

This was published 4 years ago


Our midlife should be celebrated, please stop labelling it a 'crisis'

I keep waiting for my midlife crisis. At 43, I’ve reached the stage where women are warned to watch out for the creeping sadness of middle age.

We’re served up an endless stream of advice on “how to survive your 40s”, as if we’re in the endurance stage of a slow shuffle to decrepitude.

Mid-life can be a time of unexpected satisfaction.

Mid-life can be a time of unexpected satisfaction.Credit: istock

This is the age women start to become “invisible” – our value, sexuality and power supposedly diminished by the vanishing of youth. But I don’t feel like I’m fading into obscurity. I feel more seen than I ever have.

For the first time in my life, I have a clear-eyed view of myself that is authentic, compassionate and accepting.

It’s a grounding sense of strength that was forged in the flames of those times when life threatened to burn me to the ground but I found a way to get back up.


Now, when I look in the mirror, I’m proud of who I am – even those “broken” parts that for so long seemed impossible to love.  So when advertisers try to sell me ways to “turn back the clock”, I have to stifle a laugh.

I wouldn’t go back to the crippling self-consciousness of my youth if you paid me. But if I could tell that scared, bullied teenager anything, it would be that she doesn’t have to apologise for taking up space in the world.

I’d tell her that happier times lie ahead if she could just see that she deserves more than scraps of belonging and that the only approval she needs is her own.


This hard-won sense of self-acceptance is one of the joys of being an older woman. But it’s a narrative often drowned out by the shame marketers rely on to peddle us their diet pills, miracle face creams and breathable yoga pants – as if self-love is a purchasable commodity.

Wouldn’t it be great if the second half of our life was a cause for applause rather than trepidation?There are countless fierce and vibrant women in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, who are living their best lives and kicking societal expectations of ageing in the pants.

When advertisers try to sell me ways to 'turn back the clock', I have to stifle a laugh.

When I asked women over 40 what they loved about getting older I was inundated, and the most common response was the sense of feeling comfortable in their own skin.

Leah, 46, told me: “I am the most confident I have ever been in my life, and a lot of my angst about what other people think of me has disappeared – I haven't got time to care about that. I'm too busy living my life.”

For Karina, turning 40 was like a “switch being turned on”, allowing her to see herself for who she really was – “an awesome woman, capable of anything”.


Mary, 45, told me she loved the wisdom of her intuition. “Having a good 40 years of evidence behind me I now know that it’s right far more often that wrong.”

For Shereen, her 40s is a continual process of peeling back layers and letting go. “It’s an unfolding of strengths and prioritising of what really matters.”

Louise, 42, said that growing older means she can be “open, raw, real and vulnerable” and that making time for herself has become a priority.

Psychologist Sabina Read explained that women are often happier later in life because they are conditioned to be caregivers and put themselves last, but this can change with age.

“You start to realise you can’t please everyone and you don’t have to, and you hold a mirror up to your own needs instead of worrying about what everyone else thinks about you.”

Read said that research showed women aged over 50 were the most comfortable with themselves and that having a sense of agency over their lives can be the key.

“In our younger years perhaps we’re thinking that somebody else will rescue us or somehow fix us and the pain we’re in, but as we get older we understand that we’re accountable for creating change and the way we respond to those challenges.”

This has been the biggest lesson I’ve learned with age – that when life gets tough, the only person who can rescue me is me.

At first this was terrifying. But ultimately, it’s been empowering to grow into a woman who knows how to self-soothe without reaching for external props or validation from the crowd.

For some women I spoke to, this sense of trust and self-belief later in life gave them the courage to leave dysfunctional relationships or embark on new career paths.

Others talked about enjoying their own company, of growth through adversity, deepening bonds of friendships, the ability to be more compassionate, less judgmental and to listen more and appreciate the small pleasures.

Life past 40 is far from smooth sailing, but it’s so much more than the reductive depictions we see in women’s magazines and on the Hollywood big screen.

I may have more wrinkles and my knees aren’t as stable as they once were, but I’m stronger, happier and fitter than I’ve ever been. Midlife doesn’t feel like crisis. It’s feels like a celebration.

Jill Stark is the author of When You’re Not OK, Happy Never After and High Sobriety

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