

This was published 8 months ago

How to make a New Year’s resolution stick, from the people who’ve done it

By Lauren Ironmonger

For many of us, the dawn of a new year means thinking about the kind of person we want to be in 2024. Each year, we vow to be fitter, more financially savvy, more charitable. Then, despite good intentions, we give up half way and promise to do better next year. So, rather than cajole you about why you need a New Year’s resolution or why most fail, we thought we’d go straight to the source and ask people who actually stuck to theirs.

Below, three Australians share how they smashed their goals in 2023, and what they learnt along the way.

‘I conquered my fear of ocean swimming’

Sydney-based mum of three Senta Hoyne reached her New Year’s resolution of swimming a two-kilometre ocean swim in 2023.

Sydney-based mum of three Senta Hoyne reached her New Year’s resolution of swimming a two-kilometre ocean swim in 2023.Credit: Andrew Hoyne

In 2021, Senta Hoyne was on holidays when she encountered a near-death experience.“I found myself trapped in a dangerous un-patrolled surf and didn’t know if I was going to make it out alive.” Having always been a pool swimmer, she says she was never very confident in the ocean – something she decided to change at the beginning of 2023. By early December, the 47-year-old mother of three had achieved her goal of completing a two-kilometre ocean swim from Bondi to Bronte in Sydney’s east.

Being a night owl, the early mornings were a challenge at first. “I found the best thing was to not think about it and just move your body in the direction of where it needs to go. And by the time you’re fully conscious you’re too far committed to turn back,” she says. Hoyne started small, doing laps in the pool before choosing calm days to swim at Bondi. Her biggest fear to conquer, she says, was getting in and out past the waves.


Another challenge for Hoyne was asking to join a swimming group – she knew she’d need to be confident swimming with others if she were to compete in a race. She hesitated, asking herself, “was I going to be good enough? Fast enough? Will they look down on me because I’m a pool swimmer?”

Ultimately, Hoyne ended up joining three different groups, who she says were all “joyous and kind” despite her initial reservations. They also helped her become a better swimmer – one group helped increase her speed, while another helped hone her technique.

They also helped her overcome her fear. “Swimming with a group really made me realise that swimming in the ocean with its natural habitat and wildlife is a privilege and not something to be scared of.”


She says having time for herself each morning has been incredible for her mental health. “Being a mother of three young girls and being able to carve out time for yourself just sets you up for a win. You just feel that whatever happens that day you’re ready for it.” Hoyne adds that she’s proud to have shown her daughters they can achieve whatever they set their mind to.

‘I had dinner with a stranger each week’

52 first dates … Jessie Wright had dinner with a stranger every week of the year.

52 first dates … Jessie Wright had dinner with a stranger every week of the year.Credit: Wayne Taylor

At the beginning of 2023, Jessie Wright set out to have dinner with a stranger each week. A self-confessed introvert, her rather unconventional resolution was a bold step. The 30-something had moved to Melbourne during COVID and was going through a break-up. She was lonely, looking for new friends, and, after listening to an episode of former monk Jay Shetty’s podcast, set herself a weekly goal of having dinner with a friend. Wright posted about this resolution to her Instagram stories, prompting over 100 messages from women keen to have dinner with her.

She says the Thursday dinners were far more daunting than dating. “People go on [romantic] dates all the time, but there seems to be this natural understanding that it’s OK if they don’t like you. Whereas with friends, I just had this deep fear of going to meet these wonderful women and what if they didn’t like me?”

Wright, who has since gone viral on TikTok for her “dinner with 52 strangers” series, says her internet following helped hold her accountable. And she says no matter how bad her day, and how many times she wanted to cancel, she always came out feeling better for it. “There’s this magic thing about sitting down with somebody and getting to introduce yourself and getting to know someone. There’s nothing like sitting down and hearing about somebody else’s story or their life. These dinners had a really nice way of putting things in perspective for me.”

Wright on her first dinner date with Larissa.

Wright on her first dinner date with Larissa.

Besides gaining a host of new friends, Wright says she’s learned a lot about friendship itself through the process. “Sometimes we stay in our heads for a really long time about things. But I am just going to say to myself, ‘let’s just go for dinner with a new friend. You’re looking for new connections, do it, jump on it, let’s just make it happen.’”

“There’s something in that for me that I want to take into my everyday life moving forward.”

Her biggest piece of advice for those wanting to make new friends, is to be intentional. “We’re so intentional about dating. We’re so intentional about so many other aspects in our life. But when it comes to friends, we seem to be quite passive,” she says.

“The difference between 2023 versus 2022 for me is that I was really clear that I was looking to make new friendships. Being really clear with intentions and verbalising them has been a really big lesson.”

‘I rediscovered my love of reading’

Lieza Jordan stuck to her reading goal for 2023.

Lieza Jordan stuck to her reading goal for 2023. Credit: Louise Kennerley


For 30-year-old Lieza Jordan, her 2023 New Year’s resolution was all about investing in a hobby. “I used to be such a big reader when I was a child and as I grew up and got a little bit busier, I kind of dropped the ball on reading.” The Sydney-based communications coordinator set herself the goal of reading 25 books, which she had already exceeded by December.

At the beginning of the year, Jordan made a list of books she wanted to read, and aimed to finish about two per month. To help stay on track, she used the productivity software Notion, charting her progress using graphs and rating each book once she finished. BookTok, TikTok’s passionate community of avid readers, also became something of a virtual book club for Jordan – suggesting new books and connecting her with like-minded users. She says reading series also kept her motivated to complete her goal.

Jordan says her new reading habit has improved her day-to-day wellbeing by reducing her pre-sleep screen time and improving her mental clarity. “When I was reading before bed, I definitely felt like I had a better sleep,” she says. “At the same time, having that motivation to read when I woke up helped me get out of bed. I just felt like my brain was a little bit more switched on, instead of just scrolling through TikTok.”

Next year, Jordan is aiming to read 40 books, alongside smashing some other personal goals.

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