

This was published 4 years ago

Melbourne school to close until Sunday after teacher contracts coronavirus

Melbourne's Carey Baptist Grammar School will close until at least Sunday and dozens of its students are being tested for coronavirus after a teacher contracted the disease.

Carey is the first school in Victoria to close due to coronavirus and the state's chief health officer Dr Brett Sutton said more schools would follow suit. The state government released its COVID-19 plan on Tuesday, as the Premier warned that all schools could be closed when the coronavirus outbreak peaks in Victoria.

The teacher's diagnosis, the first case of community transmission in Victoria, was confirmed on Tuesday morning. The teacher, in her 50s, is a family member of a man who returned from the US on February 29, on the same flight as Toorak GP Chris Higgins. She is recovering at home in isolation and has mild symptoms.

The teacher works in the middle and senior schools at Carey, a large co-ed private school in Melbourne's eastern suburbs. At least 30 students who had contact with the teacher are being tested for coronavirus.

Carey principal Jonathan Walter said that parent-teacher interviews, weekend activities, and trips had been put on hold while it conducted a "thorough review of possible exposure to our community members".

He said teachers would communicate with students via their online learning platform and the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority had already guaranteed flexibility on year 12 students' exams that may be affected.

"The Health Department will be in direct contact shortly with anyone (staff, students or parents) who are identified as having close contact with the staff member," Mr Walter wrote to parents on Tuesday afternoon.

"The school will be in direct contact with other members of the community over the course of this week who are identified as having casual contact with the staff member."

The school has about 2200 students at its Kew campus, with 900 in the senior school.


Julie Podbury, president of the Australian Principals Federation, said her members were not yet raising concerns about school shutdowns but if that eventuated, they would cope.

She said nearly all students had access to technology and most schools had online learning platforms which enabled students to access lessons from home.

"If you’d asked me this question 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have been so comfortable because there was not the degree of technology in schools," Ms Podbury said.


"Teachers could continue teaching, albeit remotely," she said. "It’s not ideal, but it is a solution if we need it."

Professor Sandra Milligan, head of Melbourne University's assessment research centre, also backed teachers to take on the challenge but warned closures over two weeks would cause more serious problems.

"If we're in the situation of closing for more than a couple of weeks, other aspects come into it - access to software, home resources. Some students have a nice place to study at home, but others don't," she said.

For primary schools, Victorian Association of Catholic Primary School Principals president Michael Gray said a shutdown would also be trickier for children in prep to year 3, who were not yet independent learners.

"Certainly by grade 5 and 6, we would easily be able to support them," he said.

Separately, Yarra Valley Grammar School on Tuesday announced it would cancel this weekend’s school open day.

Principal Mark Berry said the school had been advised that any potential risk was low, "but we believe the right and prudent decision is to exercise an abundance of caution".


An earlier version of this article reported incorrectly that the Carey Grammar teacher is a family member of Dr Chris Higgins. She is a family member of another confirmed case who was on the same flight as Dr Higgins.

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