

This was published 5 years ago

Vincent Mayor reveals plan to stem Beaufort Street misery

By Hamish Hastie

The City of Vincent is calling on Beaufort Street landlords to back a new plan to tackle high vacancy rates and business closures.

Vincent Mayor Emma Cole released a statement yesterday outlining how the council will address the ailing high street following the closure of Five Bar and Clarences in the space of a week.

Beaufort Street in Mount Lawley is facing a downturn as several businesses close their doors, with a combination of factors blamed.

Beaufort Street in Mount Lawley is facing a downturn as several businesses close their doors, with a combination of factors blamed. Credit: Emma Young

The bars were the most recent in a long line of restaurant and retail closures along the once bustling strip. At the end of last week there were 33 vacant stores.

A combination of factors have been blamed for the street's woes including the general retail environment, popularity of pop-up venues, declining foot traffic from a lack of retail variety, success of other inner-city strips, and potential customers staying home and using apps like Uber Eats.

The council has also copped some blame for high rates, red tape and restrictive parking.

Ms Cole said the council has set aside $330,000 in its draft 2019-20 budget for a new action plan headed by a flagship project to reduce shop vacancies.

"We do know that vacancies and a lack of a diverse and unique mix of offerings on Beaufort Street can have a ripple on effect for surrounding businesses," she said.

"Bricks and mortar independent businesses on high streets are what give our inner city town centres the creative edge over large scale shopping centres. The right mix needs to deliver both day and night time trade and be complementary."

Ms Cole said the 'vacancy project' would breathe new life back into the strip but landlords needed to be on board.


"For our vacancy project to have the greatest opportunity of success, we will be advocating strongly to landlords that they come on board and work with us," he said.


"We need the support of landlords to fill their vacant shop fronts to rejuvenate the blank spaces. We want to start with curating an interesting mix of pop-ups and work together on finding longer term, more permanent solutions to this central problem."

"We continue to support the Beaufort Street Network (our local town team) and we’re talking to our neighbours at the City of Stirling.

"We will work together on as many of our projects as we can to encourage business confidence and bring people back to Beaufort."

Volunteer group the Beaufort Street Network has also responded to the street's woes with an action plan.

In a statement on the network's Facebook it said it had just endorsed its new brighter Beaufort action plan 'jam packed' full of activations, events, partnerships, marketing campaigns, artwork ideas and engagement activities.

"We are also doing a study to suggest the city consider a total redesign of the street to make it more interesting, functional and fun to attract children and their parents and reignite the day time economy," it said.

"We roam the streets of Beaufort Street talking to as many businesses as we can to help identify the main issues. Yes, rents are always going to be an issue so we are trying to look at ways to add value to businesses (foot traffic, experiential activities) as well as reducing monthly outgoings."

The group is also planning to hold a 'buy local' rally to be held on Beaufort Street on June 7 and 8, which it said was an unofficial festival, "basically encouraging (begging) all locals and visitors to make Beaufort Street their destination on that night."


"Long term economic change is a way off for Beaufort Street but we promise to spend as much time we can (we are volunteers after all) chipping away at these initiatives," it said.

City of Vincent's Beaufort Street action plan and current initiatives:

  • Vacancy Project
  • Installing creative lighting on the Street (scheduled for September 2019)
  • Events funding plus events in Barlee Street/ Grovenor Road to trial potential development of shared spaces
  • Town Team Grant for Beaufort Street Network
  • Beaufort Street Town Centre Place Plan
  • Support local marketing campaign
  • Art initiatives: Platform Project and Lightbox Laneway
  • Eco Christmas campaign on Beaufort
  • City of Vincent Economic Development Strategy

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