

This was published 8 years ago

Housing, jobs widen generational divide

One in three parents believe their children are unlikely to enjoy the same standard of living as them, a major survey suggests.

By John Collett

At 23, Tom Steel is living with his parents and studying full-time for his second degree.

The Melbourne student says it is harder for his generation to get a start financially as they have to stay in education for longer just to stay competitive in the job market.

Tom is completing a Masters degree in applied economics and econometrics. His first degree was in communications with a major in public relations.

"I realised that I was going to hit a glass ceiling [in public relations] fairly quickly if I did not go back and train for more skills and continue to be competitive in the job market," Tom says. "I want to be able to get a job building business strategies."

Melbourne student Tom Steel, 23, says he and his peers have to stay in education for longer just to stay competitive in the job market.

Melbourne student Tom Steel, 23, says he and his peers have to stay in education for longer just to stay competitive in the job market.Credit: Pat Scala

When Tom graduates he will have a student debt of about $75,000.

Meanwhile, work is increasingly insecure. Some of Tom's friends are on short-term contracts and others are doing unpaid internships and need to be supported by their families.

"My last job was as a contractor with not much job security and I was not getting any super," he says. "If you cannot get experience you will be locked out of the job market."

The experience of Tom and his peers reflects a major piece of research done for NAB-owned MLC, Australia Today. The second part of the three-part study, published last week, involved a survey of more than 2000 people nationwide.


One in three parents indicated their children were unlikely to enjoy the same standard of living as themselves, with house prices the main cause of anxiety.

Three out of five people agreed with the statement that the next generation will never own their home.

Andrew Hagger, NAB Wealth group executive, says there has long been expectation that future generations will do better than their parents.

"Yet, these findings paint a different picture; it's concerning to see so many people worried about how their children will afford their own homes and live a comfortable lifestyle," Hagger says.

We're at a tipping point where Generation Rent will remain Generation Rent forever.

It is far from all bad news for young people. They can expect to have greater job mobility than older generations, which also means, potentially, greater control and flexibility over their working lives than earlier generations.

Much of the parental anxiety revealed in the survey is fuelled by the property boom of the last five years.

It leaves many to ponder the possibility that the next generation may well be the first to be locked out of the Australian dream of owning their own home.

The percentage of affordable homes and units, defined as those with sales prices of less than $400,000 was just 7.8 per cent of houses and 16.3 per cent of units in Sydney.

In Melbourne, the percentage was 23.8 per cent of houses and 58.7 per cent for units in Melbourne, in 2015, according to CoreLogic RP Data.

Bill Randolph, the director of the University of NSW's City Futures Research Centre, commenting recently on Sydney's high property prices, said: "We're at a tipping point where Generation Rent will remain Generation Rent forever."

Professor Randolph said that, traditionally, people looking to get onto the property ladder were "pushed further down the train line", but even homes in far-flung suburbs were now unaffordable.

And concerns that real estate is becoming increasingly unaffordable are not just limited to the most expensive capital cities.

Even those in regional areas are worried about their children's prospects of home ownership.

One parent, in response to the survey, said: "When I bought my first house here [in Townsville] we paid $94,000.

"Your average house here now is around the $300,000 to $400,000 mark. For someone just out of school who isn't earning more than $40,000, it's just not possible."

In part one of the Australia Today study, released in February this year, three out of four survey respondents said they believe in social mobility.

They agreed with the statement that if you work hard you can improve your life regardless of how much education you have.

However, the middle-class is being squeezed in Australia after holding-up relatively well in comparison to the shrinking middle classes of many other developed countries.

Of course, in any comparisons of attitudes between older and younger generations, it has to be borne in mind that young people are just starting out in their careers and are yet to accumulate significant assets.

Nevertheless, it seems that more young people are feeling it is going to take them longer to build assets and to achieve the same standard of living as their parents.

A survey released last year of more than 5000 young Australians found that despite them being well-educated, two in three respondents were concerned about getting a career-related job. More than half felt job prospects in their field weren't strong.

Twitter: @jcollett_money


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