

This was published 9 years ago

We can make our own future with our own hands

We shouldn't leap to quick judgments, but try harder to understand the people and places far from our land.

By Charles Waterstreet

Who are we to judge the savagery in the Middle East when our American cousins fought each other, brother on brother, in a bloody civil war just a few generations ago? Who are we to judge the plight of fleeing refugees from Syria when we invaded this land, slaughtered and subdued its natural owners and occupied it in the name of Queen and Country? Who are we to condemn those searching for a better life when our own forefathers fled Europe for fear of war and potato famine? Who are we to question people leaving their homelands to set up their religion in foreign fields when boat after boat of Puritans left Europe intending to civilise America in their God's name?

Who are we to civilise those who seek to retain their own civilisation when in the Queen's name, our Mother Country occupied and sought to civilise all of India for more than 100 years? Who are we to cry out against the bloodletting in the Middle East when our Irish brothers blew up the Queen's horses in the name of freedom? Who are we to refuse the fleeing Syrians in Europe when we dare not ask those swollen Saudi kings and princes to take their share, from a war we started by invading Iraq in the name of a lie, but spelt like oil?

We are not doomed and we are not damned, says Charles Waterstreet.

We are not doomed and we are not damned, says Charles Waterstreet.Credit: Jacky Ghossein

Who are we to lecture another creed when we have allowed fortunes made by tobacco companies to prop up our sports when their products riddled our parents and grandparents with cancer, when liquor companies' logos are plastered over our horse races, allowing them to parade booze as the ultimate in lifestyle, while our young are covering themselves in their own vomit? Who are we to dispute a Russian president who represents a country whose people rose up against oppression and their tsar and created a country that in turn oppressed the very same people when the only wars it fought were far from us, for a Queen's command and the only rebellion in our state was over rum? Who are we to accept the Greeks and Italians as presentable Europeans escaping a hellish war but turn our backs and turn back the boats on the latest generations fleeing wars?

Who are we not to recognise that many of the people we lock up in prisons should be in hospitals or in treatment and not held in solitary confinement? Who are we to allow to allow so much fishing around our Great Barrier Reef that it is becoming a cemetery causing so much grief?

Who are we, without a real flag, without the grace to let go of Her Grace, with so much land that we dare not surrender one acre to the millions who have none, with no strategy to cope with the ongoing tragedy that the weather will bring. Who are we to become if we do not understand who we are?

The removal of Tony Abbott was a message that spoke of who we are not. The loss of a target causes this archer to consider his position. Malcolm Turnbull is not the game changer, it's only us who can become the people we want to be. Instead of just watching the game, week after week, we become game players with and within ourselves, and use our imaginations to create internal apps that set us goals and become appreciators of self-improvement and not the deprecators of anyone who rises above the mob.

We must participate in our own lives rather than living through others. We must discard false proxies fashioned by marketers and embrace the ambiguities that reside inside. We can resolve each and every one of us to become better than we were, to keep our timetables and not cling to the side. We must foster a curiosity that seeks to understand the people and places far from our land.

We are not doomed and we are not damned, we can make our own future with our own hands. Our children can be taught that they can create their own lives, that optimism and betterment is available to every one and not just to a few. We can pitchfork ourselves forward or we can disappear in hell. Life is a challenge but not with each, rather with ourselves.

By creating better internal organisations of ourselves we can move forward with a whisper of a plan and not gaze at our navels wondering if it's there. The point of the Eastern philosophies of yoga and meditation was not to become self-absorbed so that we can live without the world, but to realise that all of us are, in fact, the world. This generation needs to realise that discipline and meditation are not to isolate, but to connect, to empathise with others who are representations of ourselves. It's not supposed to be about becoming skinny and smug.

There's a rarely a time that uncertainty can be turned into certainty. We can make this happen. We must open our arms and not just flex them. We must look beyond the obvious, towards the horizon and begin to grasp the simple truth that who we are is exactly the same as everyone else, so by setting examples, we improve everyone, not just ourselves.

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