Warung Ita
Our Review
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- Lakemba
Warung Ita
If you can resist the seductive scents of the Indian spice shops and Lebanese
More on Warung Ita
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- Lakemba
Warung Ita
Step inside to find rows of white laminex tables and a bain-marie tucked in one corner where you'll ...
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- Lakemba
Warung Ita
How lucky that Sydneysiders can just zip down Old Canterbury Road and hang a right at Haldon for ...
- Review
- Lakemba
Warung Ita
Warung Ita feels like a local eatery you'd find in Java or Sumatra or Bali. Laminex tables are pushed together to make a long communal table. Bags of fish and prawn crackers are in pale-blue plastic woven baskets.
- Helen Greenwood
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