

This was published 1 year ago

Why Australia needs to change its thinking on growing the economy

By Ian Lowe

In his book Collapse, Jared Diamond argued that societies tend to grow and expand until they reach limits: finite supplies of water or productive land, limited mineral resources, environmental consequences of their actions, perhaps relations with neighbouring societies.

When this occurs, Diamond says, the society must choose whether to change its approach to manage within the limits or press bravely on, doing what it has always done. He argues that many societies kept doing what they had always done, despite the evidence they had reached limits, and collapsed. A famous example is Easter Island. Other societies, including other Pacific islands, recognised the problem and adapted to ensure their survival.

There is a striking Northern Hemisphere example. During the so-called medieval warm period, the Vikings established settlements in Iceland and also Greenland, which was at the time a green land rather than a frozen wasteland. Then the so-called Little Ice Age hit Europe, causing a significant drop in temperatures. Shakespeare wrote of milk coming “frozen home in pail”, and the Thames froze solidly enough for frost fairs to be held, with whole bullocks roasted on the ice.

The settlement on the island of Greenland was no longer able to grow its food and so it collapsed. But the Icelandic community recognised what was happening and started a fishing industry, getting their protein from the sea and developing a trade in smoked fish to import the fruit and vegetables they could no longer produce. They adapted and survived.

The evidence is clear that the present level of human consumption is damaging our future prospects. We are changing the global climate, driving a loss of species, eroding the productivity of our land, reducing the fish catch and reducing the availability of such essentials as fresh water.

In that context, aiming at further growth does not seem an intelligent approach. We should be prepared at least to think about alternatives. The late Professor Herman Daly came to a conference in Australia in 1977 to speak about his idea of steady-state economics. He argued that recent growth had done little or nothing to improve community wellbeing, while risking serious environmental damage.


I have followed with interest the work of Canadian academic Professor Peter Victor, whom I met when we both gave papers to the same international conference a decade ago. He said that he grew up believing the conventional wisdom that economic growth would alleviate poverty, provide full employment and enable us to address environmental problems. But he realised that 30 years of unprecedented economic growth had not achieved any of those goals.

Not only had economic growth failed to eliminate unemployment and lessen poverty, it had actually widened inequality and worsened environmental problems. So he decided to use the sort of economic models employed by the Canadian Treasury to assess the impacts of different approaches.


I was interested in his work because Canada is very similar to Australia, as a large country with much of its land sparsely inhabited, and using a parallel economic approach of exporting commodities to pay for its imports of goods and services.

Victor found that a business-as-usual future in which the traditional growth approach is used did not reduce unemployment, and saw unacceptable environmental damage and increasing numbers of people living in poverty.

A demonstrator scales the John A. Wilson Building in Washington, DC, in April 2022 to mark Earth Day.

A demonstrator scales the John A. Wilson Building in Washington, DC, in April 2022 to mark Earth Day.Credit: Bloomberg

An alternative approach of stopping growth immediately was even worse, with massive unemployment and widespread social unrest. He then analysed alternative futures in which growth rates were slowly reduced at the same time as other policies were introduced: a shorter working week to spread employment more evenly; measures to redistribute income; and pollution taxes to discourage wasteful industrial practices.

He found this to be a much more attractive future, with slower growth producing full employment, more leisure, much less poverty and improved environmental outcomes.

What policies were needed to produce this optimal future? First, and most fundamentally, as Victor put it, “managing without growth requires a stable population”.

This is an obvious conclusion. If the population is growing, but the economy isn’t, per capita wealth is declining. This reverses the usual wisdom from conventional economists, who like to see a growing population because this promotes economic growth: more people mean we need more food, more clothes, more houses, more transport and so on.

Continued population growth will increase demand for resources including food production.

Continued population growth will increase demand for resources including food production.Credit: Bloomberg

Victor’s conclusion was that we only really need economic growth if the population is growing. If the population grows, all other things being equal, the economy grows proportionally – but that doesn’t make anyone better off. Where the population has stabilised, there is less pressure to grow the economy and in turn put increasing stresses on natural systems.

Second, and equally importantly, we need to recognise the critical importance of maintaining the integrity of those natural systems. They give us the absolute essentials of life — breathable air, potable water, the capacity to produce our food — as well as our sense of place and identity, and the spiritual refreshment that comes from enjoying natural areas.

Most governments see the important agencies as those which promote economic development, like Treasury, Trade, Resources and Industry. The clear implication is that decision-makers believe environmental issues are less important, and we can always repair environmental problems if we are sufficiently wealthy.

We are now seeing the flaw in this argument. No amount of wealth can restore an extinct species or repair degraded landscapes on any realistic timescale. Even in simplistic economic terms, we are all now paying a heavy price in Australia for the damage resulting from climate change.

As Victor’s work showed, it is at least feasible to consider futures in which we don’t regard the economy as an end in itself and see maximising economic growth as the highest priority, one which overrides human rights, social cohesion and environmental integrity. We need to change our thinking about the economy, reflect on what is important to us and others, in particular recognising the most basic flaw in the common assumption that we can safely leave the level of environmental protection to the market.


There are two important groups that are critically affected by what we do to the natural environment but cannot possibly reflect their wishes in the market: all future generations, and all other species. I remember hearing an environmental advocate making the point that we don’t just inherit the Earth from our parents, we also borrow it from our children. Out of common decency, they are entitled to expect us to think about the health of the country we are passing on to them.

We would probably make wiser decisions in a whole range of areas if we routinely asked ourselves how our grandchildren would assess what we are doing: will they be impressed with our consideration, our vision, our wisdom and our humanity, or will they be appalled by our short-sighted selfishness?

The most obvious consequence of slowing or stopping economic growth is that it would force consideration of the distribution of wealth. We have steadily become a much less equal society in the past 50 years, as Andrew Leigh pointed out in his book, Battlers and Billionaires. If the economy is growing, each person is on average slightly better off this year than they were last year. If there were no growth and incomes were frozen at the present level, the inequalities would be so strikingly indefensible that there would have to be some remedial action.


A wide range of policies adopted during the period of obsession with neoclassical economic ideology has systematically redistributed income from the poor to the rich. It is not just that professionals in such fields as medicine and law have more opportunities to reduce their taxable income than wage earners. At the extreme, there are individuals in the list of the 500 wealthiest Australians whose declared income is so low they are exempt from the Medicare levy! It was observed in the discussion about housing, now widely seen as a medium of speculative investment rather than a basic human right, that current policies make it easier for a surgeon or barrister to buy their fifth house than a young couple to get a roof over their heads.

As a civilised society, we should be having a discussion about the policies that influence the distribution of income. Most people would say that the service workers on whom we critically depend, such as paramedics, nurses, aged care workers, drivers of public transport vehicles and waste management operators, deserve to be better paid.

There was an almost perceptible collective cheer around the country when the incoming Albanese government, in its first weeks of office, persuaded the Fair Work Commission to raise the minimum wage. While discussing the distribution of income should be part of the political discourse now, it would be forced onto the agenda if the economy were not growing.

Australia On The Brink by Ian Lowe.

Australia On The Brink by Ian Lowe.Credit:

Dr Richard Eckersley has posed a fundamental question. He asks people: “Given what you know about the state of the world and your own financial situation, is it absolutely your highest priority to become twice as wealthy in the next 20 years and consume twice as much?”

He says that very few people respond in the affirmative. Some don’t even see that scale of increase in wealth and consumption as desirable. Those who do see it as desirable still usually rank it below other goals such as staying healthy, having satisfying work, being in a strong relationship, feeling secure in their neighbourhood and seeing children happy.

But all governments, state or Commonwealth, Coalition or ALP, seem to believe that the absolute highest priority is to ensure that the gross domestic product, the total size of the economy, grows at a rate of at least 3.5 per cent — in other words, to double the economy in 20 years. That would only be sensible if we all agreed that becoming twice as wealthy in the next two decades is our principal objective, justifying widening social divisions, accelerating environmental damage and increasing foreign control of our productive land.

In principle, we could decide to curb consumption and reduce the rate of economic growth almost immediately. What we cannot change in the short term is the rate of population growth. Even such radical moves as China’s one-child policy take decades to have a significant impact on population numbers.

This is an edited extract from Ian Lowe’s Australia on the Brink: Avoiding Environmental Ruin due to be published on May 1 as part of Monash University Publishing’s ‘In the National Interest’ series.

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