

This was published 19 years ago

The collapse of the wide, brown land

The geographic centre of Australia has a name - the Lambert Centre. It's in the far south of the Northern Territory, where scientists pinpointed the continent's "centre of gravity" (and named it after Dr Bruce Lambert, a surveyor and cartographer). The Lambert Centre is marked by a tall flagpole at the end of a dirt track. That's it. It's in the middle of the vast, arid centre that most Australians traverse by avoiding altogether. Flyover country.

It's not friendly country, but it is beautiful and constantly changing. Orange sand dunes alternate with black plains of hematite and opaline that create a blasted, post-apocalyptic feel. At this time of year it is usually 40 degrees by late morning, and climbing.

Geographically, civilisation is in retreat in Australia. The drylands of the interior are expanding as more landscape is denuded by land-clearing, erosion and salinisation. The population is retreating to the coastline. Increasingly, Australians "live in those five big cities, which are connected to the outside world rather than to the Australian landscape", writes Jared Diamond in his new book, Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Survive.

We are certainly not connected to the vast red centre, except artificially, and sporadically. Last week I spent three days in and around the Simpson Desert - 1000 kilometres on dirt roads - and encountered just one other vehicle. The only company in three days was at lunch at the Mount Dare homestead, where Dave and Melissa Cox run a service centre for travellers. It costs them $15,000 a year in diesel fuel for the generators. Take away that life support and this outpost of Western civilisation (and a hot shower for $3) ceases to function.

What amazes Diamond, one of the world's leading scientist-historians, is Australia's determination to cling to the myth that much of the hinterland is critical to the nation's economic health. He sees this as one of the world's great lost causes:


"While 60 per cent of Australia's land area and 80 per cent of its human water use are dedicated to agriculture, the value of agriculture relative to other sectors of the Australian economy has been shrinking to the point where it now contributes less than 3 per cent of the gross national product. That's a huge allocation of land and scarce water to an enterprise of such low value. Furthermore, it is astonishing to realise that over 99 per cent of the agricultural land makes little or no positive contribution to Australia's economy. It turns out that about 80 per cent of Australia's agricultural profits are derived from less than 0.8 per cent of its agricultural land ...

"Most of Australia's remaining agriculture is in effect a mining operation that does not add to Australia's wealth but merely converts environmental capital of soil and native vegetation irreversibly into cash, with the help of indirect government subsidies ..."

The true economic costs of agriculture are muted, Diamond argues, because they do not fully measure the cost of permanent landscape degradation, especially the continuing damage to the Great Barrier Reef, which is worth far more to Australia than any extra agriculture being extracted. "Australia still clears more native vegetation per year than any other First World country ... rotting and burning of the bulldozed vegetation contribute to Australia's annual greenhouse gas emissions a gas quantity approximately equal to the country's total motor vehicle emissions."

At last, a free kick for urban motorists. His vision of Australia does not sit well with the lore of the durable Australian farmers and graziers carrying the nation's economy on their backs for more than 100 years:

"The carbon dioxide emissions from Australian agriculture exceed those produced by motor vehicles and all the rest of the transport industry ... The simplest way for Australia to fulfil its stated commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions would be to eliminate its cattle!"

Why should we listen to this American provocateur? In The New York Times last month, one of the paper's chief reviewers, Michiko Kakutani, praised his "fascinating" erudition as a thinker and scientist, but scolded: "Interesting as such questions might be, this book remains, in the end, a messy hodgepodge of case studies, glued together with speculation and questionable analogies."

Perhaps, but Diamond is a true world-class polymath, with academic skill in genetics, geography, molecular biology, animal behaviour and linguistics - he speaks 12 languages - who is asking big questions that need to be asked. The Times made no mention of his chapter on Australia, which is supported by the latest work of Australia's foremost ecologist, Tim Flannery. Collapse builds on a landmark work by Joseph Tainter, The Collapse of Complex Societies, published in 1988, which Diamond criticises for underplaying the role of environmental depletion.

Diamond's best-known book, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, was a bestseller which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1998. He's won a MacArthur Foundation "genius" award, wrote the widely praised The Third Chimpanzee, and is the only scholar to have won the Science Book Prize twice. Although based at the University of California, Los Angeles, as Professor of Geography and Environmental Health Sciences, he has long been fascinated by Australia: "Australia is a country that I love, of which I have long experience ... I first visited in 1964 [and] since then I have returned dozens of times, including a sabbatical at Australian National University ... Australia and Britain are the only countries to which I have seriously considered emigrating."

Collapse, just published here, makes Australia its final case study because Diamond uses this country as a warning to advanced economies of what happens when an environment is misunderstood and overworked. The consequence is drylands expanding through erosion. Australia has the potential to be blighted by salinisation over an area six times larger than the landscape already desertified by soil mining. In NSW, according to Diamond, the amount of land under threat of salinisation is 60 times greater than that already ruined or damaged by ignorance.

"Australia illustrates in extreme form the exponentially accelerating horse race in which the world now finds itself," he concludes. Because Diamond admires Australia, he allows for optimism. He sees a continuing environmental decline being offset by growing environmental knowledge and repair. He gives us about 50 years to turn it around. In historical terms, we're not edging towards a turning point, we're sprinting.

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