

This was published 3 years ago


‘Are you guys in lockdown again’ and other unwelcome retorts

By Jonathan Rivett


As a Victorian, what is the appropriate response to an interstate colleague saying something like “You got this” or “I know how you feel” about the lockdown on email?

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John Shakespeare Credit:


I’m not a believer in the proverb that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But I make an exception in this case.

And maybe even that’s being generous.

Lockdowns in Victoria have become like sneezes. For a certain percentage of the population they seem to demand a response − non-acknowledgment is somehow considered a form of rudeness (important note: it’s absolutely not).


And while “Bless you” once meant “Well, you’ve got the plague − I hope a deity can intervene!” or “A sneeze! The gods obviously favour you!“, now it’s just a reflexive noise.

The same goes for “Stay well” and “Be safe”; they might once have been uttered after some thought, but are now imbued with about as much meaning as “um” or “going forward”. What I’m saying is “good intentions” is probably stretching it at this point.


When it comes to platitudes, though, there are levels of offensiveness. Here’s my guide to how you should respond to the most common questions, affirmations, pleasantries and bon mots offered by non-Victorians.

“How was your weekend?” or “What have you been up to?”

You need to be careful with these kinds of questions. While it’s true that some smart alecs use them quite deliberately and deserve any vitriol you wish to hurl at them, many will ask these questions without thinking at all (polite email filler) or quite sincerely, being unaware of (or forgotten) the latest situation. Use your judgment; if these questions come from dependable types, let them go through to the keeper.

“Stay safe”, “Be safe” or “Stay well”

What these ones lack in outright obnoxiousness, they make up for in unhelpful banality. On the surface, they appear to be considerate, but any deeper analysis demands a simple question: what can such exhortations possibly achieve? Because magic doesn’t exist − the Law of Attraction is a load of pseudoscientific cobblers − the answer is nothing, and nothing should be your response to them. Just ignore.

“What’s going on down there?” or “Are you guys in lockdown again?”

Stating the excruciatingly obvious, even in the form of a question, gets a tick in the “Insufferable”, “Purposeless” and “Time-wasting” boxes. Return fire with a witless non sequitur. You could quote the master (Ralph Wiggum) and go with “My cat’s breath smells like cat food” or perhaps go with something original and vaguely work-related: “Paper clips are shaped like paper clips.″⁣


“You got this”

If vapidity and vacuousness had a child, and that child’s soul was distilled and served in a crystal decanter and you poured that essence out into a stoup, it would immediately evaporate and in its place would be a honking inanity: “You got this”. In 2021, those words are nothing short of a workplace crime and, if subjected to them, you are within your rights (in fact I would say duty-bound) to remove any person who uses them from your LinkedIn connections, mark their emails as “a phishing scam” and report them to any number of ombudsmen and authorities.

Respond, if you must, with utter contempt.

With any luck, though, this advice will only be relevant for a week or so more. Soon, as Victorians are once again allowed to cavort in vineyards and splash about in the Yarra, the emails will stop.

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