This was published 4 years ago
An experiment is under way to create Melbourne's first wildflower meadow
By Megan Backhouse
Woodchip mulches are forming generous carpets in parks all over town. They loop around trees and weave between shrubs. Low-maintenance, weed-suppressing and soil-protecting these chips might be, but it would be nice, don't you think, to sometimes have something a bit more, well, lively.
A project being run by the City of Melbourne and the University of Melbourne is looking at just that. All the woodchips that once blanketed a sloping, shady, River-Red-Gum-strewn site in Parkville have been cleared and an experiment is under way.
Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra), photographed elsewhere in Royal Park, is one of the 27 species sown in the trial.Credit: Katherine Horsfall
A million seeds of 27 indigenous grasses and wildflowers have been sown – into six different types of garden bed – to ascertain the best way to establish large-scale understory plantings that have the beauty and biodiversity of meadows, the soil-covering benefits of plants in the wild and the low-maintenance demands of woodchips.
University of Melbourne researcher Katherine Horsfall is envisaging billowing spreads of wallaby grasses, lilies and daisies. There will be billy buttons and pussy tails, kangaroo grass and lemon beauty-heads.
“We are aiming for the look of a grassy woodland. It will have that looseness and beauty that people love,” she says. Think the mood of the meadow plantings by James Hitchmough and Nigel Dunnett in the UK, or of the drifts of perennials and grasses that Dutch designer Piet Oudolf has made famous.
Billy Buttons (Craspedia variabilis) being grown in the seed production operation at Burnley.Credit: Katherine Horsfall
While the Parkville planting is entirely composed of local plants that would once have grown in this area naturally, things have changed since these wildflowers and grasses were free to arrange themselves. The soils have become richer than these plants like, topographies have altered and existing trees compete for moisture.
The seed production system.Credit: Katherine Horsfall
The site, along Gatehouse Street in Royal Park, is in the words of Horsfall “definitely challenging”. Adding to the degree of difficulty was the fact that many of the seeds Horsfall wanted to sow were not widely available commercially.
For about eight months, Horsfall ran a seed production operation at the University of Melbourne’s Burnley Campus, growing wildflowers expressly to harvest sufficient quantities of seed. While it’s possible to create a meadow by planting seedlings, sowing seed is not only less expensive but results in a much higher diversity of species.
Horsfall says there are between 50 and 130 plants per square metre in high-diversity natural systems but she assumed a low germination rate and produced enough seed to sow at an achieved density of 200 to 300 plants per square metre. “With direct seeding there is so much chance involved, you can put all the right things in place but it is up to nature to do its thing,” she says.
The final seed mix sown on each bed.Credit: Hui-Anne Tan
Before sowing she divided the site into 54 24-square-metre plots. One-third of the plots were covered with 80mm of a free-draining, nutrient-poor sand, one-third were covered with 10mm of the same sand and the remaining one-third were left as the existing soil.
After the seeds were sown (at the end of April) half the plots in each category were then covered in jute matting, an organic geotextile that aids in weed and erosion control. Irrigation will be the same across the entire site with each plot to receive the equivalent of about three millimetres of water a day for the first 12 months. “We could have more irrigation for more germination but we wanted to start these guys tough,” Horsfall says.
Horsfall checks on the germinated seeds, which have now formed seedlings just large enough to be identifiable, most weeks. “Its nerve-wracking but it’s also really exciting,” she says.
Every second month, she weeds the site by hand, recording both the time spent on each plot and the dried weight of the weeds removed from each plot. The aim is to monitor progress of the different beds over the course of a year to ascertain which treatment does best. “It would be really nice if we could get more of a recipe for getting that low-nutrient substrate right,” Horsfall says.
The different plots soon after sowing.Credit: Hui-Anne Tan
It would help pave the way for the creation of more large-scale indigenous meadows on other modified urban sites, something Horsfall says is especially important given the naturally occurring grasslands and grassy eucalypt understory plant communities of south-eastern Australia have become fragmented and critically endangered.
Maintenance will consist of an annual slashing in April or May and an October cutting for the patches of the warm-season kangaroo grass. To reduce fertility and create gaps for the flowering plants, the cut material will be removed from the site.
Cathy Oke, chair of the City of Melbourne’s environment portfolio, hails the Parkville planting as the city’s first indigenous wildflower meadow. She says it will provide valuable lessons about the “best and most cost-effective way” to plant indigenous flowers beneath existing trees and thereby increase biodiversity – including of insects and native birds – in the city.
We will keep you posted about how it pans out.