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Pharmacist Ann Duraid Shwaita had no trouble finding a job after her studies.

The university degrees most likely to land graduates a job

Not all undergraduate degrees are equal when it comes to finding work after university.

The cost of certain university degrees has got me rethinking what I should study.

As a year 12 student, I dream of doing an arts degree. The price could be a lifetime of debt

I’ve been working towards studying arts for two years. But now as I prepare my university preferences, the reality of how much debt I could be saddled with has me thinking twice.

  • by Saria Ratnam
Illustration: Simon Letch

Australian students could be the real victims of international caps

Without top 100 rankings, we lose our reputation as a place of high-quality education. Without that, things quickly snowball for locals wanting an education.

  • by Waleed Aly
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Post-Graduate Study


The university degrees most likely to land graduates a job

The university degrees most likely to land graduates a job

Not all undergraduate degrees are equal when it comes to finding work after university.

  • by Bridie Smith
Australian students could be the real victims of international caps

Australian students could be the real victims of international caps

Without top 100 rankings, we lose our reputation as a place of high-quality education. Without that, things quickly snowball for locals wanting an education.

  • by Waleed Aly
VCE Guide 2024

VCE Guide 2024

Expert tips to help you do your best in this year’s exams.

10 stories
$45,000 savings and a dream job: Hannah did Year 12 differently

$45,000 savings and a dream job: Hannah did Year 12 differently

If it hadn’t been for the chance to take a non-traditional route at school, Hannah Valenti’s life may have turned out differently.

  • by Elissa Doherty
Two days a week, Lavena swaps schoolwork for metalwork

Two days a week, Lavena swaps schoolwork for metalwork

No ATAR, no problem: more Year 12 students than ever before are combining their studies with vocational training like apprenticeships.

  • by Elissa Doherty
‘Section A is vital’: how VCE assessors mark exams

‘Section A is vital’: how VCE assessors mark exams

VCE exams can be intimidating, but they are deliberately designed to give students the chance to show off their learning.

  • by Anders Furze

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