

This was published 10 months ago

Victoria has the biggest debt and least ability to repay it


Credit: Illustration: Megan Herbert

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Victoria is literally banking on a recovery in consumer spending over the next financial year. This will lift GST takings and general state taxes and income tax particularly, (“State getting out of debt depends on your wallet”, 12/5).
But wait a minute. The Reserve Bank is unlikely to cut interest rates any time soon, since Australians generally are spending too much, and the CPI rise is still too high. So, Victorians are unlikely to open their wallets to fix Victoria’s state budget any time soon.
Victoria’s debt is $156.2 billion, the highest of any state in Australia. At 32 per cent of the total Australian state debt of $900 billion, Victoria leads the pack.
Victoria’s credit rating, set by rating agencies, S and P and Moody’s, was reduced in 2020 from AAA to AA1. The credit rating was further reduced in 2022 from AA1 to AA2. Victoria now has the lowest credit rating of any Australian state or territory. Victoria’s debt bill within the state budget is likely to rise further.
Yet, it is not the size of Victoria’s debt that is the real worry. Victoria has, far and away, the lowest ability of all Australian states to pay back its debt. Victoria’s debt is approaching one-quarter of Victoria’s gross state product (GSP) – on which Victoria bases its taxes and revenue. By comparison, back in 2000 Victoria’s net debt was only 1.2 per cent of GSP.
Repaying principal, and paying interest on debt at the higher interest rates of today, will severely limit Victoria’s future budgetary recurrent and capital expenditure.
Victoria’s ability to marshal real resources, which allows it to buy or produce, will be severely curtailed. Victoria will need to await lower interest rates and get its debt under control, before it borrows more and spends up big on infrastructure projects, new or old.
If Victoria’s credit rating slips even lower, Victorian vehicle number plates should read ‘Victoria, the bankrupt state,’ and ‘Victoria, the place not to be.’
Geoff Black, Frankston

A ‘rebound in household spending’ coming. Really?
Did the Allan government really think, in formulating the Victorian budget, that there would “be a strong rebound in household spending over the coming year”, (“State getting out of debt depends on your wallet”, 12/5)?
Or did it look around at reality and then have some doubts? With millions of Australian households under mortgage stress brought on by interest rates much higher than they had been led to expect, a spending rebound seems highly unlikely.
Either way, it’s hard to say what’s worse – a government prepared to misrepresent facts it knows about, for political convenience, or one that proceeds blindly ignoring facts and believing its own bulldust.
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills

The state of deja vu
The economic death throes of the Andrews/Allan government are very reminiscent of the 1990s Cain/Kirner era when Victoria was more than $42 billion in debt, lost the State Bank, and the Pyramid Building Society collapsed.
The state was in such economic trouble that it took the drastic action of incoming Jeff Kennett to reverse the trend. Kennett’s actions, although successful, further cost the state dearly, and we still suffer from that period today.
Alan Williams, Port Melbourne

More housing alone won’t solve the crisis
The development of a mid-sized apartment block next door to us in Footscray was completed months ago, but half its apartments remain vacant. All were bought off the plan when it went on the market. Now two are back on the market, and only some have people living in them. This busts open the myth that building more housing will solve the housing crisis. As long as we see housing as a means of building wealth, we can never satisfy an insatiable appetite.
Marika Fengler, Footscray


Dutton’s laxity
It is a case of very satisfying schadenfreude. Over the last week, we have seen a furious Dutton fulminating against the Labor Party and blaming it for a lax immigration system when an asylum seeker allegedly brutally bashed a woman in Perth, (“Second accused basher freed under Dutton”, 11/5). Now that Dutton is shown to have been equally lax while in power, I await his shamed apology for both the attack and the hysteria he tried to direct at Labor.
Judy Hungerford, Kew


Dutton’s credibility
Peter Dutton’s credibility in relation to released refugees is in tatters with the news yesterday that he released a refugee named Seyed Tahimi while he was minister for Home Affairs in 2020. He was under no political pressure to release him but after an internal assessment by his office he was deemed not to be a danger to the community. Yet, he was, as he was involved in allegedly a vicious senseless attack of an elderly woman, Ninette Simons, in the northern suburbs of Perth.
We already know that another released refugee, Majid Doukoshkan released after a High Court decision, was also allegedly involved in this attack. Peter Dutton went ballistic over this attack and blamed Labor for releasing him. Well, now Dutton is equally culpable for the attack.
The bigger problem for Dutton, unlike Labor, was he was not under any political pressure, Labor was. Whenever he talks about Labor’s failures he is drawing attention to his own failings. He will be laughed at and called out.
John Rome, Mt Lawley, WA

Albanese’s sensible centre
While Peter Dutton and the Liberal Party doggedly throw support firmly behind Israel and its far-right government, and the Greens unswervingly backs Palestine, the Albanese Labor government stands in the sensible centre on an issue that is neither black nor white.
For some, this is seen as not enough for some and too much for the other. Albanese can’t seem to win, whatever path he’s perceived to be taking. Like most issues in the Middle East, it’s complicated and no one wins, whatever “wins” means. Oh, for a world without religion.
Philip West, Jan Juc

Chalmers’ net challenge
Peter Hartcher reviews the budget, with a brief reference to the perennial elephant in the room - long term carbon emissions (“Chalmer’s test: nail the landing”, 11/5). Of course, the budget focus is on short-term action on inflation and cost of living, given the impact on Australians plus (of course) next year’s election. But the overall economic landing depends squarely on the unfolding climate crisis.
The Future Made in Australia plan rates a mention, and should be legislated around reducing emissions. For example, what extra carbon will be created by retaining a significant ongoing amount of gas? How will it impact our promised targets for 2030?
You can sympathise with Labor, who have to reach net zero after years of inaction by the previous LNP government. But Jim Chalmers should plan the current budget and future economic development with net zero the ultimate goal.
John Hughes, Mentone

Cash still king
Re ‘Money’ columnist Bec Wilson’s article, ″⁣Cash is dead. Why are we still pretending it isn’t?″⁣, 12/5.
The major banks certainly want this to happen. It is much cheaper for them if we all use electronic or online banking; no money to count, store and move securely.
I use online banking apps and I have credit and debit cards which I use frequently, but I continue to use cash because I refuse to pay a surcharge to use either my credit or debit cards. Until cash becomes either illegal, or the banks stop being greedy, I will continue to use cash.
Janice Merrett, Seaford

Cash still needed
I strongly disagree with Bec Wilson. Cash is still needed. A small income can be difficult to manage without it.
Here, we buy our vegies from a local farmer, our clothes from the little fund-raising op shop, and gifts from children’s stalls or cottage industries. When the internet is down, or the electricity is out, (in increasing extreme weather), we can still make some essential transactions until normality returns.
And I can’t use Square to give financial assistance to a homeless person sitting on the street. The possible absence of cash fills me with fear for our vulnerable, which, as it happens, are not the people making the country’s banking decisions.
Tara Falconer, Cressy, Tas

Museum behaviour
Alan Atwood’s article, (“Why I won’t go to the NGV’s Pharaoh”, 11/5), is justified in his deep misgivings about the historic desecration of historic gravesites underpinning the NGV’s imminent blockbuster ‘Pharaoh’ exhibition. The display of artefacts associated with rituals around death is arguably, in 2024, meretricious.
In the same edition of The Age, the historian Cassandra Pybus’ examination of how the skulls and skeletal remains of Indigenous Tasmanians were exhumed from burial sites over the last century or so, and subject to autopsies and dismemberment, is reviewed. Although less grandiose and monumental in nature, compared with the sarcophagi of the pharaohs, the bones of the mistakenly described ‘last Tasmanian Aboriginal’ Truganini packed away in an apple case, together with her skull being put on display well into the 2oth century, point to the modus operandi of French tomb raiders in Egypt during the Napoleonic era as having been morally equivalent in its heinousness to the so-called ‘gentlemen collectors’ once roving Tasmania.
On this topic, the recent ‘Titanic’ exhibition at the Melbourne Museum, although superbly curated, was for me disconcerting in what might be termed its voyeuristic tendency in relation to the possessions of the ship’s now deceased passengers occurring just over a century ago.
Jon McMillan, Mount Eliza

Journalistic behaviour
Leunig’s lovely oxygen-creating award-winning autumn leaf (Spectrum, 11/5) is the perfect illustration for Kerrie O’Brien’s article on Walkley Award winner Laura Tingle’s delivery of the John Button Oration on the topic of discerning the significant in public discourse and the media (“Debate corroded under Howard: Tingle”, 11/5).
Tingle’s optimism that journalists and broadcasters are capable, despite the financial pressure to just “run with the pack”, of discerning what readers and viewers need to know will only prove justified, if readers and viewers also contribute by sifting the rarer gold of the wheat from the mountains of chaff.
Ruth Farr, Blackburn South

Tongue tie options
I am writing as a mother from the 1990s. My baby was not gaining weight, and I was referred to a day clinic to observe baby and mother. It was noted by a wonderful medical person that baby was presenting a “clicking” sound whilst feeding. An explanation followed describing ‘tongue ties’. I asked what were my options, and the answer was “none”.
However, this lovely person was able to pass a name and number under my sheet (it felt like this was illegal...yes indeed).
I contacted the person and arranged a meeting. The medical person confirmed it was a ‘tongue tie’. This person was able to perform the procedure on the spot.
I was to made comfortable to feed while my husband went behind the screen with our three-week-old. The person snipped the tie, and then placed the baby directly on to me for breastfeeding.
There were no screams, tears, blood or trauma from any parties. My child grew up with no speech impediments and no trauma.
The options are not always going to be for you, but a choice should be available.
Sharon Armstrong, Northcote

Stop parent bashing
In response to your correspondents (Letters, 11/5), give parents a break. In fact, I will go as far as to invite all mothers to make a nice “cuppa”, take five deep breaths, and repeat the mantra, I am a good enough mother”.
There is no driver’s manual to prepare for the emotional rollercoaster that comes with being a parent. It is just hard, and sometimes it sucks being one. If you are among the 5-7 per cent of parents who raise a neurodivergent child, you have really hit the jackpot with the degree of parenting struggles.
Many of these children hold their social masks so tightly at school, only to arrive home completely burned-out and exhausted. The emotional and behavioural challenges, occurring in over 75 percent of neurodivergent children are more likely with their safest adult (you!).
Your empathy, patience, and resilience are rarely acknowledged or appreciated. If you continue showing up for your child, your parenting is good enough.
Saga Arthursson, psychologist, Reservoir

Ranking obsession
We appear to have become a society obsessed with ranking and rating all life matters including the performance of our prime minister to the local postie, and in particular the performing arts.
Your masthead review practice of star-rating the complex performance world of plays, ballets, musicals and operas is simplistic and misleading. Re your recent review (10/5) of the opening performance of Melbourne Opera’s ‘Lucia di Lammermoor’ season, I attended this performance but, unlike your reviewer, I found Elena Xanthoudakis’ performance in the key role of the troubled Lucia vocally and physically highly convincing.
We can all have differing opinions but to reduce a review to a star rating is unnecessary.
David Cramond, Mornington


Next time Australia enters Eurovision, we should send a quiet, introverted singer with an acoustic guitar, to sing a gentle, heartfelt, melodic love song. They could bow politely and smile humbly at the end. The audience would be blown away.
Chris Wilson, Poowong

When aspiring treasurer Angus Taylor was asked (ABC Insiders, 12/5) for his recommendations to improve Australia’s current economic situation, his best was to refer to former treasurer Peter Costello’s “fiscal guard rails”. No new ideas Mr Taylor?
Jane Dezilwa, Bentleigh

Australia doesn’t have to go broke making stuff against stuff made cheaper elsewhere, but needs to know how to make stuff and do it quickly, should the need arise.
Graeme Montague, South Yarra

Matt Golding’s cartoon (Letters, 12/5) is true. Mother Earth gives us all we need, and we humans must protect her from climate extremes of heat and fires, by ending fossil fuels and speeding renewable energy.
Barbara Fraser, Burwood

Is the irony lost on Melbourne city councillors who object to the “Great Wall of the Docklands”, (9/5), with a trio of towers proposed for the Marvel Stadium site, but approve and profit from a more massive three-tower Lendlease construction barricading the Queen Vic Market from the CBD?
Bob Evans, Melbourne

I enjoyed Claire Heaney’s article about her Tigers family (″⁣I know which footy team my family supports’, 12/5). However, the author could have saved a lot of angst by not entering into a mixed marriage. This formula has worked excellently in our family for generations.
Graeme Gardner, Reservoir

Richmond supporters should look on the one positive aspect of the Tigers’ season. They may have won only one game so far, but that was the only game the top team, the Swans, have lost.
Tony O’Brien, South Melbourne

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