

This was published 9 years ago

Arthur Sinodinos: How John Howard's man helped undo Abbott

By Matthew Knott

Tony Abbott and Arthur Sinodinos should have been a dream team in government. Instead, John Howard's long-serving former chief of staff became one of the key plotters manoeuvering to replace Abbott with Malcolm Turnbull. It was a mission driven by pragmatism, principle and personal animosity.

"He's been integral," one Turnbull backer said of Sinodinos' role in Monday's leadership challenge. "He was extremely involved," an Abbott loyalist said.

Abbott rode into office promising a return to the stability of the Howard years after the dysfunctional Rudd-Gillard era. Under the Coalition, he vowed, the budget would roar back into surplus and business confidence would soar.

Sinodinos, Howard's chief of staff from 1997 to 2006, was perfectly placed to help turn this vision into reality. You could ring around the Coalition all day and not find anyone willing to bag his record as chief of staff.

Arthur Sinodinos says public servants should not get in the way of politics.

Arthur Sinodinos says public servants should not get in the way of politics. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Organised, consultative and in touch with "middle Australia", Sinodinos was crucial to Howard's success as prime minister, so much so that some Liberals attributed Howard's downfall to Sinodinos' departure.

"He's very strategic, very open-minded, he listens to rational arguments," says a Liberal insider who has worked closely with Sinodinos, the Newcastle-born son of Greek migrants.

Sinodinos is also a former Treasury official who served in senior roles at Goldman Sachs and National Australia Bank.


Elected to the Senate in 2011, many thought he would be a shoo-in for a cabinet posting.

John Howard and Sinodinos during the 2004 election campaign.

John Howard and Sinodinos during the 2004 election campaign.Credit: Andrew Taylor

Yet Abbott appointed him to the relatively junior role of assistant treasurer. Only six months into the life of the government, Sinodinos had to step aside. The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption was probing his past role at Australian Water Holdings, a company linked to disgraced former NSW Labor minister Eddie Obeid.

With the ICAC issue still unresolved in December, Abbott and Sinodinos agreed he would step down from the frontbench, clearing the way for a reshuffle.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is likely to accelate economic reform, Credit Suisse says.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is likely to accelate economic reform, Credit Suisse says.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Sinodinos was to announce the decision on the Sunday before Christmas, but the news leaked out to the media three days earlier. A furious Sinodinos blamed Abbott's office, namely Abbott chief of staff Peta Credlin, for the leak.

He would later confess to colleagues he felt the prime minister's office was "dancing on his grave" for briefing against him.

He believed the slight was symptomatic of a broader malaise.

"There has always been gossip and innuendo in the past, but the leaking was never like this," he told Fairfax Media. "It has been on an industrial scale."

Never overly impressed by Abbott's economic credentials, he was now a man with nothing to lose.

After warning on live television that Abbott did not have his "unconditional" support, Sinodinos was an important agitator for February's leadership spill motion.

Six months later, he was just as alarmed at the government's prospects. The Bronwyn Bishop "choppergate" fiasco had been allowed to run for weeks. Abbott's handling of the debate over a conscience vote on same-sex marriage left the party divided. The polls were horrendous.

"There was a feeling we had lost control of the national conversation, that we were drifting and reactive," he says.

Liberal MPs say Sinodinos' most important role was not counting numbers for Turnbull. That task was fulfilled primarily by Victorian senators Scott Ryan and Mitch Fifield, and Queensland MPs Wyatt Roy and Mal Brough.

Rather, he served as a "sounding board" for Turnbull over recent months. Turnbull valued his corporate memory, sought advice from him and tested out ideas on him.

In the Coalition party room on Tuesday, Turnbull praised the way Sinodinos ran Howard's office, saying it was a model he wanted to resurrect.

Attention is now focussed on whether Sinodinos will return to the frontbench, even though the Independent Commission Against Corruption has not handed down its findings on Australian Water Holdings.

A financial portfolio would be an obvious fit, but he is also seen as a strong contender for Turnbull's former communications portfolio.


Sinodinos has stressed he supported Turnbull to advance the party's interests, not his own career. He has also made it clear that if the Prime Minister wants him to serve in the ministry, he won't say no.

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