

This was published 5 years ago

The gecko get-go: 'They're superheroes'

By John Elder

Just how fast can a gecko go? New research has shown how Asian geckos are able to run over water at nearly a metre per second.

That’s as fast as they can run on land – or wherever they want to go.

Geckos simultaneously use four techniques to run across the water.

Geckos simultaneously use four techniques to run across the water. Credit: Pauline Jennings, UC Berkeley. Courtesy of PolyPEDAL Lab

“They can run up a wall at a metre per second, they can glide, they can right themselves in mid-air with a twist of their tail and rapidly invert under a leaf running at full speed. And now they can run at a metre per second over water,” said Robert Full, a University of Californian Berkeley professor of integrative biology, in a university statement.

“Nothing else can do that. Geckos are superheroes.’’

Well, maybe they just work hard.

Spiders and beetles are light enough to be kept afloat by surface tension, which allows them to move about like small children can do on crusty snow.

Water gliders have thousands of microscopic hairs that trap air and increase water resistance.
Bigger creatures, such as waterbirds during take off, rapidly slap and stroke the water to keep above the waves.

But Asian geckos, according to the scientists, use four different techniques at the same time to run across water.

They get some support from surface tension and, like swans, slap the water rapidly with their feet. But geckos also hydroplane over the surface of water in the fashion of speedboats – facilitated by their smooth, water-repellent skin.


Finally, they use their tail for stabilisation and propulsion, wiggling it side to side.

In the lab, the scientists built a long water tank, placed the geckos on a plank and startled them by touching their tails. Using high-speed video, they were able to closely study the geckos’ techniques and estimate the forces involved.

In slow motion, looking side-on to the tank, you might think: ah, they’re just swimming.
But when you see them at full speed, especially from above, it’s apparent they are genuinely sprinting.

Gecko movement explained in an illustration from UC Berkeley.

Gecko movement explained in an illustration from UC Berkeley.

Geckos sprinting on the water’s surface “exceed the absolute swimming speeds of many larger, aquatic specialists, including ducks, minks, muskrats, marine iguanas and juvenile alligators,” the university said.

Co-author Jasmine Nirody, a biophysicist at the University of Oxford and Rockefeller University, said the experiments showed surface tension was essential. Because when she applied a surfactant or soap to eliminate surface tension, the geckos were much less efficient. “Their speed dropped by half.”

Leg slapping was vital in creating air pockets that helped keep their bodies from being completely submerged, allowing them to trot across the water in much the same way they run on land.

“Even knowing the extensive list of locomotive capabilities that geckos have in their arsenal, we were still very surprised at the speed at which they could dart across the water’s surface,’’ Nirody said. “The way that they combine several modalities to perform this feat is really remarkable.’’

For the geckos, the ability to run over water is a handy defence against predators. For the researchers, they see potential for the design of robots.

The findings were published in Current Biology.

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