

This was published 1 year ago

Industry-wide bargaining impossible under IR overhaul: McManus

By Angus Thompson

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has backed Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ claim that industry-wide bargaining is not part of the government’s contentious industrial relations overhaul, prompting the business lobby to accuse them of playing with semantics over the major workplace reforms.

McManus said it would be virtually impossible for unions to strike industry-wide deals using the multi-employer bargaining provisions in the Secure Jobs, Better Pay bill, revealing the union movement would target single enterprise agreements first once the laws are passed.

ACTU Secretary Sally McManus said the new laws won’t lead to industry-wide deals.

ACTU Secretary Sally McManus said the new laws won’t lead to industry-wide deals.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“There’s 100 hoops,” McManus said of the thresholds to negotiating pay deals across multiple employers. “Any idea that unions could somehow jump all those hoops and get all of those employees across a whole industry to vote for something is ridiculous. It’s just not possible.”

McManus also said the ACTU would call on the government to come to the bargaining table during multi-employer negotiations for low-paid, feminised industries such as early learning, and, in reply to criticisms from the Coalition, declared the movement wasn’t trying to unionise small businesses.

In response to a question from shadow treasurer Angus Taylor in parliament on Monday, Chalmers said it wasn’t Labor’s policy to have industry-wide bargaining.

But Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry head Andrew McKellar said it was “an exercise in semantics.”

Treasurer Jim Chalmers hosed down talk of industry-wide bargaining during question time.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers hosed down talk of industry-wide bargaining during question time.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“Business concern is that these agreements will be used to impose one-size-fits-all across a wide number of businesses,” he said. “Whether we call that multi-employer, whether we call it industry-wide, whether we call it sector, whether we call it pattern bargaining, I think we’re heading towards the same outcome.”

However, McManus said that unions couldn’t roll out widespread multi-party agreements due to low union membership and lack of resources.


“We have got finite resources,” McManus said. “Its always the case you’re not going to have effective outcomes in bargains where there’s low union membership, that’s there to be seen in all of the stats.”

Australian Industry Group head Innes Willox said: “Any indication from the union movement that they don’t intend to pursue sector-wide agreements is welcome but the legislation, as framed, doesn’t prohibit this.”

Independent senator David Pocock has struck a deal with the government over its industrial relations bill.

Independent senator David Pocock has struck a deal with the government over its industrial relations bill.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

McManus sought to differentiate between industry-wide bargaining and sector-wide bargaining, saying the latter was possible and referred to smaller groups within an industry.

The government secured the passage of the bill through the Senate after striking a deal with crossbencher David Pocock on Saturday night that included increased greater protections for small businesses and the establishment of a committee to look at welfare payments.

Earlier on Monday, Pocock said he had received no guarantee from the government that wages will rise as a result of its legislation, as employers warned the changes would lead to increased strikes.


Pocock told ABC RN Breakfast on Monday morning the deal, which expands the use of multi-employer bargaining across the economy, was “not going to please everyone”.

“I’m not here to represent big business, I’m here to listen to all the different perspectives and then make a decision, and I’m really happy with where we’ve landed,” Pocock said.

Asked twice whether he’d received a guarantee from the government that wages would go up, Pocock responded, “there’s no guarantee, that’s what this bill sets out to do, and that’s something you can ask the government”.

The concessions agreed to by the government have paved the way for the bill to be voted on in the upper house this week.

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke, who struck the deal with Pocock, said he had “no doubt that the Liberal Party will do everything they can to slow down pay rises every additional minute possible”.

The bill will make it easier for a business with 50 employees or fewer to opt out of multi-employer bargaining by putting the onus on unions to make the case for why that business should be included. Businesses of fewer than 20 people will also be able to opt out.

Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie told Sky News the government would have been forced to split the bill, as Pocock and other crossbenchers had originally wanted, if Pocock had not agreed to a deal.

“I’ve been up here long enough to see how it works, and that is how it should have been done,” Lambie said on Monday morning.


The government has repeatedly pointed to the use of multi-employer bargaining in member countries within the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development as a marker for its success.

In response to questions from this masthead, OECD director of employment, labour and social affairs, Stefano Scarpetta, said “systems characterised by predominantly sector-level bargaining tend to be associated with lower inequality, but not necessarily to stronger wage growth”.

“Despite undeniable challenges, I think that, if well-designed as to strike a balance between inclusiveness and flexibility and implemented, collective bargaining remains an important instrument to deal with both old and new issues in the labour market,” he said.

But Scarpetta also said that in countries where collective bargaining was strong, recent bargaining rounds had not brought major wage increases where there had been food and energy price hikes.

“In some European countries facing soaring inflation and high uncertainty related to the war in Ukraine, social partners have opted to postpone the conclusion of the agreement to a later stage and reach a ‘bridge agreement’ instead that provides some support to workers without fuelling further inflationary pressure,” he said.

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