

This was published 4 years ago

Agencies ideologically opposed to hazard reduction: Deputy Premier

By Lisa Visentin

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro has accused state government agencies of being "ideologically opposed" to hazard reduction, as he backed the Prime Minister's proposal for national targets.

Mr Barilaro, the minister responsible for leading the state's bushfire recovery, also doubled down on his criticism of his cabinet colleague NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean, saying he was "playing the politics of the moment" in his advocacy for tougher action on climate change.

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro has accused his government's own agencies of being "ideologically opposed" to hazard reduction.

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro has accused his government's own agencies of being "ideologically opposed" to hazard reduction.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Barilaro took aim at the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service - which falls under Mr Kean's portfolio responsibilities - as he linked the "intensity" of the recent bushfires to high fuel loads in forest areas.

"I genuinely do believe that we have agencies within government that, over decades, haven't actually honoured their commitments for fuel reduction because of ideological positions, especially in national parks. We just lock them up," Mr Barilaro told Sky News on Wednesday.

"We have these arbitrary targets. Who's set them up? Probably our own agencies who are actually ideologically opposed to hazard reduction.

"Therefore if we have a national approach [with] standards across every state, [it] takes it out of the hands of individual agencies let alone states."

Environment Minister Matt Kean says Sydney's bushfires and smoke must be a catalyst for change.

Environment Minister Matt Kean says Sydney's bushfires and smoke must be a catalyst for change. Credit: Brendan Esposito

Elaborating, he said, "My view has always been that agencies like National Parks ... their sole purpose is conservation. Ideologically [they] don't like the concept of hazard reduction but we give them the responsibility." The National Parks and Wildlife Service declined to comment.

It comes as Prime Minister Scott Morrison characterised the issue of hazard reduction as a central factor in the bushfire crisis on Tuesday, and floated the idea of national targets for hazard reduction burning.


"There are clear rules and transparency arrangements. We report all the time what our emissions reductions are," Mr Morrison said. "But across the country there is not a national system of reporting to track how hazard reduction is progressing."

About three-quarters of all controlled burns in NSW are done by the National Parks and Wildlife Service. In 2018-19, it burnt 139,500 hectares, slightly above target.

Mr Kean conceded earlier this month that "this season's unprecedented fire conditions show we need to do more hazard reduction burns".

However, experts have warned that while hazard reduction burns can help reduce the intensity of bushfires, their impact would be limited in extreme fire events.

University of Wollongong bushfire expert professor Ross Bradstock, in comments to the Herald this month, said weather was the "biggest" risk factor when it came to catastrophic fires.


"We’ve got to realise that, because of climate change, we will get extreme weather events more often, and when they occur there is very little we can do to stop catastrophic fires - except keep houses a long way from the bush," Professor Bradstock said.

NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons has warned the technique was "not the panacea" and said longer fire seasons had created a "shrinking window" in which hazard reduction could safely occur.

Mr Kean endured a round of criticism from Coalition MPs this week, including from the Prime Minister, after he claimed conservative federal frontbenchers were among a "widespread" group of Liberals wanting stronger policies on climate change.

Mr Morrison rejected the claims as a "beat-up", claimed most federal ministers "wouldn't even know who Matt Kean was", and called on the NSW Environment Minister to "focus on hazard reduction and I will focus on emissions reduction".

Mr Barilaro also weighed in to the skirmish on Monday, slamming Mr Kean's comments as "unhelpful".


NSW Nationals MP Michael Johnsen publicly called for Mr Kean to be stripped of his portfolio, calling him a "political hack".

The animosity between Mr Kean and Mr Barilaro runs deep, with the pair frequently clashing over issues of environmental policy, including a recent stoush over the Nationals leader's push for logging in national parks.

Over the summer bushfire season, Mr Kean has been outspoken in linking the devastating fires, which have claimed 21 lives and destroyed more than 2000 homes in NSW,  with climate change.

In a statement, a spokesman said: "Minister Kean stands by his previous comments made in the press."

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