He had signalled only a week previously, on Sunday, October 18, that good news could be brought forward if the rate of new infections continued falling.

The numbers played along for most of the week. Restaurateurs stocked up and called in staff.

That was then.

Now, as a frustrated Andrews declared on a new Sunday, everything relies on the result of tests sitting in laboratories and yet to be taken. He needed to know there was "no bushfire burning out there". Just a few more days, he asked.

"Victorians have given too much, done too much, sacrificed too much, to make a decision now."


By also announcing significant new freedoms in regional and rural Victoria, Andrews was effectively holding out to Melburnians what might lie ahead of them … if only they held the line a bit longer.

In the regions, people could exercise at the gym, swim in indoor pools, eat in food courts and listen to live music while dining outdoors. School graduation ceremonies would be permitted, religious gatherings for 20 plus a faith leader could be held indoors and 50 people could attend funerals outdoors – unthinkable privileges for those locked down in metropolitan Melbourne.

Sunday, of course, is traditionally a day for the faithful. Andrews can only pray now that there are enough of his faithful still believing in his cautious approach to grant him those few more days, and that the virus doesn’t have an altogether different timetable.

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