

This was published 1 year ago


Hey Sydney, can we talk about something other than property and private schools?

For a country as interesting and diverse as Australia, our banter is becoming tedious and predictable. Nowhere is this more pronounced than among residents of Sydney and Melbourne, who appear to have run out of topics of conversation beyond property and private schools.

“Have you decided on a school for (insert top-10 baby name here) yet?” an acquaintance asked me as we waited separately for our coffees.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

This wasn’t a question, but rather a chance to continue an impassioned Sydney soliloquy.

“We put all of our kids’ names down from birth. You have to do that to get into a good private school. It just means we can’t go skiing every year, but hopefully we can this year because we’re negatively gearing our coastal property, but at the end of the day we just want the best education for our kids. You know what I mean, right?”

Again, I was not expected to answer.


When I first had children, I struggled to understand the growing infatuation with an education system so inherently flawed and inequitable. But now I know the temptation to join it, when it feels like you can’t beat it.

New data shows parents are increasingly opting for private and independent schools, with the share of students enrolled in public schools plunging to its lowest level in 15 years. But given the latest census showing lower levels of religious affiliation, this has to be less about faith and more about getting your place in a system designed to cultivate privilege and protection.

It’s a trajectory that hasn’t happened by accident, it’s due to deliberate and strategic government policy decisions and dollars. Data published last year by Save our Schools showed private school funding in Australia has increased at five times the rate of public schools.


Australians are now, on average, the fourth-richest people in the world, but the distribution of our wealth remains progressively unequal.

I attended public schools in western Sydney and hail from a working-class family. As cliched as it sounds, for me, free education in the 1990s was a leveller. It allowed me and my siblings – and others from disadvantaged circumstances – to succeed and climb up the socioeconomic ladder.

New data shows parents are increasingly opting for private and independent schools.

New data shows parents are increasingly opting for private and independent schools.Credit: Louie Douvis

But what’s frustrating is that resources in the public education system are far scanter now. In addition to increased funds allocated to private schools, there have been delays in building new public schools for a growing population. A lack of long-term planning has led to overcrowded classrooms. This exacerbates the disparities, and the impact of under-resourcing and undervaluing public education will be felt for years.

A couple of years ago, it was revealed the then new head of NSW’s 2200 public schools sent her daughter to a private school.

All of these factors send dangerous messages about what we should value, and as a result, parents – and even some children – go into a frenzy about the slice they’re getting out of the school system pie. It’s instinctively human to want a bigger, juicier slice.


At a kid’s party last week, when the topic among adults turned to schools within a nanosecond, one of the dads whose child started in the private system a few weeks ago repeated the phrase “I guess you get what you pay for” at least three times.

And pay they do. Recent research found the average cost of sending two children to a Sydney private school for 13 years was $715,862. It’s even costlier in Melbourne, 17 per cent higher than the national average. Then of course, they get all that government money on top.

After the party, bristling with FOMO, my daughter asked: “Mum, is my school not good enough? Why can’t I go to that fancy school?”

How should I respond?

“No darling, I truly believe all Australians should have access to free education. I will send you to a strategically underfunded public school that pays teachers less and expects more from them. Oh, and you may or may not have an actual classroom and will probably have to learn in a hot steel, portable room. I’m doing this because Mummy loves you and believes in equity of access.”


Not only has investment in our schools favoured private schools to an astonishing degree, housing policies such as negative gearing and capital gains tax discounts also court the wealthy. Coupled with the supply of social housing virtually halving in 30 years – it’s dispiriting but unsurprising that the number of people who are homeless has risen sharply across the country.

My second least favourite conversation topic is property prices, after private schools. Yet too often the two go hand in hand. Last year, Sydney and Melbourne were again named among the world’s top five least affordable cities to buy a home.

The irony is ploughing money into private education, widening the wealth gap, and politicians defending negative gearing as if it’s their firstborn child, means that even a student who started kindergarten at the most “elite” school this year is unlikely to be able to afford a home as an adult. Unless of course they are lucky enough to bank with the Bank of Mum and Dad.

We need to change the subject if we’re going to change the future.

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