

This was published 8 years ago

US primaries: How the US election is changing the global economic debate

By Chris Zappone

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's convincing party wins in the New York primary for their parties' presidential nomination have accelerated what has already been a contest of historic proportions. What is remarkable isn't so much the theatrics and personalities but the underlying changes in play.

Everything seems to be up for grabs. Not just the political future of the US, but the soul of the Republican Party; not just the direction of the Democrats but the issues embraced by the major parties. Until not so long ago, there had been general agreement on subjects such as trade and business. No more.

Thanks to the high volume of the campaign, helped by Donald Trump's showmanship and Bernie Sanders' anti-Wall Street broadsides, the rhetoric of the US election is rippling throughout the rest of the world, including Australia.

There's every reason to believe the outcome of the changes afoot in this year's election will affect bigger messages from the US to come.

Change of tone: Senator Bernie Sanders, contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, speaks at Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

Change of tone: Senator Bernie Sanders, contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, speaks at Prospect Park in Brooklyn.Credit: Bloomberg

Here, then, is a list of economic debates the US election is changing or will likely change in the years ahead.


Capitalism – who benefits? After years of criticism for banks and the rich, American politicians are asking hard questions about the future of market capitalism. That's because it's become clear the system of capitalism as we know it is failing more people.

Jobs offer little security, wages aren't high enough, personal debts are piling up, and the outlook for growth is far from certain.


There is an emerging commentary that the present crisis may create a new status quo for capitalism.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in New York on Tuesday.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in New York on Tuesday.Credit: Bloomberg

"We should see today's turmoil as a predictable response to the breakdown of one specific model of global capitalism in 2008," writes economist Anatole Kaletsky, referring to the year the global financial crisis began. Kaletsky predicts "a likely outcome could be a decade or more of soul-searching and instability, leading eventually to a new settlement in both politics and economics".

Generation gap

So what shape does this new arrangement take? One feature is likely to be the admission that a new "generation gap" exists.

Republican front-runner Donald Trump easily won New York state's presidential nominating contest on Tuesday.

Republican front-runner Donald Trump easily won New York state's presidential nominating contest on Tuesday.Credit: AP

The term, originally coined in the 1960s, can now refer to the gap between the debt-saddling young, facing weak job security, and the richer, greying Baby Boomer generation.

Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz writes: "Three realities – social injustice on an unprecedented scale, massive inequities, and a loss of trust in elites – define our political moment ... We won't be able to fix the problem if we don't recognise it. Our young do. They perceive the absence of intergenerational justice, and they are right to be angry."

This is true in Europe and it's true in Australia (just look at the distribution of property wealth). The long-festering issue has blown wide open in the US election.


For all of his podium bluster, it's Donald Trump's comments on trade that have riveted the political class.

Trump has put elites under pressure to explain why decades of "free trade" and free-trade agreements, marketed to voters as a river of gold, have not led to higher US wages.

"Activist Democrats now appear largely against the current approach, largely as a function of that base's leftward shift over the course of recent electoral cycles," says policy analyst Alan Tonelson, who blogs on economics and politics at RealityChek.

"A more dramatic change has taken place in the Republican base, where strong support for the trade status quo has been replaced by considerable hostility. Thus, in large measure, the Trump phenomenon."

It's unclear if it's a permanent change or a passing one, Tonelson says.

Even before Trump's run, though, a majority of voters described as "steadfast conservatives" (as opposed to "business conservatives") said free-trade agreements had been bad for the US, according to Pew Research Centre.

The public in the US, as in Australia, is less likely to accept the assurances of political elites and the economists who advise them that knocking down trade barriers is always a good thing.

Moving the needle on shareholder value

The outsized, some would say, corrosive power of corporations in society in recent decades has coincided with a focus on maximising shareholder value to the exclusion of other concerns. In a recent year, 80 per cent of companies listed on S&P 500, bought back shares to raise their value. In the process they spent $US477 billion, money that could have been spent investing in new businesses, hiring new workers, or any other area of potential benefit to society.

In fact, the tunnel vision focused on maximising shareholder value has been linked to greater financial risk-taking. Bernie Sanders' war on Wall Street has generated fresh scrutiny on the role of companies. He is saying what Obama hasn't said for eight years. No matter where Sanders finishes in the race, his full-throated criticisms, echoed by figures such as Senator Elizabeth Warren, will grow. If history moves in cycles, expect the notion of good citizenship to penetrate the boardroom, altering the acceptable behaviour of big business.


China is a country that could lose out in the battle for US public opinion in the aftermath of the election. Business elites promised that liberalising trade with China would benefit the US. Instead, recent data suggests that isn't the case. And rather than lead to a more democratic (read US-friendly) political system, China instead seeks to create its own regional order. This means more strategic competition with the US. Until recently, China the economic challenger has been largely ring-fenced in the minds of American opinion-makers from China the military, diplomatic, technological and cyber rival. Should the perception become fused, the rhetoric around China may only grow more heated.

Global tax debate

Well before the US election cycle began, politicians such as Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders were calling out corporations for sending jobs offshore and not paying a fair share of tax. Corporate excesses enrage regular taxpayers, who don't enjoy the same accounting magic to preserve their wealth at tax time. When the Panama Papers issue broke, in mid-election cycle, it exposed the webs of off-shored holdings held by the rich and politicians around the world. The crusade for tax justice may become a continuing, lingering theme in US politics. Don't expect this story to end in November.

How the future may look

In fact, don't expect the broader issue of economic justice to disappear, either. Pervasive economic inequality is nibbling away at the legitimacy of politicians and parties. Addressing inequities will be central to their survival. There is an international dimension as well. Twenty-five years after the end of the Cold War, great power competition, particularly between the US and China, is emerging. Politicians of any stripe will struggle to hold up the American example to the world if inequality at home isn't addressed.

So what will this new normal look like? Until the financial crisis of 2008, the trend had been for governments to back out of markets. In fact, business more or less set the agenda for government. Following this election, and doses of Trump's and Sanders' rhetoric in particular, there may well be greater demands for politicians to make the US economy safe for its own people. That means addressing issues like inequality (already there are dozens of living wage and fair wage campaigns at state levels) and even the role of companies in society, if only by making it politically unacceptable to focus solely on maximising shareholder value. In this emerging scenario, government - representing the public's wishes - may begin again to set the agenda for business. If that's true, when the dust clears after this US election, the political status quo in the US will most definitely have been altered by it. And with this, the global debate on what constitutes normal and mainstream in politics and economics in democracies will have changed for the foreseeable future.

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