

This was published 1 year ago

Why did Andrews win? He got on with the job


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

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Labor victory
Daniel Andrews won because he builds things you can see: roads, railways, hospitals. When COVID-19 arrived he ignored the complaining and did that “making the hard decisions” thing people talk about. He got on my nerves but he got on with the job.
PJ Bear, Mitcham

Labor held on to a generation
Historically, the conservative side of politics has relied heavily on the over-60 demographic for its success. During the pre-vaccine stage of the pandemic, it was this group’s protection that was a key focus of the Andrews’ government’s public health measures. I suspect a significant number of this group were sufficiently impressed with Labor’s stance and equally unimpressed with some of the Coalition members’ contrary views to change their vote from Matt to Dan.

Many of these seniors live in eastern suburban electorates where Labor held the line or even experienced a swing towards it.
Kevin Bailey, Croydon

Doing what is right
If “leadership is not about doing what is popular; leadership is about doing what is right” (“Andrews gets back to work as Guy quits”, The Age, 28/11) then, hopefully, banning duck shooting, banning logging in old-growth forests and protecting native flora and fauna, rates highly on Andrews’ (new) agenda.
Susan Barrack, Altona North

Broad church smashed by neo-liberals
Listening to the shadow treasurer on election night claiming that the Liberals still represented a “broad church” in the electorate, I realised that this is the root of the party’s repeated failures to gain government here in Victoria. The society that supported the broad church policies of Menzies and Howard was composed of a wide range of citizens: there were factory workers, public servants, shopkeepers, farmers, small businessmen and women and office-workers, all of whom believed they would be able to provide a better life for their families.

Under neo-liberal policies many of these blue and white-collar workers found themselves made redundant, bought out, taken over or sent to the wall by overseas competitors or local monopolists.
It seems to me that we now live in a society which is divided into the haves and the have-nots. A large number of voters feel consigned to the latter category, either unskilled workers employed in precarious jobs, or those with skills but employed on fixed-term contracts with few safeguards, no career paths upwards and fewer chances of improving their outlook.

Until the Liberals come to grips with the changes that they and their political ideologues helped engineer, they are unlikely to win the popular vote.
Denise Formica, Mount Waverley


Start from scratch
If the Liberal Party were a car it would only be allowed on the road with a car club or veteran registration plate. It’s time the “moderates” of the party moved on from their constant CPR efforts trying to keep the pulse going and reformed with up-to-date values and goals, much the same that Menzies did when he created his own party early last century.
Gary Sayer, Warrnambool

Kennett bears the blame
Jeff Kennett’s neo-liberal government, elected in 1992 and defeated in 1999, undermined and disregarded the legacy of Liberal premiers Rupert Hamer and Lindsay Thompson. Both Hamer and Thompson led governments that reflected the progressive vision of Robert Menzies. Kennett was a loose cannon, privatising and corporatising public utilities, closing government schools and selling off public assets.

Having decimated Victoria’s public administration, Kennett now presumes to pontificate upon the woes of the organisation he led into that folly. To construct a successful future the Liberals have to go back 30 years, to their roots before Kennett.
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills


Guy had a go
As the election dust settles, the abundance of journalists, commentators, social media trolls and letter writers to newspapers, telling the world that they know how governments should perform, will ease off for a second or two. The one thing you can say about Matthew Guy is that he at least had the stomach to have a go. Some of the well-known critics might consider going into politics so they could actually “do something”. Don’t hold your breath.
John Rawson, Mernda

What are Liberal values?
Politicians and promises come and go, but for a political party to thrive, it needs to know what it stands for. Whether you agree or disagree with the policies of Labor, the Greens and the National Party, most voters would be able to put into words what it is that each party stands for. Its core values.

The problem for the Liberal Party is more serious than “poor candidates”, “changing demographics” or “too many Millennials”, and lies in the fact that beyond “individual freedom and free enterprise”, the party doesn’t have a broad, and relevant set of 21st century values upon which to build its policies.

Until it re-examines its core values and offers more than superficial campaigns, the Liberal Party runs the risk of being relegated to history.
Claire Merry, Wantirna

Helping those who need it
One of the slogans on the Liberals’ election material was “helping hard-working families”. When I saw that, what came to mind is “hard work is its own reward”. A civil society’s main task is to assist those who, for different complex reasons, are unable to manage on their own, to work hard, or work at all, to provide a secure home for their children and in some cases simply to survive. The task to provide that help has never been part of the Liberal philosophy.
Judy Kevill, Ringwood

Liberal shift to the right
Roshena Campbell misses the point (“Libs knew what to do. They just didn’t do it”, The Age, 28/11). It isn’t that the Liberal Party had difficulty communicating, it is that their negative messages weren’t attractive to the majority of Victorians.

Over the past 20 years or so the Liberal Party has become more and more captive to a right-wing cabal of hard-line conservatives, religious zealots and climate change deniers.
While the election of John Pesutto as leader may offer some hope, unless there is a dramatic realignment of its membership base, more progressive thinking and the adoption of policies to meet future challenges, the Liberal Party may find itself in the political wilderness for a long time.
James Young, Mount Eliza

Trustworthy sources
I concur with your correspondent (Letters, 28/11) regarding the need for a credible opposition to enliven our democracy. Now in my 70s I have been actively involved in politics all my adult life. Never before have I experienced the abuse and insults from voters at pre-poll and on election day. Of more concern are the Trumpian-like beliefs of the Liberal volunteers both young and old. As a community we all need to gain confidence to speak the truth learnt from reliable sources; and challenge this increasing trend in our democracy.
Maree Williams, Kew

A ban on the cards
After all the vitriol and violence outside polling booths this election, surely now is the time to ban how-to-vote cards? All they indicate to me is that candidates have such a low opinion of voters’ intelligence we can’t be trusted to make up our own minds. Too big a step? Ban party workers within 500 metres of polling booths. I will never vote at a polling booth again.
Mick Webster, Chiltern

Candidate a strong local
I take exception to the comment (“Libs begin the blame game after a doomed campaign”, 28/11) that “in seats like Bayswater, the selection of poor candidates was duly punished by local voters”. Liberal candidate, Nick Wakeling, has served the Ferntree Gully electorate for 16 years with absolute integrity and dedication.

He has been a vocal representative and constantly raised issues in parliament that were adversely impacting his constituents. Issues such as desperately needed improvements to hospitals and specific school infrastructure works were called for by Wakeling and eventually some have been addressed by Labor, but many remain.

The unusual fact that two sitting members of parliament were forced to contest the one seat due to the redistribution by the Electoral Commission meant this was always going to be a gruelling contest. The people had a choice between two strong and capable candidates who take great pride in the position.
Paul Owen, Wantirna

Teals will regroup
If no so-called Teals are elected in Victoria this year it is not the biggest of surprises (“Top teals run close but the wave fails to materialise”, 28/11). There were no real “personality” votes as there were in Indi (Sophie Mirabella), Warringah (Tony Abbott) and Kooyong (Josh Frydenberg).

If Tim Smith had not resigned, one imagines that Sophie Torney would now be the member for Kew, and Melissa Lowe would have been carried along in Hawthorn.

Through a critical mass of independents now in Canberra, people can see an independent as a valid, viable choice. But change takes longer without the personal element.

We will see teals elected at the next Victorian election. The gap is so narrow, they will be so much better prepared and, hopefully, will have a bit more money to spend.
Margaret Callinan, Hawthorn

Headline off the mark
In the wash-up from the election, I suggest that the media, including this paper, also need to take a look at themselves. Saturday’s front-page headline “Late Libs surge puts Andrews under the pump” looks pretty unrealistic in retrospect. And there were other similar ones in the preceding days. Have journalists fallen victim to the social media echo chamber? Whatever the reason, the media need to recognise they were way off the mark as it turns out.
John McLoughlin, Balwyn

Wise advice
It was encouraging and refreshing to read the deeply considered advice to readers in The Age editorial prior to the state election (“The arrogant or the unprepared? Not an easy choice”, 24/11). It turns out you backed the right horse. The editorial offered a sharp and timely contrast to the biased, ill-informed and often malicious treatment of Premier Andrews over several months, via the Murdoch press.

I believe this period represented the worst example of errant political journalism in my lifetime.
Peter J. Cahill, Berwick

Market forces
The reason the nominally “safe” seat of Preston returned a massive 18 per cent swing against Labor’s Nathan Lambert in the recent Victorian election was not the result of an inner city Green-slide. In fact the Greens candidate went backwards. Instead, local councillor Gaetano Greco recorded an 8.5 per cent swing to him – the largest of any candidate – on a platform to save Preston Market from destruction by its developer owners.

Labor refused to protect this beloved community asset and was punished to the point it nearly lost the seat.
Alice Ford, Preston

The wrong side
Jacqui Lambie, despite representing the poorest state has decided on irrelevance and sided with employers against the better interests of her constituents (“‘I’m not keen on it’: Lambie still won’t support IR bill after Pocock deal”, The Age, 28/11). Lambie claims that the unions will have too much power.

Lambie should know that unions represent less than 15 per cent of workers so cannot have the impact that the employers and LNP would have us, and her, believe.

The senator seems to have forgotten the people who put her into her well-paid public office.
Ross Hudson, Mount Martha

Hear the people sing
Revelation of our Governor-General’s inappropriate, cringe-making behaviour – including making guests at his residence sing to one another (“‘Extreme overreach’: Frydenberg felt betrayed by Morrison’s secret appointment”, 24/11) – must have the republican movement feeling Christmas has arrived early.

Had our late Queen been made aware of the behaviour of her representative, she might have chosen to sever our ties to the monarchy without waiting for us to do so.
Glenda McNaught, East Melbourne

PM can fix it
I agree with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese when he states that, “there are far too many people in Australia living in poverty” (27/11). However, the PM and his government have the power to lift almost all these people out of their terrible situation.

He just needs to raise the rate of JobSeeker and other welfare payments so that every Australian has an income which is above the poverty line. This would enable millions to stop having to make incredibly daily difficult choices between essentials such as paying the rent, buying medicine, or putting food on their tables.
Robert Van Zetten, Highton

Pause on the protests
I endorse your correspondent’s request for action about disruptive protesters (Letters, 28/11). In my reply from the Minister for Police about CBD streets being blockaded every Saturday he said people can protest if they “do not engage in illegal behaviours” such as “obstructing roads and footpaths”.
But that is exactly what these protesters are doing, preventing the movement of trams and pedestrians. Hopefully the election result has convinced them of the futility of their actions.
Jan Lacey, North Melbourne

Sweet deal
The Australian Food and Grocery Council is giving us something to get our teeth into, leading a new soft plastic recycling trial (“Sweet makeover amid crisis”, 28/11).

Our favourite chocolate bar makers are on board. Pleasingly, trials are under way and by April we may need to familiarise ourselves with new packaging. I am happy to put my chocolate where my mouth is if the makers deliver.
Isabelle Henry, Ascot Vale

And another thing

Election aftermath
A “what if” for today. Had John Pesutto not lost in 2018, would Daniel Andrews be premier today?
Les Aisen, Elsternwick


Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

Daniel Andrews, is having no independent, expert evaluation for a $120+ billion project “doing the right thing”?
David Langmore, Traralgon

Thank goodness we have the freedom to knock back the freedom fascists.
Henry Herzog, St Kilda East

At least now we won’t be charged every time we flush the toilet.
Bernd Rieve, Brighton

I’m glad the nasty and ugly campaigning is over. The mute button on my remote can take a break now.
Lisa Bishop, Macleod

With perhaps four lower house seats, Liberal women in state parliament are more endangered than the mountain pygmy-possum.
Greg Curtin, Blackburn South

My post election Strategic Resolve is to look askance at any future predictions of “cliffhanger” elections.
Michael Petit, Brunswick

It’s all very well to praise the accuracy of opinion polls. The problem is that journalists ignored them and wrote fanciful beat ups based on wishful thinking.
Denny Meadows, Hawthorn

Congratulations on your excellent articles on Victoria’s pokies scourge. I hope the new elected government can bring change as evidenced by Tasmania.
Christine Baker, Rosanna

Good to hear you’re getting straight back to work, Premier. Those old growth forests won’t clear themselves!
Gabrielle Gardner, Montmorency

I may be a cynic but a parliamentary censure is as meaningful as an apology from the governor of the Reserve Bank.
Adrian Tabor, Point Lonsdale

So Philip Lowe is now sorry that Australians listened to him. Time to go.
Hans Paas, Castlemaine

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