

This was published 3 years ago

Board games: Is a cosy directors’ club a risk to corporate Australia?

By Anne Hyland

Keeping busy: From Left to Right. (Top Row) Kathleen Conlon, Neil Chatfield, Robert Millner. (Middle Row) Mike Wilkins, Richard Goyder, Maxine Brenner. (Bottom row) John Mullen, Nora Scheinkestel, Anne Templeman-Jones

Keeping busy: From Left to Right. (Top Row) Kathleen Conlon, Neil Chatfield, Robert Millner. (Middle Row) Mike Wilkins, Richard Goyder, Maxine Brenner. (Bottom row) John Mullen, Nora Scheinkestel, Anne Templeman-Jones Credit: Mark Stehle

Power shifts, flows and recombines and nowhere more so than inside Australia’s corporate boardrooms. As millions of retail shareholders prepare for the annual general meeting season, which kicks off in earnest next month, the spotlight will soon be on the performance of the non-executive directors at the very top of the nation’s biggest companies who wield enormous influence over the economy and society.

Australia’s boardrooms have often been criticised for lacking diversity and being filled with the same grey-haired men and to a lesser extent, women. According to this critique, the lack of diversity contributes to weak scrutiny of management teams and poor decision-making. Some even claim it’s a factor behind some of the biggest scandals that have rocked corporate Australia in recent years, most notably the problems at troubled casino giant Crown.

For Nicola Wakefield Evans, one of Australia’s most prominent female directors, the notion that Australian boards are not doing enough on diversity is a “myth”, and the pressure from shareholder and other advocacy groups to appoint more people from different backgrounds is beginning to bear fruit. “We’re getting a lot of women but also men who are being appointed to their first big ASX role,” she says.

Analysis from Chief Executive Women and the Australian Institute of Company Directors shows progress on gender diversity has been made. For the first time, every company in the ASX 200 index now has at least one woman director. Female representation on boards in Australia has climbed to 33.7 per cent up from 8.3 per cent in 2009, and above the United States at 29.9 per cent.

Whether this progress is enough will continue to be debated. But one undeniable and ongoing problem within Australia’s director class has been exposed during the pandemic. Many of our top directors are over committed, with too many board seats in their portfolios. And this ‘overboarding’ appears systemic: between 2005 and 2020, nearly 40 per cent of director appointments to ASX 300 boards were individuals who already held another listed board seat, according to corporate governance group Ownership Matters.

Overboarding has become such an issue that during the COVID-19 crisis, some companies like Qantas have had to schedule board meetings at 9pm, given how difficult it is to line up time in directors’ diaries.

Corporate governance groups consider a chair role on a big public company equivalent to two board seats and recommend directors don’t hold more than four board roles at any one time. “Overboarding doesn’t reveal itself until there’s a problem in one or more of the companies or in the case of COVID-19, a generalised kind of crisis,” says Dean Paatsch, the co-founder of Ownership Matters.


There are least 50 directors of ASX 300 companies who sit on four or more listed company boards. For investors and shareholder advisory groups, this is a problem.

“Shareholders and proxy advisers have said to me: ‘What happens if you have a crisis in both places?’ ” says Richard Goyder, who chairs Woodside and Qantas. “Hopefully, I can work through that, but if not, you know, we’ll make sure we’ve got people who are ready to step in.”

“I’ve never felt like I haven’t been able to provide the time and energy to the CEOs, executives and boards of both companies,” says Qantas and Woodside chairman Richard Goyder.

“I’ve never felt like I haven’t been able to provide the time and energy to the CEOs, executives and boards of both companies,” says Qantas and Woodside chairman Richard Goyder.Credit: Getty Images

When times are good, it might be easy to juggle multiple board roles, but in a crisis it can be far more challenging for a director to monitor a company given the significant time commitments involved. Russell Reynolds Associates, which provides recruitment services and advice to boards, estimates that in normal times, let alone a crisis, the average director spends 200 hours a year on board activities per company, excluding travel.

At the forthcoming annual general meeting season, board members can expect to be asked by shareholders how they managed their workloads during the pandemic, especially directors of listed companies that also hold directorships at government enterprises, private companies or not-for-profit organisations.

For example, in addition to her three listed company board seats, Wakefield Evans is a director of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the 30% Club Australia.


Goyder, who is well-regarded in the business community, also chairs the AFL Commission, the governing body of Australian Rules Football. “I’m busy compared to a lot of people, but I’m not as busy as I was when I was CEO of Wesfarmers. I’ve never felt like I haven’t been able to provide the time and energy to the CEOs, executives and boards of both companies,” he says.

Qantas has been one of the companies hardest hit by the pandemic, while in April Woodside was criticised for having a messy CEO transition after the unexpected early departure of Peter Coleman, who stepped down before a successor was appointed.

Paatsch says some members of the director class may be able to juggle multiple board seats but “it depends on the ability of the director and that’s something shareholders often don’t know and for some directors one board can be beyond them.”

Telstra and Brambles chair John Mullen agrees. “It does depend entirely on the individual. I know people who can juggle four or five responsibilities at the same time with extreme diligence and others who aren’t even good with just one.”

In the past 18 months, many of Australia’s biggest companies have benefited from having wise old heads around the board table. Seasoned directors have been able to use their experience from 9/11 and the Global Financial Crisis to steer vulnerable companies through not only COVID-19, but also worsening trade tensions with China, the country’s biggest trading partner.


Top boardrooms have also filled a void left by the federal government on matters from climate change, workplace sexual harassment to compelling vaccination advertising campaigns, like those from Qantas and Woolworths.

But the issue of ‘overboarding’ remains a concern in the investment community.

For many years, global funds management groups such as BlackRock and Vanguard have raised concerns and campaigned against over committed directors and their significant workloads. This is because businesses have become increasingly complex, requiring much more attention by directors, and also because boards now answer to more stakeholders than ever before, from governments, regulators, shareholders, employees, customers, corporate governance advisers, environmental, indigenous to other social issue organisations.

At its core a director’s role is to question, test and hold management to account and ensure that the company’s strategy is executed and sustainable for the long term. But there are also many other responsibilities for directors including sitting on board’s sub-committees, such as remuneration, audit, risk and investment, which can be time-consuming.

All of which means the days when a director could read board papers at the last-minute heading into a meeting are long gone, and that once-prized directorships are becoming increasingly onerous. Alongside this increased workload has been a rise in risk for board members, financially and to their reputation, when unexpected issues arise, such as a pandemic, a hostile takeover or a scandal, of which there have been plenty in the past year and a half.

There was the public outcry after Rio Tinto blew up a 46,000-year-old Indigenous site in Western Australia, which claimed the scalp of chief executive Jean-Sebastien Jacques. He will soon be followed out the door by chairman Simon Thompson. Over at AMP, the chair David Murray and chief executive Franceso De Ferrari both fell on their swords, following investor fury at the company’s poor performance and the lack of accountability over a sexual harassment scandal involving top executive Boe Pahari.

More shocking revelations emerged of the bad corporate governance at James Packer’s Crown group, which was subject to state government inquiries and royal commissions in three states. The result: more than a dozen resignations among the board and management; substantial damage to reputations, and Crown now bracing for a regulatory onslaught that risks disabling its entire gaming operation.


At QBE, boss Pat Regan resigned from the top job following the outcome of an external investigation into workplace communications after a complaint by a female employee. Oil Search’s boss Keiran Wulff quit citing health reasons, as complaints emerged about his management style. Nuix’s CEO Rod Vawdrey is stepping down amid a corporate governance and disclosure scandals.

At Boral, Kathryn Fagg departed following shareholder criticism of the company’s performance and governance, which led to billionaire Kerry Stokes’ Seven Group executing a classic corporate raid on the company. While insurer IAG this year announced its chair Elizabeth Bryan was leaving along with director Duncan Boyle, the chair of the group’s risk committee. In a statement the company said those departures were part of ongoing board renewal. Days after that announcement IAG reported a $1.5 billion provision for customer refunds to do with a pricing debacle, underpayment and potential business interruption claims.

The rising risks for directors was also sheeted home in June when the NSW Supreme Court ruled that former Dick Smith board director and chief financial officer Michael Potts was personally liable for an eye-watering sum of $43 million after a court determined that he had engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct during negotiations for a loan facility with the National Australia Bank.

Such failings unfortunately overshadow the good work being done by many directors across most companies, but they are a reminder that directors must be diligent in their duties. “The reputational damage is in the 1 per cent of activity that you probably weren’t watching,” says John Mullen. “If we were getting something 99 per cent right we’d all pat ourselves on the back. Boards are having to really reverse their thinking now … and say let management run the 99 per cent, but the board needs to know everything about the 1 per cent because that can be hugely impactful and damaging to the company.”

The number of directors holding multiple board portfolios has raised claims of a cosy ‘director’s club’ in corporate Australia.


Mullen says there is some validity to the criticism that parts of Australia’s top boardrooms act like a club. “We’re increasingly backing ourselves into a corner recycling the same directors and leaders over and over,” he says. “There’s a relatively small pool that is doing that, and I think it’s very much a defacto club, although not designed to be one. We need to shake that up, and we need to take more risks bringing in people of very different background to the traditional background and see how it goes.”

Guy Farrow, country manager at advisory and recruitment firm Heidrick & Struggles, believes there is little evidence of a ‘director’s club’. “In every board search process, members of the board will suggest people, but they are held up to the same light and against the same criteria as every other candidate. If you put on top of that this desire to look for fresh thinking, for greater diversity in all its forms, I think boards are looking far and wide to find the best candidates.”

Goyder agrees. “I don’t see it as a club per se, I think we’ve moved beyond that,” he says. “People get a reputation. If you have a good reputation, it helps.”

Goyder believes there remains strong demand from new candidates wanting to join boards and there isn’t a week when he doesn’t receive contact from an executive who’s interested in transitioning to a possible board career. However, he adds that because of the tougher regulatory environment now, post royal commissions into several sectors from banking and insurance to gaming, “the bar has gone up”.

‘We’re increasingly backing ourselves into a corner recycling the same directors and leaders over and over.’

John Mullen, Telstra and Brambles chair

Mullen is critical of some recruitment firms for failing to deliver fresh names to boards when a director search is underway. “I find when we go to a lot of the headhunters you get the same CVs.”

Donald Hellyer, the co-founder of Open Director, an analytics firm that studies the dynamics of company boards, has a different view. “Is it too clubby? Yes. Does it mean to say those people are bad directors? No. It just means that you keep harvesting from the same spot.”

“We’re getting a lot of women but also men who are being appointed to their first big ASX role,” says Lendlease and Macquarie director Nicola Wakefield Evans.

“We’re getting a lot of women but also men who are being appointed to their first big ASX role,” says Lendlease and Macquarie director Nicola Wakefield Evans.Credit: Janie Barrett

Telstra was applauded for the appointment last year of entrepreneur Bridget Loudon. Loudon, 33, is the founder of online employment marketplace Expert360. “To have people my age sitting around the board table trying to opine and make decisions about what is actually affecting the young is pretty blinkered,” says Telstra chair John Mullen, who is 66. “We took a gamble and brought Bridget on and absolutely delighted we did. We’re going to do more of it.”

Renowned academic and former Intel executive Genevieve Bell’s appointment at Commonwealth Bank was equally praised as an inspired choice, as she also came from outside the traditional director pool. But such examples are notable because they are more the exception than the rule, like the appointment six years ago of advertising executive Todd Sampson to the Qantas board. ”I think he’s insufferable, but it’s been great for that board to get somebody on it who really understands customer engagement, marketing, advertising, and who is going to question scenarios,” says one company adviser, who requested anonymity.

Mullen says boards “need to be a lot more open-minded and embrace diversity not just from the perspective of gender but from the diversity of thought and approach”.

Since 2009 the proportion of women directors on ASX 200 boards has increased from 8.3 per cent to 33.7 per cent. This falls to around 29 per cent if you exclude multiple board seats held by women, according to Open Director. In a July report, Ownership Matters noted that the significant push to recruit female directors led to boards drawing from the existing “well-known” female director pool, who already had multiple directorships.

Some in board circles, who won’t be quoted, argue the pendulum has swung too far where you’re getting quantity, not quality in female director appointments. Bob Every, a former chair at Boral and Wesfarmers, says it’s important for boards to keep pushing for diversity, not just in gender, but all aspects, with a caveat. “If you pursue diversity to the detriment of merit, I think that’s a negative.”

Another example of diversification is in the increase in foreign directors on Australian boards, demonstrating that companies are not just drawing from the same domestic director pool. Open Director found that foreign directors, such as Swee Chen Goh, who sits on Woodside’s board, now account for 17 per cent of all ASX 200 directorships.

‘If you can’t create that space in your diary, in your life, then you would have let that board down.’

Catherine Livingstone, Commonwealth Bank of Australia chair

Still, there remain many examples of where board directors have multiple roles, including Goyder and Mullen. Mullen occupies three chairmanships, at Telstra and Brambles, both top 50 Australian companies by market capitalisation, and also the privately owned Toll Group. The latter, like all logistics companies, has been extremely busy during the pandemic. Mullen is also a director of Canada’s Brookfield Infrastructure Partners, and has some not-for-profit commitments.

Mullen says the pace of his current board portfolio is not as demanding as when he was a multinational CEO in the logistics and transport industries.

Nora Scheinkestel is a veteran of Australian boards having served on about 15. She currently sits on four ASX 200 company boards - Telstra, Brambles, Westpac and AusNet Services - and is an Associate Professor at the Melbourne Business School. Maxine Brenner, who’s married to former One.Tel founder Jodee Rich, also has a full plate serving on the boards of Woolworths, Qantas, Orica and Origin, and is a member of the University of NSW’s council, of which David Gonski is chancellor. Universities, supermarkets, banks, airlines and logistics companies have been among the most affected industries throughout the pandemic.

Another director with a huge capacity for work is Sam Mostyn. She sits on two publicly listed companies - Transurban and Mirvac - and is also chair of Citibank Australia, which sold its retail arm in August for at least $1.2 billion to National Australia Bank. Mostyn is a non-executive director of the Sydney Swans, president of Chief Executive Women, chair of AusFilm and also Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety, a director of the Climate Council, the Centre for Policy Development, the Go Foundation and also the Foundation for Young Australians.

“It’s helpful as a chair and as a board generally to have people who are not known to each other working together,” says Commonwealth Bank chair Catherine Livingstone.

“It’s helpful as a chair and as a board generally to have people who are not known to each other working together,” says Commonwealth Bank chair Catherine Livingstone.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Catherine Livingstone, the chair of Commonwealth Bank, says the number of directorships an individual holds is a personal decision. However, she offers this advice for anyone wanting to become a board member and build a portfolio of directorships.

“What you do have to know and be very clear about is that you can create the space when a board needs that space in your diary. You have to assume that at any time, there’ll be one of the boards you’re on, even if you’re only on two or three, at any time, one of those boards will need extra time. If you can’t create that space in your diary, in your life, then you would have let that board down.”

Livingstone, who is also the chancellor of the University of Technology Sydney, was the first woman in the country to be CEO at an ASX 100 company, Cochlear. She has previously chaired CSIRO and Telstra, and held directorships at Macquarie, Worley and Rural Press.

At Commonwealth Bank, she chairs one of the most powerful boards in the country. When she assumed the chair role in 2017, she had the challenge of rebuilding the board after the bank was rocked by a series of scandals, which claimed the scalp of then CEO Ian Narev. Livingstone’s other challenge was to ensure the board had the skill set to meet future challenges.

Technology was a broad sector where Livingstone believed the bank needed more director experience. Furthermore, she didn’t want that experience concentrated in one “digital” director. Since then, Simon Moutter, Genevieve Bell and Peter Harmer, have been appointed as directors who brought a range of technology skills and experience in areas from artificial intelligence, data, system processes, new technology models to taking an idea and turning it into a viable business model.

Bell was the outlier in that batch, as she had never sat on a publicly listed board before. She had worked for two decades at Intel, a group with a bigger market capitalisation than any Australian company, and remains a senior fellow there in its advance research and development labs. She’s also a director of the School of Cybernetics at the Australian National University.


Livingstone says a chair’s responsibility is to ensure that whoever joins the board is the right fit. “Every board has a personality and a style, and everyone you bring onto the board disturbs that to some extent, which is actually a good thing. You don’t want a board becoming too comfortable and relaxed in the way it operates. So, you look for that disturbance, but you look for it to be a positive contributor to the capability of the board, not a negative, distracting disturbance. The style of an individual really does matter.”

In terms of getting the mix right around a board table and for it to be high functioning there is another factor that Livingstone also considers important. “It’s helpful as a chair and as a board generally to have people who are not known to each other working together.”

This article is the first of a three-part series on company boards.

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