By Tom Allard and Ash Sweeting
THE inhospitable terrain of Afghanistan's Chora Valley was all too familiar to Sergeant Matthew Locke. The SAS patrol commander, who was killed on Thursday following a gun battle with Taliban insurgents hiding in the foothills of the barren mountains that frame the valley, had spent his first tour of duty in Afghanistan clearing Islamist fighters from the area, just 15 kilometres from the Australian base at Tarin Kowt.
Awarded the Medal of Gallantry for his courage under fire, Sergeant Locke was part of a 10-day, Australian-led operation that succeeded last year in driving the Taliban out of what was once their stronghold.
The operation was a triumph of Australian military ingenuity, with synchronised attacks overcoming the "extremely stiff resistance" of the deeply entrenched Taliban, said the SAS commander Major-General Mike Hindmarsh.
Sergeant Locke played a pivotal role in the success of the operation. He set up an observation post after a torturous 10-hour climb up a sheer mountainside.
But after he had called in air support for his comrades in the valley below, the post was uncovered by Taliban. Vastly outnumbered, the militia repeatedly attempted to overrun them.
Sergeant Locke and another soldier charged further up the mountain, exposing himself to volleys of intense rifle and machine-gun fire. He shot dead at least two of the Taliban leading the assault and kept those following pinned down as his patrol commander called in air support and indirect fire to neutralise Taliban attacking from further below. His actions enabled the patrol to be extracted safely under cover of darkness.
Speaking last year after he was awarded the Medal of Gallantry, Sergeant Locke said the Taliban should not be underestimated.
"They are quite fierce fighters … from my experience that's the hardest enemy we've ever fought," he said.
General Hindmarsh said: "The overall operation was a resounding success, with the anti-coalition militia taking such heavy casualties that the remnants eventually fled the valley."
But after the Prime Minister, John Howard, withdrew Australian special forces late last year to assist with preparations for the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit, the Taliban returned.
The decision to withdraw the Australians was reversed after it became apparent the army reconstruction team building schools and training locals in crucial trade skills in Tarin Kowt were in danger.
In April, Mr Howard announced that a special forces taskforce would return. Sergeant Locke went back for his second tour, and back to the Chora Valley. His bravery was again in evidence, even if his luck ran out.
He was shot in the chest by Taliban fighters, ambushed as he returned to Tarin Kowt after a search and seizure operation that had led to three Taliban arrests, Afghan Government sources say.
"The nation today has lost a genuine hero," said the Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Peter Leahy. Mr Howard and the Labor leader, Kevin Rudd, visited the SAS barracks in Perth to express their condolences to the regiment.