

This was published 9 years ago

Why Tony Abbott has been reluctant to criticise Tony Burke over MP entitlements

By Mark Kenny

Malcolm Turnbull doesn't like the term "MP's travel entitlement" - especially the entitlement bit. The communicationally gifted Communications Minister is a former journalist and barrister, so he knows a thing or two about the power of poorly chosen words in conveying the wrong meaning.

He prefers to call them "work expenses". His argument? That there is no functional difference between the legitimate extra expenses incurred by any employee in any enterprise, for which they are rightly reimbursed by the employer, and the situation facing members of Parliament, whose employer is the Commonwealth.

In short, he argues, if MPs need to travel to undertake legitimate work as a representative, then they should not be expected to meet additional out-of-pocket costs. This is not an entitlement so much as merely an employer overhead to be met like all others.

That's undeniable as far as it goes. But the problem comes in defining what constitutes legitimate political work. In practice, this is such a grey area. Many events may not look like work, but probably are. MPs are almost never home, so attendance at functions you or I would have to pay to get into, may still feel very much like work to the MP required to attend.

Prime Minister Tony has welcomed ABC's decision to move Q&A into the broadcaster's news division.

Prime Minister Tony has welcomed ABC's decision to move Q&A into the broadcaster's news division.Credit: Louie Douvis

But there are some things where the character of the event marks it out pretty clearly as self-interest, and not public interest.

Why should campaigning for another term in office be an expense the public should be expected to carry?

Former Speaker Bronwyn Bishop's excess in using a helicopter drew attention to the $5000-plus fare, but the broader issue is the fact that this was to attend a Liberal fundraising event. Some MPs continue to argue this, too, is legitimate. Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce for example thinks the public should pick up the expense of MPs travelling to interstate party fundraisers. And the weddings of parliamentary colleagues? What does it say about the friendship that MPs get someone else to pay?


It is an argument that does its proponents no credit - proving once again that a boisterous commitment to lower taxes, smaller government and the higher virtues of private enterprise are no handbrake on making personal calls on the public purse.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is being noticeably and wisely circumspect in criticising opposition MP Tony Burke's expansive use of "entitlements", in which his family was flown business class to Uluru to join him on ministerial business in 2012.

Burke argues it was within the rules. Bronny argued the same. As have numerous others. Abbott, too, has drawn on this with his defence of Bishop, casting the abuse as a "systemic" rather than particular problem. He can hardly change tack now. But he also knows there could be other government MPs exposed in the future. Already there are doubts about Philip Ruddock's claims and he is being considered as Bishop's replacement.

Abbott's "root-and-branch" review is therefore completely justified. He says it will eventually clean up the problem of MPs' claims being inside the rules and yet outside community standards.

This incidentally, puts him on a unity ticket (as he's fond of saying) with Turnbull.

However, Turnbull's version is to rely on common sense arguing the helicopter flight was entirely Bishop's choice.

The lesson from all of this is that MPs cannot be relied on as a group to exercise common sense. Only tighter rules will fix the problem of politicians on the take.


The damage to confidence, though, will hang around for much longer.

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