

This was published 9 years ago

Great expectations = 24-hour FOMO

By Sam de Brito

I have a friend who's married to a very successful rock star. A former model, now a director, the social media posts of her globetrotting life with her husband and child as they explore hipster fabulousness from their Parisian base are so gorgeous and tasteful they make me a little nauseous.

When I occasionally check her pictures, I'm left feeling so deflated by my comparatively pedestrian life it sits in my stomach like cold sick. Then, because I'm an adult, I regulate, practise gratitude for what I have, embrace low expectations and go read some Marcus Aurelius, perhaps suckle a single malt.

<i>Illustration: Rocco Fazzari.</i>

Illustration: Rocco Fazzari.

I wonder how 12-year-olds manage? When I see teens glued to their phones, scrolling through pictures of holidaying celebs and athletes – sometimes not much older than them – it strikes me this type of social media might well be the greatest generator of discontent in history.

A second after you join Instagram it shows you dozens of people you don't know, but who are apparently your peers and "just like you" – 19-year-old supermodels on St Barts taking selfies under waterfalls, muscled playboys who've never eaten cheese in their life, posing with 19-year-old supermodels under waterfalls.

Who knew these people existed? Now, I don't begrudge them their cataracts, it's just I also know they put on their pants one leg at a time, just like you and me. Having met my fair share of models and playboys, I also know happiness is largely determined by a person's expectations, which are invariably set by the culture in which they live.

People once flourished without every modern convenience we now consider "essential" – from hygiene to refrigeration to almond milk – yet there's no persuasive evidence they were unhappier than those of us today who lose their minds if there's no aircon or Wi-Fi.

We have exactly the same brains as humans did 10,000 years ago, however, a teenager growing up in a rural village back then had, at most, a couple of hundred other people to compare themselves to – and most of them had no teeth.

Even my generation grew up surrounded by people who looked like us and wanted pretty much the same things. We saw beautiful people in magazines and on television but there was a context to that – they were on telly – where now, there is none.


Social media and mobile phones allow kids to compare themselves to the most gorgeous, gifted, privileged, airbrushed, staged people in the world – all the time – because of the little resentment machine in their pockets.

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is no longer confined to not being invited to a birthday party, it's beating yourself up because you don't have the same body, wardrobe, friends and holidays as people you've never met, never will and would be overwhelmingly disappointed with if you did.

It's a conceit of parenthood we "worry" about the next generation, when they'll be just fine with or without our concerns and condescension. I sincerely wish them luck, but feel credentialled to at least advise that abs and handbags don't make you happy, yet expecting they will, can make you miserable.

Cheese, single malt and philosophy, however? They are within reach of us all.

Twitter: @Samdebrito

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