

This was published 8 months ago

Interchange makers: show us your workings

In view of what has transpired, the NSW state government has to publish the traffic modelling that must have been done at the time the now-notorious Rozelle Interchange was being designed (“Traffic fixes drive congestion up road”, February 2). Either it did show that there would be the problems that are now being experienced (as it clearly should have) and that this was ignored for political reasons, or it showed that everything would run smoothly (in which case something was obviously wrong).

Either way, not only is the public entitled to know, but someone must be held responsible for this appalling situation, which was foreshadowed, incidentally, by many before the interchange was constructed and billions spent on what is proving to be perhaps the biggest transport infrastructure white elephant ever in Sydney. Harvey Sanders, Paddington

City-bound motorists were backed up on Victoria Road after the Gladesville Bridge just after 9am on Thursday.

City-bound motorists were backed up on Victoria Road after the Gladesville Bridge just after 9am on Thursday.Credit: Rhett Wyman

I’m baffled by complaints about the Rozelle Interchange. By directing traffic into Transurban’s “cash funnels” it is doing exactly what it was intended to. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, surely? Graeme Gee, Telopea

WestConnex was built, at great taxpayer expense, to serve the interests of the private toll road operator. It was never going to solve traffic issues, but rather stimulate more car use. How shocking that the then coalition government, and Labor in opposition, supported it. Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park

Good luck with fixing the traffic shemozzle at Rozelle. Having dealt with Transport for NSW for more than 30 years, my advice to residents is be aware it is a slow-moving, unaccountable, high-handed, well-funded, reactionary organisation dismissive of the public, expert at divide and conquer responses, founded on a “might is right” approach and justified by a so-called statutory duty to goodness knows who. Prepare for a long, slow haul. Graham Short, Cremorne

There is nothing unusual about the traffic congestion shown on Victoria Road just past Lyons Road, Drummoyne. The situation has been like this for decades. What is striking about the photo is the bus lane; save for a car, presumably turning left into Edwin Street, is empty. Where are the buses?
While the emphasis remains on car travel and priority is not given to a massive improvement in public transport, traffic flow along Victoria Road in particular, with nowhere to go if you turn off, will never improve. Tony Everett, Wareemba


Our correspondent’s concern at the disincentive of ferry and bus fares for Balmain peninsula commuters is actually a strong argument for an Anzac Bridge toll. The Harbour Bridge and tunnel tolls ensure lower north shore commuters make economically sensible commuting decisions. Michael Britt, MacMasters Beach

Gee, this kerfuffle and all the “tweaks” to the Rozelle Interchange might have been avoidable if successive state governments had improved our public transport infrastructure. Instead, during peak business hours, travellers are left with the options of clogged auto arteries, outdated and unreliable buses, trains and ferries and overcrowded pedestrian walkways. Third-world scenario in an alleged developed country. Frederick Jansohn, Rose Bay

Governments must build to solve housing crisis

Despite being a debt-free Baby Boomer, I’m not defending negative gearing (Letters, February 2). I can’t watch as more people become homeless, families are stretched beyond limits with mortgages they can’t afford and tenants pay unimaginable rents for poor-quality homes. If supply is to be increased, the federal and state governments need to return to building social housing now and they must not leave it to developers. A real increase in social housing supply that does not need to attract a profit will stabilise rents and housing prices. And funding for building can come from reduced tax breaks for property investors with more than a few properties. Penny Ryan, Marrickville

The change in the stage 3 tax cuts is a sensible compromise. A prescient and brave leader would consider a Hawke-inspired Accord, gathering all concerned parties to review all the issues. It is only with all those affected parties’ contributions, including big business, consumer representatives, the states and possibly the opposition that there is any hope for genuine, effective and viable change. Otherwise, we are left with a steam engine in an EV age. Rowan Godwin, Rozelle

Bob Hawke and Paul Keating at the 1985 tax summit; Anthony Albanese and Jim Chalmers 38 years later.

Bob Hawke and Paul Keating at the 1985 tax summit; Anthony Albanese and Jim Chalmers 38 years later.

In the wake of the stage 3 tax cuts rejig, a wider discourse about taxation has begun once again. Sitting front and centre in these public debates is the idea of indexing personal income tax rates to eliminate bracket creep. Without indexation, governments of the day are able to stealthily increase their revenue without the opprobrium of legislative changes. Periodically, they can then generously return some, but never all, of that extra money in (usually) pre-election tax cuts. It’s no surprise that governments pay lip service to the idea before dismissing it. Alan Phillips, Mosman


Real tax reform will not occur until both the government and opposition are prepared to jointly pursue the agenda. We know exactly what would happen if the Albanese government was to propose the extensive reform needed; the model is the 2019 campaign run by Scott Morrison to destroy the possibility of a Shorten-led government. We will have to await a Coalition that believes the reform agenda is more important than winning office, like the way it handled the economic reforms of the Hawke/Keating government. The Labor Party has a long history of glorious failure when prioritising intellectual purity over practical politics and this served neither the party nor the nation well. Ross Hannah, Bowral

Complaint out of bounds

There are so many things wrong here (“Heiress hits out at Bondi golf club”, February 2). Bondi golf course has been operating for over 80 years and has the right to continue as a public golf course. Legal representation for a council complaint issue could be seen as intimidating; surely this could be negotiated between resident and council via the normal processes. The solution is obvious: if you are worried about golf balls, don’t buy next to a golf course. Mark Nugent, Lugarno

Orna Triguboff’s house at North Bondi/Ben Buckler

Orna Triguboff’s house at North Bondi/Ben Buckler

If Orna Triguboff doesn’t want golf balls in the backyard of her property, she should not have bought next to a golf course. There is a trade-off; green space behind your property or houses. Which would she prefer? Pam Wood, McMahons Point

Oh my God! Stray golf balls in the backyard! Will the suffering of the rich never cease? Bob Holland, North Ryde

So someone moves next door to a golf course and then complains when a few balls land in her backyard. Pretty much par for the course in this NIMBY society. Col Burns, Lugarno


Here’s the modus operandi. Fire off numerous letters of protest. Employ a few lawyers to threaten. Enlist the services of the golf course-closing crusader NSW premier so eventually the course is closed and the land is put up for sale. Bought by a developer for upmarket housing and voila, mission accomplished. A bit Machiavellian? Cornelius van der Weyden, Balmain East

Secret political donation system is eroding public trust

Thank goodness Kate Chaney has put together the “Restoring The Trust” private members bill to finally deal with the distortions that plague our political system (“Will the Albanese government embed a dark money duopoly or restore trust with Australians?”, February 1). How can we claim to live in a democracy when some of these unelected influencers can bend an ear or arrange a contra deal? If their objective was “for the good for the nation” then it should be obtained via logic and sound policy and be transparent in its benefits. Both major parties have the opportunity to stop this rotten system now and prove that they are in the parliament for the benefit of all Australians, not just special interest groups. Ian Ferrier, Long Jetty

Independent MP Kate Chaney.

Independent MP Kate Chaney.Credit: James Brickwood

It is obvious that companies and wealthy individuals see an advantage in donating large amounts to political parties and to pressure groups (“Big donors cash spend on climate”, February 2). If there was no advantage they simply would not spend money in this way. The problem remains though that financial leverage, for whichever side, should not be allowed to influence decisions about the future of this country. This means we need to cease political donations altogether. Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

Food for thought

How to make teaching even less desirable as a profession (“Warning over diet trigger words”, February 2). In a broad-sweeping response to the prevalence of anorexia, teachers now have to remove a sizeable lexicon of useful words that describe the nutritional qualities of food. A professor suggests that instead of focusing on “good” and “bad” foods, students should be taught how to listen to their hunger cues and “develop a positive relationship with food”.


So how do you develop a positive relationship with food without an understanding of what foods contribute to “balanced nutrition” and why? Surely this can be done without activities that promote size and weight stigma and which may encourage poor relationships with food, such as obsessively counting calories and Body Mass Indexes.

We all have triggers. However, wiping out a vocabulary of useful words makes the linguistic gymnastics ever more onerous for teachers. Perhaps students could be helped off their addiction to useless and often dangerous “influencers” on social media, from which much of the body image dysfunction arises. Peter Thompson, Grenfell

Nearly two-thirds of Australian adults in 2022 were overweight or obese and only 1.6 per cent were underweight. Are we in danger of throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Lois Hudson, Thornleigh

Vale Michael Egan

Labor at the state and federal levels is accused by political opponents of not managing the economy well – and people seem to believe it (“Michael Egan, NSW’s longest-serving treasurer, dies aged 75”, February 2). But apart from being the longest-serving treasurer of the NSW Labor government, the late Michael Egan managed to eliminate net government debt and achieved budget surpluses. He was an intelligent, decent, hard-working, publicity-averse politician who had Labor values instilled in him with one eye always on social responsibility, and his budgets helped the most vulnerable in society. Vale. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Michael Egan

Michael Egan Credit: Fairfax

Vale Michael Egan AO, treasurer of NSW from 1995 to 2005. A diligent, disciplined and dedicated steward of our state’s finances. NSW was very well served by Treasurer Egan. Cecilia Hannon, Bathurst


Developers win

The folks on the North Shore are going to be “devastated” by increased housing density (“North shore confronts housing plan”, February 2)? Instead of impending doom, I hope they enjoy the new neighbours, who might bring new life and colour into these rather dull suburbs. Earl White, Rosehill

A flyer handed out by the Friends of Ku-ring-gai Environment group about the government’s planned housing changes.

A flyer handed out by the Friends of Ku-ring-gai Environment group about the government’s planned housing changes.

The Minns government needs to be reminded that Pittwater is already under siege from developers after the forced council amalgamation opened the floodgates. Now the Minns government wants to go further and blanket the area with high rise with no avenue for public oversight. Pittwater is on a peninsula – there’s one narrow road in and out. When a bushfire ignites, residents will be trapped in traffic gridlock trying to escape. Has government learnt nothing from climate change and its impacts? Who benefits from this proposal? Not the local residents, not the environment, not the rest of Sydney, not first home buyers. Prices will be in the millions. Could it be developers? Anna Maria Monticelli, Palm Beach

Fair bet

Would it not make more sense, given the obvious conflict of interest, for the proposed gambling officers to be employed by the government or an NGO, rather than by the facilities themselves (“New gambling officers set for late pub patrol”, February 2)? Lewis Kaplan, Birchgrove

Single-sex schools

The accepted translation of the Newington College motto is “to your faith add knowledge”, to which some old boys would seem to want a clarifying addendum stating “knowledge, but not about girls.” Trevor Somerville, Illawong

Newington going co-ed is not necessarily some kind of victory for feminism. My feminist mother sent all three of her girls to different girls schools so that they could make their own ways independent of each other and get an education free from boys. Two were selective public schools, one was private. Her views were formed from her own experiences at school and as a high school teacher. She considered teenage boys to be fundamentally disruptive and predisposed to bullying, and that girls were more mature in their teenage years. Her girls deserved an education in their own right and it was not their job to civilise the boys at the expense of their education. All three went on to university and conquered the male of the species with ease. There is a place for single sex schools. Paul Davies, Crows Nest

It is interesting to note that except for the government’s encouragement/pressure for public schools to be co-ed, the girls’ private schools are not going down the same path as the boys’. Is it because they know that girls perform better in single-sex schools and boys in co-ed?
Paul Lamour, Padstow Heights

Less work is more

I hope that one of the reforms to be discussed by the Senate industrial relations committee will be the reduction of the working week to four days (“Laws to stop bosses contacting workers after hours up for debate”, February 2). It’s 75 years since we cut back to five days, with employer groups complaining it would ruin our economy, but it actually grew. With the dramatic changes in technology it’s about time we reviewed the eventuality of reducing our working week. It’s already working successfully within many companies throughout the world, and even here. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

Last call for the Powerhouse

Please don’t close the Powerhouse (Letters, January 30). The current exhibition; 1001 Remarkable Objects, including the amazing mousetrap-making invention, glorious ceramics and lights and Paul Keating’s suit, should be on permanent display. For those who make these decisions that threaten the museum’s existence, I urge you to see this show. Hurry - last days! Vicki Varvaressos, Lane Cove

Home aircraft

Qantas this week offered Frequent Flyer members two adjoining premium economy class seats for 490,000 points. These seats aren’t on an aircraft - they’re for sitting on at home. The airline warns they are not new and show signs of wear and tear. Just the thing for armchair travel, I guess. Chris Black, Annandale


What concerns me more than all the backstabbing, shoring up numbers, false allegiances etc in the ABC’s Nemesis (Letters, February 2) is the enormous waste of taxpayers money and time. This time should be devoted to the work they were elected to do - working on the important issues in our country. Danina Anderson, Newport

Fangs Cathy

I must confess my appreciation for the Cathy Wilcox birthday recognition of Medicare. Fangs, (not a lot) Cathy! I enjawed the nostalgia! Doug McLaughlin, Bonnet Bay

Fangless forty.

Fangless forty.Credit: Cathy Wilcox


“In the ’80s when my daughter was in year 12 her economics teacher referred to Ross Gittins so often and with such enthusiasm, she thought they must have been married”. This week’s letter from Tom Duley is the funniest of all the missives we’ve received in the past couple of days, after we published a call-out for letters about our revered economics editor, Ross Gittins. Next Wednesday, the 50th anniversary of his first column on these pages, we will devote the entire Letters pages to a celebration of Ross.

Several economics teachers have written in to say that his twice-weekly columns formed handy educational aides - Jeanmaree Sexton said that the highlight of her teaching career was being presented with Ross Gittins’ autograph.

Ross grew up in Newcastle; his father was a Salvation Army Major and Ross has never lost his passion for social justice. A former accountant, he covered his first mini-budget lockup in 1974 and from then on, no government has escaped analysis - he anoints Keating, Costello, and Swan as his three best treasurers.

Elsewhere, the readers have been busy analysing PM Albanese’s changes to the proposed stage 3 tax cuts, with many despairing at the way it has become a political football. Lawson’s David Rush wrote, “is it too late to expect people to consider what is best for the country as a whole rather than just what benefits them now?”

And will those pesky girls ever get through the sandstone gates of Newington College? Annandale’s Robyn Bernstein wrote “Newington parents and old boys ask, ‘Why, after 160 years?’ Because it’s not 1864”. Margot Saville, Deputy letters editor

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