

This was published 6 months ago

‘It’s not always easy’: Why this Army nurse can’t stop studying

Essential reading for anyone thinking about investing in their careers with further study.See all 10 stories.

Welcome to The Third Degree, a column in which we ask postgraduate students to answer all the big questions about education, work and life, from how much time they spend studying to what (if anything) they wish they could change.

Lieutenant Colonel Kylie Hasse

Lieutenant Colonel Kylie Hasse studies 10-15 hours per week while also working as part of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps.

Lieutenant Colonel Kylie Hasse studies 10-15 hours per week while also working as part of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps.Credit: Marija Ercegovac

Age: 42

Currently studying: Masters of Healthcare Leadership at Southern Cross University, expected completion 2024

Previous studies: Bachelor of Nursing, Queensland University of Technology, graduated 2005; Post Grad Cert of Emergency Nursing 2012 – UTAS; Post grad Dip of Aeromedical Retrieval 2016 - JCU; Post Grad Cert of Military and Defence Studies 2023, Deakin.

Have you paid off your HELP debt? Yes, I began paying back HECs in my first year of being employed as a nurse.

Are you also working? I am the Commanding Officer 4th Health Battalion (Lieutenant Colonel) in the Australian Army, part of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps.

How many hours of study do you do a week? 10-15 hours

Estimated cost of your postgraduate studies: I am the recipient of the Chief Executive Women/Bonnie Boezeman AO Leadership in Nursing scholarship at Southern Cross University which covers my tuition for the master’s degree.


Why did you embark on postgrad studies?

As a nurse I feel we are always looking at upskilling or completing professional development. I think I like that you are sometimes consolidating your experience with theory or completing new information. I don’t think it was a plan as such but just a constant as part of my progression throughout my career.

Did you take on postgrad studies to help your job prospects?

Yes. I felt that along with my experiences that postgraduate studies was a good way to show theoretically and academically your skills in another way.

What’s the juggle like between your postgrad studies and other aspects of life?

From the time I left school I feel I have been is some state of study. If I haven’t been studying as part of my position in the Australian Army we are always completing Professional Military Education. I think that friends and family will often comment about the commitment to studying. Being able to juggle it all is not for everyone. It’s also not an easy thing to balance with all of life’s competing priorities. Juggling study, children and a full-time job has its challenges!

Lieutenant Colonel Kylie Hasse says being a nurse often involves upskilling.

Lieutenant Colonel Kylie Hasse says being a nurse often involves upskilling.

Is there any social life at uni for postgrad students?

As an undergraduate, I certainly remember the great social life associated with uni. Now that I am a matured aged student and a mother, these social aspects to studying at uni are not really a priority.

What are the best and worst aspects of returning to study?


The balance between all the competing priorities is one of the hardest aspects to uni. One of the best aspects is the networking with like-minded professionals. Even with a majority online learning environment these days the university creates online chat forums where you can chat and ask each other questions.

Are there any aspects of postgrad studies that you regret or wish you could change?

Not really – it would be great for a period of time to not have to juggle all your priorities and just study, but I think you then just miss out on consolidating some of your learning in physical practice.

When do you think is the best time to begin postgrad studies?

When you know what you want to get out of it and why. Usually I have found when you intrinsically understand your why, aspects such as juggling family, work and study aren’t as cumbersome. Only you can put in the hard yards to study, so the best time is when you are ready.

Do you feel like you are getting value for money?

Yes, I have always found it to have interesting content and it enables you to garner different views on aspects of your role – or a completely new one!

What advice would you give to others?

Know that it’s not always easy - if it was, everyone would do it. Persistence is key and also being kind on yourself when trying to motivate yourself to open that textbook/lecture at the end of a long day at work.

What do you hope to achieve after you finish your postgrad studies?

I hope to have a greater understanding about health care leadership and systems. For me in the Australian Army, understanding a civilian view on this is thought-provoking and helps me to better my leadership skills.

Interview by Jada Susas

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