

This was published 4 years ago

Trump attacks judge, prosecutors in Twitter tirade defending Stone

By Allyson Chiu

Washington: As the fallout from the controversy surrounding Roger Stone's prison term continued, President Donald Trump defended his long-time confidant by firing off a barrage of heated tweets attacking the federal judge and prosecutors involved in the case.

Over about two hours, Trump cranked out six blasts about the handling of Stone's sentencing, including one that targeted US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who is presiding over the case, by name.

He implied that Jackson harboured some broad bias, linking the Stone case to her role in the sentencing of his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and her dismissal of a Benghazi-related lawsuit against Hillary Clinton.

"Is this the Judge that put Paul Manafort in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT, something that not even mobster Al Capone had to endure?" Trump wrote, sharing another tweet that named Jackson. "How did she treat Crooked Hillary Clinton? Just asking!"


Jackson oversees DC and is scheduled to sentence Stone, convicted in November of lying to Congress and witness tampering, on February 20.

The timing of the online attack on Tuesday night (Wednesday AEDT) prompted many to accuse Trump, who has a long history mounting public crusades against judges and courts over unfavourable rulings, of attempting to intimidate Jackson and secure a more lenient sentence for Stone.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment late on Tuesday.

Trump's fusillade of tweets came shortly after news broke that the Justice Department had overruled the sentencing recommendation for Stone submitted by federal prosecutors, an action that followed Trump blasting the recommendations as too harsh.


The prosecutors, citing federal sentencing guidelines, said Stone should serve between seven and nine years in federal prison.

In an early morning tweet on Tuesday, Trump lambasted the proposed punishment as "a miscarriage of justice!"

Hours later, the Justice Department announced it would be revising the recommended prison term - a stunning decision that sparked widespread concern about the President undermining the traditional independence of the agency when it comes to individual prosecutions. (The Justice Department said it did not communicate with the White House about Stone's case this week and Trump told reporters he had "not been involved in it at all".)

The growing scrutiny over Trump's perceived impact on the Stone case did little to keep him from weighing in again on Tuesday night.

Amid slinging barbs at 2020 Democratic presidential candidates battling it out in the New Hampshire primary, Trump was in full attack mode as he griped about the original sentencing and demanded to know the identities of the prosecutors behind the recommendation. All four prosecutors withdrew from the case, with one quitting his job, following Tuesday's events.

"Who are the four prosecutors (Mueller people?) who cut and ran after being exposed for recommending a ridiculous 9 year prison sentence to a man that got caught up in an investigation that was illegal, the Mueller Scam, and shouldn't ever even have started?" Trump tweeted, referencing former special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe that led to Stone's conviction.

Donald Trump fired off a number of tweets defending his friend Roger Stone, right.

Donald Trump fired off a number of tweets defending his friend Roger Stone, right.

In a later tweet, Trump appeared to suggest that he was considering the possibility of pardons for Stone and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI during the Mueller investigation.

Many seemed to be most taken aback by Trump's tweet about Jackson, including Clinton, his Democratic opponent in 2016.

In the tweet, Trump questioned Jackson's treatment of Clinton, likely referencing her dismissal in 2017 of a wrongful death claim brought against the former secretary of state in connection with Benghazi. The suit alleged that Clinton's use of a private email server caused the deaths of two Americans at the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

Stone also tried to bring attention to the lawsuit last year when he shared an inflammatory Instagram post targeting Jackson, which earned him a harsh scolding from the judge.

"Do you realise intimidating judges is the behaviour of failed-state fascists?" Clinton tweeted Tuesday in response to Trump.

Trump repeatedly has gone after judges who rule against him and questioned the judiciary's constitutional authority. The President's pattern of attacks have been condemned by lawyers and law professors, who have called his rants "worse than wrong" and "dangerous."

His frequent references to "Obama judges" prompted Chief Justice John Roberts to issue a rare rebuke of the President in 2018.


On Tuesday, Trump's swipe at Jackson was similarly received. People rushed to fact-check the tweet and denounced Trump for "siccing his 70 million Twitter followers" on Jackson, as one person put it. Within moments of the tweet getting posted, Trump's supporters were already chiming in, calling Jackson "truly evil" and slamming her as "a far-left activist Judge."

But, the tweet misrepresented Jackson's involvement in the Manafort case since the judge only sentenced Trump's former campaign manager to 7½ years and was not responsible for the conditions of his confinement while awaiting trial.

Jackson may or may not go along with the Justice Department's sentencing recommendation. Meanwhile, Trump resumed tweeting early on Wednesday morning about the case, praising Attorney General William Barr and railing against "Rogue prosecutors."

The Washington Post

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