

Bye-bye bacon: How I became an accidental vegetarian

I haven’t eaten meat since Christmas – and the good news is I haven’t had a dud meal yet.

Neil McMahon
Neil McMahon

Let’s get the boring bit out of the way first and then get to the heart of this story: 10 weeks ago, I decided to stop eating meat.

Stop right there, I hear you cry, as your eyes develop a glaze that wouldn’t be out of place on a now-forbidden ham. Sure, you might be thinking. Everyone’s doing that. It’s like the old joke. How do you know when someone has turned vegetarian? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

Neil McMahon stocks up at Prahran Market.
Neil McMahon stocks up at Prahran Market.Justin McManus

So here am I telling you, but this is not quite a straightforward come-to-vegie-Jesus moment.

Instead, this is a story of The Accidental Vegetarian (or to be more precise, The Accidental Pescatarian, but let’s not quibble over labels). My present vegetarian state was preceded by neither planning nor with any great goal in mind. It was a whim, a diversion more than a mission. I never intended it to be permanent, and I’m still not sure it will be.


But the upshot is this: I have not eaten meat since Christmas Day, and it has been a very interesting food journey, as they might call it on MasterChef, indeed.

To put in proper context just how unusual this journey has been, consider that for my entire life, I have considered party pies a separate food group, sausages a sacred gift from the gods and bacon … well, it’s bacon. A blessing.

I’ve always been this way, raised in a family of carnivores and surrounded by carnivores in a society that was nearly all carnivorous, until the tide seemed to take a definite turn a decade or so ago and suddenly, everyone was wondering what the hell to make their vegan guests at Christmas lunch.

My own family Christmases have reflected the trend. Once an all-meat-and-seafood affair, the Christmas Day meal has slowly transformed to the point that this past Christmas was about a 50-50 split between vegans/vegetarians and meat eaters. I made some vegetarian dishes that day myself.

Vegetarian cooking is hot. What’s not to love?

And it got me thinking: given how damn good the vegetable food options were, should I be a bit more experimental in my cooking?

And that was how it started, as a way of spicing up my kitchen life. Initially, I was just going to have a seafood week — when I would try to overcome my lifelong reticence about cooking fish by making only dishes with aquatic origin. It was the week after Christmas and there was plenty of time, so I went for it, and what a joy it was: fish curries, fish burgers, next-level fish and chips, seafood pastas and paella.

I enjoyed it so much, I decided to carry on into the new year, and set a new goal: in January, I would only cook vegetables, with the occasional bit of fish on the side. But no meat. My never-fail cooking go-tos – Nigella Lawson, Alice Zaslavsky, Nagi Maehashi from RecipeTin Eats and America’s Test Kitchen (check it out on YouTube) – delivered the general ideas, and off I went.

Ten weeks later, I haven’t had a dud meal. And I would describe some of the gems I’ve cooked as among the best home cooking I’ve ever achieved. A glorious cauliflower paella. A wondrous pumpkin risotto. Eggplant parmigiana. Fish tacos to die for. Nigella’s showstopping ruby noodles. Kale and ricotta “meatballs”. Falafel hamburgers.


And in a giant leap from the meat-lovers’ side of the fence, where I have long lived pizza-wise, I instead dreamed up stunning vegetarian creations on the homemade pizza dough.

As the weeks went on, not only was I not missing meat, I wasn’t even thinking about it. When it got to the end of January, I resolved to carry on. And to keep carrying on until I wasn’t enjoying it any more.

Now I wonder if it might become permanent. Abandoning meat not for health reasons or even ethical ones (they are certainly part of the equation for me) but for the sheer gorgeousness and creativity of the food and the fun to be had in cooking of it. Also, with all the colours of the vegetable family in your palette, the end results often look incredibly pretty.

Yes, pretty. Vegetarian cooking is hot. What’s not to love?


People ask me now if I feel any different. And the answer is yes, though I hadn’t particularly paid attention to it as a health measure.

At the risk of sounding even more insufferable, I should note that last October I decided to heavily scale back my sugar intake and that has been a definite game-changer. Two years ago, for immediate health reasons at the time, I also gave up the grog. For the number-crunchers, I’m 12 kilograms lighter than when I started the sugar cutback in October, and five of those kilos came off since Christmas on the meat-free diet. Read into that what you will.

In summary: I am a teetotaller, I am only eating vegetables and I am a newly-minted anti-sugar evangelist. Basically, I am running to become the World’s Most Boring Man.

So, bite me. Which is what my dog Nellie wants to do, now that her preferred dietary supplements – bacon, ham, chicken and snags – have come to an end.

Will it be forever? Stay tuned. Meanwhile, both my dog and I are nursing an unnatural enthusiasm for cooking experiments with pumpkin puree.

Neil's six top tips for loving vegetarian cooking

  • Seek out experts who make it easy: Author, ABC host and MasterChef alumni Alice Zaslavsky is a perfect go-to, via her wondrous, encyclopaedic, colour-coded veggie bible In Praise Of Veg, and her second book The Joy Of Better Cooking.
  • Follow the rainbow: Use all the vegetable colours in combination and your meals will look almost too good to eat. (And before eating them, they are Instagram-ready in eye-popping shades.)
  • Plan ahead to use ingredients across a range of dishes: You want to avoid the dreaded sight of expensive produce rotting in your crisper. An online shopping blunder left me with enough pumpkin to feed an army. The solution? Roast it, and then deploy that across multiple food fronts: pumpkin risotto, pasta, a pumpkin and peanut butter slice and a pizza topping. Also: excellent dog food.
  •  Stock up with frozen veggies: It’s not cheating, and you’re losing nothing in nutritional value. Especially handy when you’re too tired to think about peeling and chopping. You can even buy frozen sliced onions. I keep a standby supply of six different veggies in the freezer.
  • Put your air fryer to work: It is your friend when it comes to cooking veg. Toss almost any veg in some oil and seasonings and give them a high-temp whirl in the air fryer, tossing halfway through, and you’ve got gorgeous veggies ready to go in 10 minutes. (Also: crumb some cauliflower or other sturdy veggies and do the same.)
  • Enjoy the adventure and be bold: The biggest surprise for me has been how interesting and stimulating vegetarian cooking can be. Follow recipes, adapt them, or invent your own from scratch. It’s pretty hard to go wrong, and you will love it when you go right.
Neil McMahonNeil McMahon is a freelance writer based in Melbourne.

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