

This was published 4 years ago

All in this together? How rich and poor are travelling in lockdown

By Ben Schneiders and Liam Mannix

When Premier Daniel Andrews announced stage-four lockdowns he said one of its most important aims was to reduce people's mobility, otherwise "we'll continue to see big transmission numbers coming out of too many people moving too often, going to work".

More than three weeks in, as with many other aspects of this disease, stage four restrictions on mobility are working much better for people in wealthier suburbs than those in poorer ones, where the COVID-19 pandemic has hit hardest.

Workers in insecure jobs such as Jose and Ana can face pressure to take shifts.

Workers in insecure jobs such as Jose and Ana can face pressure to take shifts.Credit: Justin McManus

New case data analysed by The Age shows that after the stage three lockdown was announced, there was a flattening of the rate of new cases in Melbourne’s wealthier local government areas, while infection numbers continued to rise in the city’s most disadvantaged areas.

It is only in the past week – now in stage four – that those numbers have started to come down sharply. The team of epidemiologists who supply COVID-19 modelling to the federal government suspect a link between disadvantage, virus spread and the need to travel to work.

"The logic makes sense," says Associate Professor Nick Golding, head of the team advising the government and an epidemic modeller at Curtin University. "Lockdown measures target contacts that can be avoided by people working from home, and non-household contacts. If the majority of a person's contacts are in the household or in a job that can't be done remotely, then a lockdown would be expected to have less effect on their transmission potential."

People such as Jose and Ana – not their real names as they have settled a legal case against their former employer – are examples of those with very little control over their working conditions. The Colombian couple came to Australia in 2017 as international students and within a month of arrival Jose was working as a cleaner in some of Melbourne’s biggest office towers. He was told if he wanted to work he needed to have an ABN and to say he was a contractor. At that stage he knew little about Australia's workplace laws.

But Jose said he was a contractor in name only. He wore a company uniform, had one employer, recorded his hours and had to take pictures of his cleaning work and post it to a WhatsApp group. He was unlawfully underpaid, earning only $17 an hour.

"We had to send pictures of the [cleaning] job, of everything," he said.


The couple, who both worked in the cleaning job, were tracked by a GPS app they had to use on their own phones while at work. After inquiring about her pay, Ana was laid off.

"They told her she would get sent back to Colombia," Jose said. The couple took legal action through Study Melbourne Student Centre and won a confidential settlement in January.

'There is nothing good about insecure work.'

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews

It's this type of insecure work that Mr Andrews recently called "toxic". He said about 80 per cent of COVID-19 cases had been transmitted at work. A recent investigation by The Age showed the virus had spread most readily through the city’s west and north, where casual and temporary work is most prevalent. Of Melbourne’s five most disadvantaged municipalities, four have the most active COVID-19 cases, the investigation found.

"There is nothing good about insecure work, and when this is done, when this virus has been beaten, we will need to commit ourselves to do something really significant about it," Mr Andrews said recently. He has not provided specifics on policy changes.

Western suburbs community legal centre WEstjustice's legal director Catherine Hemingway – whose firm helped represent Jose and Ana – said the pandemic had "shone a light on the terrible impact of insecure work. People are really having to make impossible choices between safety and health and putting food on their table."


In a joint submission to a Senate inquiry on temporary migration, WEstjustice, the Springvale Monash Legal Service and Jobwatch said laws needed to be changed to protect vulnerable workers and stop the spread of COVID-19.

Reforms would include holding big business accountable for workplace breaches in supply chains. Protection for casual workers and contractors should be changed, including a reverse onus that presumes workers are employees, not contractors, unless proven otherwise, the submission said.

Ms Hemingway said 70 per cent of people who used WEstjustice's service "hadn’t been paid right, or hadn’t been paid at all ... wage theft is endemic".

Issues around job insecurity are highlighted by mobility data from Google.

People living in the most advantaged parts of the city spend, on average, about 5 per cent more time at home and about 10 per cent less time visiting work than those in the most disadvantaged areas, according to an analysis by Dr Nicolas Rebuli, a bio-statistician at the University of NSW.

Dr Rebuli said this type of analysis could only show an association, not that one thing caused another. But such a link was plausible.

"People from more disadvantaged areas appear to be less likely to be able to work from home, and that puts them at higher risk of coming into contact with someone who is infectious."

Before Victoria’s first lockdown in March, people from more and less advantaged parts of the city spent about the same amount of time at home. But after the first lockdown, that changed. All groups spent more time at home, but the lowest-paid workers appear much more likely to be required to attend work than the well-off.

University of Melbourne disease modeller Dr Cameron Zachreson is working on a study to understand some of the issues around movement and disadvantage. While people who live in disadvantaged areas are more likely to move around during lockdown, it remains to be proven whether that increases their risk of infection.

"That's the hypothesis that we're investigating in our current study," he said.

For now, his data offers hints. A pre-print uploaded to open-access archive of scholarly articles arXiv on August 14 shows that, during Melbourne’s second surge, patterns of mobility predicted the risk of disease spread.


The risk of someone living in an area increases as more people move between that area and an area with an active outbreak.

The data cannot show that people moving around caused them to catch the virus.

"But there is a strong intuition there," said Dr Zachreson.

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