

This was published 8 years ago

Can Gen Y get ahead or are they destined to be poorer than their parents?

Generation Y - entitled and self indulgent, right? But is this generation actually doing it harder financially than their boomer parents, Sylvia Pennington asks.

By Sylvia Pennington

Kendall Sutton is a typical member of Generation Y. He'll be starting his career late, with a massive student debt and won't be in a position to buy his own home or start a family until his 30s.

A science graduate from Melbourne's La Trobe University, the 27-year-old has worked casually as a labourer since completing his honours degree in 2015 and is now cramming for the Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) later this month.

Gen Y uni student Kendall Sutton is looking at graduating in his early 30s with an $80,000 student debt.

Gen Y uni student Kendall Sutton is looking at graduating in his early 30s with an $80,000 student debt.Credit: Pat Scala

A couple of years of full-time work and a stretch playing college basketball in the US made him a late starter at university. If offered a place in 2017, he faces four more years on the books and a student debt he estimates will hit $80,000.

Born between 1981 and 2000, Sutton's demographic, the Gen Ys, or Millennials, now span the bracket of school leaver to 30-something.

Naomi and Brad Lynn with son Mason, 2. The family bought a house with help from Naomi's dad.

Naomi and Brad Lynn with son Mason, 2. The family bought a house with help from Naomi's dad.Credit: Robert Shakespeare

They're the Nintendo generation, the kids who grew up grooving to Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys, in an era when displaying your undies above your jeans was a fashion statement and taking photos of yourself with a phone became the norm.

Their elders have slammed them as narcissistic, entitled and addicted to instant gratification – and praised their adaptability, entrepreneurial bent and free spirit.

So what hand has fate dealt the Ys financially?


Are they enjoying a cruisy extended adolescence, courtesy of their baby boomer folks, who continue to pick up the tab for the "kidults" into their 20s and 30s?

Or are they destined to be poorer than their parents, in spite of the handouts, as skyrocketing property prices, spiralling HECS debts and an appetite for consumer spending sees them struggle to establish comfortable, independent lives?

Sutton lives out of home and studying full time for the past couple of months has seen him dip into his savings. His parents help out occasionally with money for food and fuel.

Do the prospects of student living at 30 and a hefty study debt drag him down?

"It's not fun but at the same time you've got to do what you've got to do," Sutton says.

"It doesn't really worry me too much because if I get into medicine I'll be able to pay it off fairly well but it's definitely something that's thought about."

As is the fact that further study will delay his entry to the housing market.

"Every now and then I'll go on and I'll look at properties and I'd love to invest in property but there's no way at this stage in my life that I'd be able to – but it is what it is," Sutton says.

"If I get into what I want to do, then I can start to look at that stuff."

The roll call

What does the rest of this much-maligned set of youngsters and not-so-youngsters who've taught us to twerk, tweet and share snaps of ourselves and our morning lattes on social media look like?

The 2011 Census counted 5.75 million Australians in the 10 to 29 age bracket.

They're a studious bunch, with 1.62 million having completed some form of higher education by 2011. Some 1.51 million were working full time, while 1.2 million were not yet in the labour force.

The Ys are making their way onto the property ladder more slowly than previous generations. In 2013-14, just 12.8 per cent of Australians aged 15 to 24, and 38.6 per cent of those aged 25 to 34, owned or were paying off homes, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics research.

Learn before you earn

Collectively Gen Ys have had more formal education than any other group of Australians in history. They've been encouraged to stay in school and do further study to get a jump on their peers. They've listened, they've learnt – and they're paying for it.

Like the Berlin Wall, free tertiary education disappeared before the Ys hit high school. The Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) was entrenched and, under newly installed prime minister John Howard, fees bumped up by an average of 40 per cent in 1996 – just before the first of the batch finished Year 12. They rose again after 2005, when the scheme became the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) and universities were permitted to increase their charges by up to 25 per cent.

To date, there have been 2.14 million student loan debtors born between 1980 and 2000, according to the tax office. About 16 per cent of the cohort have repaid their debt in full; taking an average of 3.1 years to do so. The remainder have an average outstanding debt of $20,923.

Be it ever so humble…it's still too expensive

Buying their own place has become an unaffordable proposition for many of Australia's under-40s, courtesy of a series of property booms since the millennium.

Pulling together a deposit has become a feat in itself and it's little wonder, given the median house price was $718,000 in Melbourne and north of $1 million in Sydney last year. According to new Bank of Queensland research, 24 per cent of 18 to 29 year olds surveyed had saved a deposit in five years or less, while 22 per cent of those in the 30 to 39 bracket took six to 10 years to do so.

High prices have seen more Ys living at home for longer and parents lending and giving lump sums and guaranteeing loans has become commonplace.

Marketing executive Naomi Lynn, 32 was able to enter the property market in her mid-20s, thanks to a helping hand from her dad.

She and husband Brad, 35, an operations manager, secured their first home – a two-bedroom unit in the inner Brisbane suburb of Camp Hill – in 2008, with a $20,000 deposit and a St George Bank Family Pledge, which enables a family member to guarantee part of a home loan.

The couple dated for a year before shifting in together. "We were realising we were going to be in it for the long haul together and that was our next step, to say, 'I don't want to move out to rent, I'd rather look at this as a business transaction so we can set ourselves up'," Lynn says.

Following the birth of their son Mason in 2013, the family upgraded to a $600,000 house in the southern suburb of Carindale and a second child is due in June.

In January 2010, the average home loan size for first-time borrowers was $304,100 in NSW and $275,100 in Victoria. By January 2015, these figures had risen to $366,000 and $332,600 respectively.

More than two out of three Gen Ys had put off major life goals, such as weddings, children, holidays and new cars, in order to commit to a mortgage, according to an ME Bank survey last year.

You only live once?

But while they've been hampered in the housing stakes, Gen Y has embraced other forms of debt with ease. More than one in four 18 to 29 year olds are in debt more than $10,000 and one in 10 owes between $20,000 and $50,000, according to BOQ's research.

Avoiding temptations to overspend can be tough for the Ys, according to Lynn, who says her little family eschews consumer debt and lives carefully, with the occasional indulgence.

Her outgoings include out-of-pocket childcare expenses of between $280 and $400 a week; a figure which will double next year when both her youngsters are in care.

"It is challenging, given that we've got a number of things thrown in our face on a daily basis, like access to credit cards, personal loans, and even lifestyle pressures," Lynn says.

"I feel like social media and celebrities and things like that put pressure on you to live up to a certain lifestyle – you know that saying YOLO, You Only Live Once, live for the moment because it's going to make you feel better – but it's not necessarily setting you up for 10, 20 years down the track."

Retirement ready?

The Ys should be readier for retirement than previous generations, courtesy of the Superannuation Guarantee, which rose to 9 per cent in 2002, shortly after the eldest of the bunch entered the full-time workforce.

Australians aged 30 to 34 had an average super balance of $30,937 in 2013-14, according to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia.

Those aged 25 to 29 recorded an average balance of $16,441, while the 20 to 24s had saved $5118 apiece.

Can they win?

Bashing the Ys may be a national sport but, in reality, the deck is stacked against them and they're likely to finish less cashed up than their olds, social researcher Mark McCrindle​ believes.

"Because they can't get into the property market the same way their parents did at the same age, not only does it mean they don't get that capital growth of that asset but they end up with more disposable income – which is actually a trap because they end up spending that on intangibles, on experiences, because they don't have the forced savings that their parents had," he says.

Today's young must contend with a laissez-faire environment and it behoves them to improve their financial literacy if they want to get ahead, according to MLC Advice Canberra planner Michael Miller.

"The system that is set up now requires individual management of nearly every aspect of your financial life, so there are some education decisions – how much do you borrow from the bank to buy a house, how do you invest your super, what insurance do I have if I can't work?" Miller says.

Getting into good money management habits early means the difference between struggle and security in the long run.

"It's not taking on debt that you can't afford to repay, saving some part of your income somewhere," Miller says.

"It doesn't really matter too much if it's property or shares or in the bank. If it's a good asset, the fact that you're saving some money, that will build you success as much as the choice of which asset you put it into – you've just got to start doing something."

Smart Wealth adviser Justin McMillan recommends Ys start by identifying a handful of ambitions and establishing a dedicated savings fund for each.

"Understand what's important to you and where you think your life will be in a certain number of years, the goals will then discover themselves," he says.

"If your vision is to have a family home in five years time or have your kids go to a great school, you need to set goals."

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