

This was published 1 year ago


Women were told we could have it all. Instead, we got a stale cupcake

There are problems in the world and then there is International Women’s Day, which comes around again on Wednesday. The sisterhood is angry and bored with it. It’s a day so well-intentioned and patronising that it might as well be a pat on the head during a high-stakes meeting.

The first and most pressing problem that comes to mind for most women around International Women’s Day each year is: “How do I wangle my way out of getting up at the crack of dawn to attend a 7am breakfast of cold scrambled eggs in some miserable hotel ballroom full of pink balloons?” Or: “Given I have a full day of work to get done, how many hours am I going to have to put in this evening to make up for the rubber-chicken lunch my company is throwing for my fanny?” And: “Is this stale cupcake all my life has amounted to?”

Is this stale cupcake all my life has amounted to?

Is this stale cupcake all my life has amounted to?Credit: iStock

If you’re a senior or prominent woman, you might also score an invitation to speak at an International Women’s Day event. But curb your enthusiasm because the gig will almost certainly be unpaid. And once you come off the stage, you will be accosted by a bevy of young women in desperate need of a mentor. Of course, you’ll want to help because young women do need mentors and often feel more comfortable with female ones. But given women make up just under 35 per cent of CEOs and key management personnel, to create an adequate pipeline of future talent, each woman would have to have at least two female mentees for every mentee a man takes on.

And of course, each mentorship reduces the time you have to realise your own ambitions.

If you’re in the audience of an International Women’s Day event, you might have been lucky enough to be jollied with an inspirational speech on being a “girl boss”. That’s not going to make the rubber chicken any easier to swallow. Trust me, as a boss and a woman, the very last thing I want any of my staff or clients thinking about as they are working with me is my lady bits. Competence would be right up there, along with intelligence, vision, leadership and empathy. And none of those things are unique to being a girl or a lady.


Alternatively, you might be treated to a rundown on the latest gender pay gap statistics. As though attending the events weren’t bad enough, they insist on insulting our analytical ability.

Any woman who’s made it into the senior ranks should be able to tell you what’s wrong with the way gender equality agencies frame their stats. Organisations such as Australia’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency add up all the salaries earned by men and women and then announce how much less in total women got paid. According to the agency’s latest calculations, it’s now 13.3 per cent less.

This is partly because there are female-dominated professions, such as nursing and teaching, that should be better paid. But even the agency admits it isn’t because women are paid less for doing the same job as a man.


So the persistent difference between men and women’s total earnings comes down to something more fundamental: personal choice. It’s important to recognise this to create better outcomes for women in later life. Many men and women design their entire lives and career choices around a family unit which includes children. Divorce settlements, if it comes to that, need to account for that implicit deal. That includes asset-splitting. This would be the best way to support women who take jobs with less responsibility or fewer hours because they pragmatically realise that “having it all” is a furphy.

While we’re at it, “having it all” is another trope that should be cut from the International Women’s Day line-up. If a woman is “having it all” – that is, kids and a kick-arse career – chances are there’s both childcare involved and a nanny at home. That’s other women, for the most part. Why don’t they get to “have it all”?

And if we’re not “having it all”, for instance, because the desired family didn’t eventuate, or the career isn’t so stellar, the International Women’s Day “all” is an annual kick in the guts about what it takes to be complete as a woman.

Those women who aren’t being guilted into attending some patronising event, are spending International Women’s Day doing twice the work. For instance, the nannies, mentioned above.

And the ABC likes to celebrate by creating all-female line-ups on its flagship shows, presumably giving the chaps the opportunity to put their feet up. Meanwhile, Champions of Change (until recently known as Male Champions of Change) provides an opportunity for men to burnish their CVs by turning gender equality into a form of corporate charity.


All this dressed up in the blare of pink that adorns International Women’s Day. “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’RE A GIRL,” it announces, like an annual late-life gender reveal.

Thanks, without your help, we’d never have figured it out. When complaints about the pink got loud enough, the invitations turned purple. But purple belongs to another hashtag day. So it’s back to the pink, ladies. We’re stuck with the colour, which feels sort of symbolic of the way we keep getting put back into our place, while we remain stuck with the problems that International Women’s Day pretends it’s solving.

Since it’s all that’s on offer, we might just as well eat the damn cupcake.

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