

This was published 9 years ago

Tougher rules: the MP entitlements facing scrutiny

By Lisa Cox

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has promised a sweeping review of parliamentary entitlements after the resignation of Bronwyn Bishop as speaker. But what rules and perks could be put under the inquiry's microscope?

Disclosure rules for official travel

Former speaker Bronwyn Bishop has not disclosed the official purposes for some of the travel she has claimed on the taxpayer.

This is a major area that several MPs argue needs reform. Independent Tasmanian MP Andrew Wilkie said that while members and senators had to submit their travel receipts within days of making a trip to make a claim, records of those trips were published only once every six months.

Pat Conroy, of Labor's Waste Watch committee, says the review should consider establishing an independent authority on expenses.

Pat Conroy, of Labor's Waste Watch committee, says the review should consider establishing an independent authority on expenses. Credit: Andrew Meares

"Nowhere in the report does it show the purpose of a certain trip," Mr Wilkie said.

"There are two things I'm suggesting. One, reporting could be more regular, perhaps monthly. Two, the report needs to have a substantive reason for the trip."

Greens senator Lee Rhiannon said improved transparency is a change that could be made immediately.

"The Scottish system really should be adopted," she said. "You click on your MP and you can find out what allowances they're entitled to and how they have spent the money in great detail."


Toughening what constitutes official travel

This follows on from point one. Improved disclosure could help crack down on taxpayer-funded travel by politicians that is not substantially related to their work as an MP - for example, private travel for a wedding that is later passed off as official business because a meeting with a colleague or journalist was included in the trip.

Overseas travel could also come under greater scrutiny. Senator Rhiannon said cases such as soon-to-retire MPs embarking on overseas tours for official business or education was "something that makes the public very cynical".

Travel and transport for party functions

The controversy over Mrs Bishop's expenses began after she was found to have spent more than $5000 on a helicopter ride between Melbourne and Geelong for a Liberal party fundraiser. A review could consider whether parliamentary allowances should be restricted to work purely related to the responsibilities of an MP.

"Currently MPs are allowed to travel at public expense to a range of party political events," Mr Wilkie said.

"That would be what Bronwyn Bishop claimed to be her justification of going to a political fundraiser, I suppose. I can't understand how that's been allowed."

Improved oversight

Chair of Labor's Waste Watch committee Pat Conroy wants to see this on two fronts. The member for Charlton says a review should first consider establishing an independent authority that MPs can consult to ensure any expenses claimed are within parliamentary rules.

"The second part is increased use of random audits by the Department of Finance into entitlements use by MPs to give more confidence to the Australian public," Mr Conroy said.

Business class travel

All MPs are entitled to unlimited business class travel within Australia for official business.

Most MPs are reluctant to say business class travel should be ruled out entirely, but some suggest there could be limits put in place, such as only allowing business class travel for trips longer than three hours, such as those made by WA MPs.

Activist group GetUp!, which is campaigning for an overhaul of parliamentary entitlements, agreed that MPs and senators should be "properly reimbursed for what they do" and that should include some business class travel.

"I'm open to the argument that if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys," campaigns director Joshua Genner said. "Set a limit on business class travel. There needs to be a reasonable limit and some incentive for them to be a bit reasonable."

Using allowances during election campaigns

"They can be spent come election time on just about anything apart from printing materials that say 'Vote one'," Senator Rhiannon said.

She said that while campaigning could be a grey area, some distinctions could be introduced to ensure incumbents did not have a budgetary advantage at election time.

"To my mind, if you are campaigning predominantly on an issue, you are doing your job as an MP. If you are doing, say, vote one for the Greens, that is electioneering and I think it is legitimate for that not to be covered by parliamentary expenses."

Comment from government spokesman Special Minister of State Michael Ronaldson was sought for this story.

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