

This was published 1 year ago

Under-fire Gurner cuts his LinkedIn losses

By Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman

Even before Tim Gurner‘s mea culpa on Thursday, over his now-infamous comments at The Financial Review’s property summit two days earlier about “arrogant” modern workers, we thought we detected some signs of regret from the Rich List property developer and biohacker.

Tim Gurner’s LinkedIn account appears to have been deleted.

Tim Gurner’s LinkedIn account appears to have been deleted.Credit: John Shakespeare

Because it’s not surprising that even someone of Gurner’s undoubted confidence might be tested by the outpouring of outrage that greeted his talk.

We got in touch with Tim on Thursday, but his people made it clear he had nothing to add to his statement walking back the comments.

“My comments were deeply insensitive to employees, tradies and families across Australia who are affected by these cost-of-living pressures and job losses,” he said in his statement.

The signs were there.

Gurner’s LinkedIn account – where the property bro was copping plenty of heat this week – appeared to have been deleted by Thursday morning.

And LinkedIn posts from Gurner Group and Tim’s company Saint Haven had comments disabled, indicating those accounts, too, were feeling the heat.

We haven’t seen a LinkedIn pile-on before, but can boldly predict it wouldn’t be much fun.



Labor senator Tony Sheldon has little love for Qantas and its former chief executive Alan Joyce.

Sheldon, a former Transport Workers’ Union secretary, described the state Joyce left the company in as “disgraceful” following the Irishman’s early departure last week.

Senator Tony Sheldon (right) outside the High Court this week.

Senator Tony Sheldon (right) outside the High Court this week.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

And during Joyce’s fatally wounding appearance before the Senate last month, Sheldon asked the boss if he felt embarrassed about his astronomical pay packet.

But it seems Sheldon has softened somewhat on the embattled carrier since Joyce’s departure, because on Wednesday, the senator declared on the official parliamentary website a shareholding in ... Qantas.


Was Sheldon encouraged by the changing of the guard at Qantas, and hoping to diversify his portfolio? Not exactly. The senator enjoyed grilling Joyce so much he wanted a chance to go full shareholder activist and get stuck into new boss Vanessa Hudson at the November annual general meeting.

Sheldon is one of just three MPs who hasn’t taken up Qantas’ offer of membership to its exclusive Chairman’s Lounge.

But the recent bad press around the airline has led others to leave the lounge. On Thursday, Greens MP Elizabeth Watson-Brown cancelled her membership, and we’re tipping a few more MPs to follow suit.


Staying with Qantas for a moment, the low-key affair in Sydney we saw last week and strongly suspected to be a discreet send-off for Joyce isn’t going to be enough for some.

All aboard to the Alan’s last flight party.

All aboard to the Alan’s last flight party.Credit: Illustration: John Shakespeare

The Victorian/Tasmanian branch of the Transport Workers’ Union, flush with its High Court victory over those 2020 mass sackings from the airline, is planning a little something of its own.

The union is inviting one and all to its “Alan’s last flight” party at Trades Hall on Wednesday.

“TWU is throwing the biggest party following this historic judgment by the High Court ... and his long-awaited departure,” the invitation reads.

We hope they won’t be too disappointed if the man himself fails to front up.


Fox News’ legal woes continue.

Fox News’ legal woes continue.Credit: The Age

Lachlan Murdoch’s legal woes over Fox News’ reporting of the 2020 US presidential election appear to be never-ending.

The heir apparent to the global media empire controlled by his father Rupert Murdoch has been named in a fresh case against the right-wing network, filed by the pension funds of New York City teachers, firefighters and other municipal workers – with the state of Oregon’s employee pension fund as co-plaintiff – that have substantial Fox shareholdings.

The funds allege Lachlan – who is chief executive of Fox Corp – Rupert and other board members “consciously disregarded” the risk of defamation action, and the potential financial consequences, over claims about the election being stolen that were made by the network’s on-air presenters.


The case cites what the plaintiffs call “Fox’s illegal business model of pursuing profits by committing actionable defamation” and alleges “that the company undertook no good-faith efforts to monitor for or mitigate defamation risk”.

The result, according to the shareholders’ claim, lodged in the Delaware Court of Chancery, was the $1.2 billion settlement with voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems, and there’s another big case still in the works from another voting machine outfit, Smartmatic.

There are more cases on the go, and it’s hard to say where all this will end for Fox and the Murdochs. It makes Lachlan’s decision to settle his defamation action – and wear a $1.3 million legal bill – against local publisher Crikey over its views on Fox News’ conduct look more and more like the smarter move.

We approached Fox News’ HQ in New York for comment on Thursday, but did not hear back by deadline.

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