

This was published 7 years ago

In Afghanistan, a split-second decision separates life and death

When an Australian Special Forces patrol team comes under attack in Afghanistan’s unforgiving theatre of war, there is no time for debate before making life-and-death decisions.

By Chris Masters

The Afghanistan story resists abbreviation. Propelled by curiosity to reach beyond a 140-characters version of Australia's longest war, I have spent much of two decades asking questions. Why did the good war turn bad? Why, after all that investment in blood and treasure, could we not find a way to win? Is the place truly the graveyard of empires? While an answer contained to a sentence or two never emerged, I did see a way to tell the story.

In Afghanistan, the devil is in the unavoidable detail. So why not get off the ramp with the soldiers at the very beginning and follow them all the way, threading through the maze of obstacles and challenges they encountered? To do so with an eye to restraining punishment of hindsight, to better understand the evidentiary circumstance of the time and those split-second moments that separate life and death.

On patrol in Afghanistan, Coalition forces must constantly be on high alert.

On patrol in Afghanistan, Coalition forces must constantly be on high alert.Credit: Courtesy of Allen & Unwin

The Special Forces soldiers had the longest Australian presence in country. At the spearhead of the fighting mission, their actions, as the most contentious, called at least for some scrutiny. It took a while, but eventually I became the first and only reporter to be embedded with Australian Special Forces. Up close it became clear they were not only special but different.

Australian Special Operations Command is comprised of around 2700 personnel with an annual budget of $55 million. Operators are the Army, Navy and Air Force's brightest and best skilled. More than 180 courses are available and 60 training exercises ongoing.

Australian forces’ access to American air power made Uruzgan province a dangerous place for Taliban insurgents.

Australian forces’ access to American air power made Uruzgan province a dangerous place for Taliban insurgents.Credit: Courtesy of Allen & Unwin

In 2001 and 2002, three successive contingents of Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) were part of a coalition of foreign forces to help expel al-Qaeda from Afghanistan. But with international attention turning to Iraq, al-Qaeda's host, the Taliban, was later able to stage a resurgence, and so by 2005 Australian Special Forces returned. In May 2006 Special Operation Task Group led by Lieutenant Colonel Mark Smethurst entered the war at a pivotal stage. Unlike the sporadic guerrilla actions that characterised the lengthy conflict, a more conventional set-piece battle loomed – with the prize being control of Taliban homeland: the central Afghan province of Uruzgan.

In May 2006, sunburned faces turned to the sky. Bearded men in coats and turbans shepherding rockets, guns, explosives and reinforcements through mountain passes watched convoys of coalition aircraft above doing something similar. A showdown approached.

Operation Mountain Thrust would be the biggest set-piece assault in Afghanistan since 2001, when Australian soldiers first arrived in the country. More than 10,000 troops from the US, the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, France, Romania, the Czech Republic and Australia would join Afghan forces in the south to confront a burgeoning insurgency.

Intelligence monitoring of Taliban leadership in Quetta, Pakistan, indicated an equally serious intent to do more than harass the foreigners. The Taliban, via open media, also monitored the West. Having followed reporting of the planned offensive, they resolved to this time fight and hold ground.

Lieutenant Colonel Mark Smethurst, who in May 2006 was leader of Special Operation Task Group in Afghanistan.

Lieutenant Colonel Mark Smethurst, who in May 2006 was leader of Special Operation Task Group in Afghanistan.Credit: Australian Defence Force

In the preceding months, threat levels had been amplified all through the south. On May 20, a coalition convoy was attacked and for a time lost. When a rescue team reached it, nine Afghans and two French soldiers were found dead.

The Australian commanding officer was Lieutenant Colonel Mark Smethurst. With laser-blue eyes, he had a commanding presence as well as pedigree. His father, Neville, was a former head of Special Air Service Regiment (SASR).

Smethurst was determined to do all he could to make the ground as safe as possible for the incoming reconstruction task force, an undertaking more daunting than anyone but the enemy could fully appreciate. A torrid test for Australia's SASR, and Smethurst, was looming. The Australian Special Forces Task Group 3 (composed of 3 Squadron SASR, two platoons of Delta Company 4RAR and engineer support) arrived in Tarin Kowt in the middle of the night. With a population of 10,000, Tarin Kowt did without street lighting. The adjoining base was also blacked out.

Tarin Kowt, in Uruzgan province, population 10,000.

Tarin Kowt, in Uruzgan province, population 10,000. Credit:

After arriving, the men of Task Group 3 prepared to head into the jaws of the Chora Valley, which continued to menace nearby Tarin Kowt. The Valley had recently fallen to the Taliban after Afghan security forces in Chora were overwhelmed.

The fighting had been messy, with enemy forces shooting from compounds in turn obliterated by B-1 bombers and no one knowing for sure whether non-combatants were also present. Concerns about the conduct of their Afghan allies would dog the Australians. "It was hard to know whether the people escaping were Talibs or not," lamented one member of SASR. "We had the Afghan National Army [ANA] behind us. The villagers sometimes complained they were being robbed by the ANA. They also complained of their boys being kidnapped. I once saw the ANA driving away with a boy inside protesting."

To seize back control of the Chora Valley, coalition forces needed eyes in the peaks overlooking the valley. The job was assigned to a six-man SASR patrol, Kilo 2. It included a lance corporal who would later become Australia's most famous soldier.

Ben Roberts-Smith, VC, MG at the ANZAC Day parade in Melbourne earlier this year.

Ben Roberts-Smith, VC, MG at the ANZAC Day parade in Melbourne earlier this year. Credit: Darrian Traynor

At more than two metres, Ben Roberts-Smith had an imposing presence that stretched beyond his height. The son of a judge and Army Reserve major general, and brother of an opera singer, Roberts-Smith was a sniper scout on his first tour of Afghanistan. Roberts-Smith came through the calloused ranks of 3RAR to join SASR in 2003, qualifying as a "watery". As one operator who served with him at the time observed: "Water operators are selected to do a dirty job. It is not there as a social club. It is what it is, so you don't expect it to be all made up of well-spoken nice guys." With a private school education, this rough-hewn description would not readily fit Roberts-Smith.

His six-man patrol packed for seven days, each toting 70-kilogram-plus loads, before being inserted at last light at the foot of the Koran Ghar. Their role was to provide intelligence and support for a US airborne assault being planned to take back Chora.

The team sweated a 10-hour climb to establish an observation post (OP) and a nearby lay up position. Patrol commander Sergeant Will, on exchange from the British SBS, was a veteran of Afghanistan 2002. He was joined by a US special tactics squadron joint terminal attack controller (JTAC) and four others.

The paradoxical personality set of SASR was well represented in this patrol. Trooper Mick, also from a high-achieving family, reflected the less obtrusive, thoughtful persona of the regiment. Having gained selection following a stint as a reservist with the 2/17 Royal NSW Regiment, the shorter, quieter operator, absent of warrior sleeve tattoos, would come to be considered by many an excellent soldier. Another member of the team was Matthew Locke, who, just over a year later, was killed on patrol.

An OP was established on a knife-edge ridgeline on the high ground to the south. When the morning light flooded the valleys on Thursday June 1, 2006, an ideal view from Chora right through to Baluchi was revealed.

While the Taliban had strong support in the Chora district, it was far from universal. Rozi Khan, a Barakzai tribal leader, headed up a strong militia force in the district.

While opposing the influx of anti-government forces, Rozi Khan had not been able to stem a spate of violence and intimidation. In some villages support for the Taliban was organic while in others it was coerced. An intelligence analyst reported "nasty thugs actively torturing young men. They dragged bodies behind motorbikes in front of communities to intimidate them into joining. The valleys were enforced by the Taliban."

As the threat of improvised explosive devices increased, helicopters became the main mode of transport for Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan.

As the threat of improvised explosive devices increased, helicopters became the main mode of transport for Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan.Credit: Australian Defence Force

With Kilo 2 in place, Australian troops down below commenced a mounted advance through the Chora Pass with the Dutch Viper Task Force to their left. Meanwhile, having overrun an Afghan police station, the enemy began to sweep around the Australians' right flank.

Observers counted as many as 100 fighters. There was accurate single-shot sniper fire from the high ground to the left. The Dutch Apaches also sighted throngs of fleeing civilians, and as they swept through a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) detonated directly above an SASR vehicle.

Sergeant Andrew "Bill" Cave from 3 Squadron K Troop, on his second tour of Afghanistan, was not wearing a helmet when the RPG exploded. "We were taking massive fire," Cave recalls. "The RPG exploded above my head. It was that loud, impacting on the head and spreading down. I hit the ground so hard my face split open. My jaw was shot apart; there was a gaping head wound and I was bleeding profusely. The driver who dragged me back saw me hit, go down and then get back up to return fire." Cave remains grateful for courageous support from troopers Danny and John, who provided covering fire from their vehicle's 50-calibre machine gun and Mark 19 grenade launcher.

Private Sam, also manning a 50-calibre machine gun in an unprotected turret, poured fire at the enemy while simultaneously receiving radio coordinates. Above the cacophony of battle, Sam and Dave exchanged shouted instructions. "What's the range?" "How far from target?" Between them mortar fire was calculated and adjusted, the machine gunner herding the enemy into a kill zone.

Atop Koran Ghar, Ben Roberts-Smith's Kilo 2 could hear recoilless rifle (RCL) rounds cracking past their OP towards the Dutch left flank. The Australians tried to convey target indicators to their troops below, but radio chatter was as dense as the shooting. Kilo 2 could see large groups of enemy beyond the range of their own weapons.

American aircraft arrived to assault mortar and spotter positions, enabling Bill Cave to be evacuated. A medic struggled to stem blood flow from Cave's exposed carotid artery while an area safe enough for air medical evacuation was located.

Bill Cave later credited the medic and SASR ingenuity for saving his life. "We had a hard stretcher invented by the guys with a metal bracket to hold it on, so we turned a quad bike into a casevac [casualty evacuation] vehicle. Genius engineering skills." As another operator commented: "It was an example of initiative and freedom afforded Special Forces. In the Regular Army, it would have been seen as an illegal modification."

Special Forces commander Mark Smethurst was becoming increasingly worried about the six-man Kilo 2. "The big danger … was patrolling in small numbers with no communications or air support." The "lone survivor" scenario of one year earlier, which saw a US Seal team almost wiped out, was front of his mind. For Kilo 2 on Koran Ghar, this prospect was very real. Although the hills appeared barren and unoccupied, myriad barely visible tracks were thoroughfares for goat herders and transiting villagers, as well as the Taliban.

On June 2, the Kilo 2 patrol was compromised. Later accounts of what occurred vary markedly. Around midday, Trooper Jim and Trooper Mick, manning the OP, saw a young male approaching from the right. He wore traditional Afghan garb and with no chest rig or weapons.

They had a good view of his face and head, their range finder placing him at 76 metres distant. The troopers observed him look past the OP, then walk on across their front from right to left. The movement and the teenager's subsequent disappearance were reported.

Then, soon after, he was sighted again walking back the way he had come, at the same pace, this time with a bag slung over his shoulder. Sergeant Matthew Locke and Lance Corporal Roberts-Smith arrived and questioned the troopers about why they had not engaged. The first, most obvious answer was that as a clandestine observation-only patrol, a prime objective was to maintain concealment.

The conundrum highlights competing moral responsibilities common to the Afghanistan conflict. One view was that you should not engage an unarmed teenager. But equally confronting was an ethical challenge. The battlefield was unforgiving. Rules of engagement allowed the use of lethal force if hostile intent was demonstrated and the survival of patrol members was under threat.

Given his proximity to massing Taliban below, the male (whether armed or unarmed) was likely a spotter and, if he had sighted the patrol, relaying that information would put Kilo 2 at serious risk.

Ben Roberts-Smith, later interviewed by Dr Peter Pedersen of the Australian War Memorial on February 22, 2011, described a different scene unfolding. In this interview, he spoke of two suspected spotters rather than one. "A couple of blokes just walked up literally, probably about two hours before dark, walked straight up to the front of the OP, got about 30 metres to the front and the guys that were on OP duty, because I was at the back with Matt and the patrol commander, saw them and relayed over the ear piece that there was enemy approaching.

"Obviously, our job was not to start a fight. And they turned off sharply and started walking into another re-entrant. And at that point a decision was made that they had seen us and we thought they were just playing coy and doing a 'Let's get out of here and get some other lads.' So, Matt and myself left the OP and hunted them down and got rid of them. Unfortunately, when we engaged a flare went off in his chest rig, which started flaring all over the re-entrant, which is not what we were after. It was just one of those things. We dragged the bodies and went back to the OP."

Subsequent to the interview with the Australian War Memorial, Brendan Nicholson from The Australian interviewed Roberts-Smith, who this time referred to a single enemy. He told Nicholson "an armed insurgent walked to within 30 metres of their position".

Ben Roberts-Smith later explained the inconsistency in correspondence to the Australian War Memorial Director, Brendan Nelson, stating when the recording occurred "five years had passed since that day, I had conducted four more tours of Afghanistan and the interview itself was more than two hours and 40 minutes in duration. Without the benefit of the patrol report to guide me, it would appear I have confused my many engagements and identified two insurgents initially locating our observation post as opposed to one. I also note I thought we cleared the insurgent bodies, but then that is not correct as identified in the patrol report."

An Australian SASR team with US and Afghan forces on patrol in Shah-i-Kot.

An Australian SASR team with US and Afghan forces on patrol in Shah-i-Kot.

The patrol commander's after-action report from 2006 did identify the sighting of a single individual, referred to as a spotter. According to Sergeant Will, "a decision was made to pursue and neutralise the threat. K22 [Locke] and K25 [Roberts-Smith] stalked approximately 80 metres and identified the ACM [anti-coalition militia]. K22 then engaged the spotter at around 80 metres with suppressed M-4 followed by K25 who engaged with suppressed SR-25." The ACM was neutralised and, according to the report "at this point the K22 decided he would not exploit the enemy KIA [killed in action] due to possible exposure to the Chora Valley and returned to the OP".

Despite the shooting and release of smoke, which "triggered machine gun fire", the report contends "it was assessed the ACM had not compromised the OP". So the team stayed put, their position vital to the mission unfolding below. They were spread out so, as is common in combat, each saw their own war. Later in the afternoon Trooper Mick, acting as rear sentry, heard voices emanating from the other side of the ridgeline to the north-east. Matt Locke, spotting an approaching fighter, engaged his M4.

One enemy had been killed and another possibly winged. But with at least one more unaccounted for, Locke slung his rifle and climbed the rock face. There is no denying his bravery moving forward to take on the enemy alone with his shorter range M-4 and attached M203 grenade launcher. Team leader Sergeant Will describes him as engaging in a "persistent one-on-one fight".

As Locke fought forward, Kilo 2 requested air support. More fighters were seen approaching from the south and below at around 800 metres. Roberts-Smith advanced from the lying-up post and began engaging with his SR-25 sniper rifle. Worried about losing sight of an enemy that might then outflank the patrol on two sides, and after a request from Roberts-Smith for support, the patrol commander ordered Trooper Jim forward.

A Coalition vehicle after being hit by an improvised explosive device.

A Coalition vehicle after being hit by an improvised explosive device.Credit: Courtesy of Allen & Unwin

The trooper had to overcome a stoppage in his weapon. According to Roberts-Smith, Trooper Jim's "SR25 was not prepared. The pin was not striking. He had to strip the weapon so it was out of action for a crucial 20 minutes." The patrol sergeant's after-action report supports Robert-Smith's account.

But Trooper Jim's account again varies. His recollection has the bolt being removed and stoppage cleared within a minute and both of them emerging at between 600 and 800 metres, bringing down between five and eight fighters. Two A-10s jets arrived when the last fighter was neutralised, with Trooper Jim providing target indicators to guide the planes to strike ground to the north where more enemy was seen.

The SASR snipers continued engaging signs of movement in the valley below until accurate small arms fire began striking around them, this time from the right flank. Unable to identify the source of fire from a new unseen enemy, they used the cover of rocks to move back.

Kilo 2 was surrounded as dusk approached. The A-10s, having helped keep the enemy at bay with 30mm cannon fire and with fuel running low, informed Kilo 2 that no more air support was available as a Canadian patrol needed help elsewhere.

Upon learning this, the patrol commander Sergeant Will turned to the signaller and said "get some air". Trooper Jim found a small adaptor to connect his patrol radio to an antenna. Though the signal was weak, he reached the Special Operations Command and Control Element at Tarin Kowt, with the call going out, "Special Forces about to be overrun." The plea worked, with a captain at Tarin Kowt pointing out the dismounted Kilo 2 team was far more exposed than the armoured Canadian patrol.

Once the enemy surrounding the six-man team heard aircraft return overhead, they went quiet. Nightfall advanced further protection for Kilo 2. Maintaining concealment, they watched through their night vision goggles and with senses acutely tuned listened to the night. But once the aircraft departed, enemy within earshot began baiting them into unmasking. The patrol kept its cool. Before dawn they shouldered their packs and slipped away down the southern side of the Koran Ghar to rendezvous with their coalition colleagues.

Sergeant Will singled out the American member of Kilo 2 responsible for directing the air support for saving the day: "Had we not had [him] in the patrol, I don't think we would have got off the mountain. Medal for Gallantry [MG] award recommendations were forwarded on behalf of Matt Locke and Ben Roberts-Smith."

Edited extract from No Front Line: Australia's Special Forces at War in Afghanistan, by Chris Masters (Allen & Unwin $35), which will be published on Monday.

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