

This was published 8 months ago

Laws to stop bosses contacting workers after hours up for debate

By Angus Thompson

Workers would be able to tell their bosses to stop making unreasonable contact after hours under a slew of workplace changes to be debated next week that key crossbenchers have already flagged will need major alterations to win their support.

Independent senators David Pocock and Jacqui Lambie have detailed extensive concerns with the remainder of Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke’s Closing Loopholes legislation, with the former calling for a list of changes including safeguards to a proposed “right to disconnect”.

Workers would be given a right to disconnect under legislation to be debated in parliament next week.

Workers would be given a right to disconnect under legislation to be debated in parliament next week.Credit: Stock

A Labor-chaired Senate committee set up to scrutinise the broad industrial changes recommended on Thursday including the right in industry awards and enterprise agreements and empowering the Fair Work Commission to force employers to comply.

“There was broad agreement amongst contributors to the committee’s inquiry that one aspect of work-life balance that needs to be protected in the modern industrial context is the right to disconnect from our workplaces outside regulated hours,” the committee report reads.

But in his own comments attached to the report, Pocock said while sensible guardrails needed to be applied to protect workers’ mental health in an increasingly digital world, the proposal had not been released for public discussion and could potentially be used “vexatiously”.


Burke announced in December that the government would legislate a right to disconnect after securing the support of the Greens, Pocock and Lambie to pass parts of the Closing Loopholes bill outlawing wage theft and ensuring labour-hire workers received pay parity with employed colleagues.

The right to disconnect is a workplace right in countries such as France and Germany and has been included in police and teacher enterprise agreements in Australia. But the scope of the change, which will be debated along with casual and gig worker rights next week, is still being negotiated as part of the Labor-Greens deal.

The Greens and government have declined to disclose the content of the negotiations, but Burke said there were many draft amendments being exchanged during the talks.


“The reality is we don’t yet have agreement from a majority of senators on the bill,” he said.

Employment lawyer Ian Neil SC said the right to disconnect was a “sleeper issue” in industrial law and part of a wider focus on working hours that included working from home and rostering, “which in my view will … probably be the major industrial issue in the foreseeable future”.

Senator David Pocock and Senator Jacqui Lambie have flagged major concerns about the government’s industrial reforms.

Senator David Pocock and Senator Jacqui Lambie have flagged major concerns about the government’s industrial reforms.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“The experience overseas has shown that top-down regulation of the right to disconnect hasn’t worked,” Neil said, adding many jurisdictions instead required individual workplaces to come up with suitable policies.

The government, which does not have a majority in the Senate, will need to rely on the Greens plus two more senators to pass its legislation.

Pocock said the right-to-disconnect provision should be released for consultation and strengthened to guard against misuse, amid a backlash from major business groups, with Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry head Andrew McKellar accusing the government of supporting an “extreme Greens proposal without consultation”.

“This sort of heavy-handed legislation risks taking Australia back to a rigid working environment that is undesirable for parents, especially women. This rigidity also undermines the case for working from home, which appeals to many employees with family responsibilities,” he said.


Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox said pushing a “last-minute proposal through parliament that deals with a novel matter and hasn’t been the subject of reasonable scrutiny would be a recipe for disaster”.

Pocock made 16 other recommendations regarding the wider changes that included deleting a legislated definition of an employee or at least delaying its start date; placing safeguards on the ability of unions to enter workplaces unannounced to investigate wage theft claims; and limiting the definition of contractors who can claim new protections for doing “employee-like” work, such as gig work.

In a dissenting report, Lambie said she was concerned the bill in its current form would have “significant economic consequences for businesses and employers”, including contributing to cost-of-living issues.

Lambie also said there was insufficient detail about the definition of “employee-like” conditions, intended to bolster the rights and pay of gig workers, the rights of union delegates to enter workplaces, and the new legislated definition of an employee.

But Greens senator and employment expert Barbara Pocock said: “Australia is a rich country and we need to ensure that everyone can have a decent life and be safe at work, with quality time away from work to care for others and relax with their friends and families.”

Coalition industrial relations spokeswoman Michaelia Cash said, “it’s not surprising the government is again lining up with the Greens to get their radical industrial relations agenda through the parliament”.

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