

This was published 8 years ago

Generation X hits middle age and deals with life's financial challenges

In 2016, we've forgotten about Winona Ryder and Kurt Cobain and spend our time wondering how we'll pay for retirement, writes Sylvia Pennington.

By Sylvia Pennington

Generation X. We're the MTV generation, the crowd who came of age in the '80s and early '90s – the era of Madonna, shoulder pads, designer sneakers, and Daryl Somers hamming it up on Hey Hey It's Saturday.

Born between 1965 and 1980, the tail end of our batch is now racing towards 40 while the eldest are testing the notion that the fun starts at 50.

So how are we travelling financially? Is Gen X livin' on a prayer, as the singing shag pile Jon Bon Jovi put it back in '86? Or expecting money for nothing (and chicks for free)?

Or are we tackling the challenges of middle age and planning for the (self-funded) retirement now on the horizon with the sort of stoicism that led demographer Bernard Salt to opine last year that there was a case for the beatification of St Xer as the patron saint of the silent and the persistent?

Adam and Michelle Martin in their home with their sons Miller and Isaac.

Adam and Michelle Martin in their home with their sons Miller and Isaac.Credit: Glenn Hunt

How the Martins juggle their priorities

Reality bit – and we grew up

Wind back the clock 25 years and there we are in our glory days – a bunch of cynical, disenfranchised slackers, according to popular stereotype, whose answer to the previous generation's coming-of-age soundtrack by the Beatles was the grunge guitar tunes of the late Kurt Cobain. This year marks 25 years since Nirvana released the iconic Nevermind album.

So what do we look like today? Less like Winona Ryder and pals in the 1994 post-college drama Reality Bites, which encapsulated early-20s life for many Gen Xers, and more like a bunch of busy, middle-aged folk, getting on with it.


The 2011 Census counted 6.02 million of us in the 30- to 49-year-old range. Just over a quarter of the group had never tied the knot, while 3.58 million were married. We were parents to an average 1.7 children.

Nevermind, Gen X is doing fine. Illustration: Rocco Fazzari (with apologies to Nirvana and Kirk Weddle)

Nevermind, Gen X is doing fine. Illustration: Rocco Fazzari (with apologies to Nirvana and Kirk Weddle)Credit: Rocco Fazzari (with apologies to Nirvana and Kirk Weddle)

Xers have bought into the Great Australian Dream wholesale – almost half the group had mortgages, while 858,490 of us owned our homes outright.

We're an urban bunch – more than seven out of 10 Xers were capital city dwellers in 2014, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics – and about a quarter of us have graced the hallowed halls of higher learning.

Anthony and Melissa Gouskos on holidays in Greece with their son Angelo.

Anthony and Melissa Gouskos on holidays in Greece with their son Angelo.

Some 3.08 million Xers were in full-time work in 2011, and another 1.19 million were on the tools part time. About 740,000 owned businesses, while 3.71 million were working for the man.

Up against it

In many ways, our timing's been off. The bulk of us were slugged for some of the cost of our tertiary studies, after HECS was introduced in 1987.

Less than one in four Xers are in housing stress.

We were fresh to the job market when the early '90s recession saw unemployment hit 12 per cent; an experience that resulted in many Xers still feeling grateful to be in work, two decades on.

Those positioning themselves for a tilt at senior management had the brakes slammed on their ambitions in 2008, courtesy of the global financial crisis.

Then in 2014 former treasurer Joe Hockey announced anyone born after 1965 would have to wait until age 70 to access the age pension.

But on the housing front at least, many Xers managed to get on the property ladder before prices went stratospheric and securing a first home became a multi-generational affair.

Back in "our day", circa 1996, the average amount borrowed by first home buyers was $107,900 in NSW and $88,500 in Victoria, according to the ABS. These figures had risen to $258,000 and $207,700 by 2005.

For tail end Xers who've travelled or put off buying until their 30s, it's a somewhat different reality – grappling with median house prices that topped the $1 million mark in Sydney last year and are sitting at $718,000 in Melbourne.

Yet today, less than one in four Xers are in housing stress, which is defined as spending more than 30 per cent of gross household income on housing, according to ABS research from 2015. Nationally, more than two out of three of us spend a quarter of our income or less on the roofs over our heads.

Charge it

HECS was the first debt many Xers racked up – but we've become pretty comfortable with the concept since our student days eking out the Austudy payments by pinching toilet rolls from public loos.

Australians aged 35 to 54 had the largest personal loans of any age group – $17,781 on average – and were the least likely to pay off their credit cards in full each month, according to a survey last year by comparison site Finder.

Rabobank's annual financial health barometer survey paints a similar picture, with Xers reporting average debt of $172,015 a head last year, compared with the Baby Boomers' $100,234 and Gen Y's $114,155.

Self-funded super

Many Xers have been saving for their retirement from the time their working lives began, courtesy of the Superannuation Guarantee introduced in 1992. But at an initial 3 per cent, rising to 7 per cent by 1998, our nest eggs have grown more slowly than those of today's young fry who've enjoyed 9.5 per cent from the get-go.

The mean super balance for individuals aged 35 to 39 was $44,938 in 2013-14, according to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia. Those aged 40 to 44 averaged $68,316, while the 45 to 49s had salted away an average $93,258.

Where to now?

Xers may be in our prime earning years but we have demands aplenty on our time and purse. That won't be changing any time soon – the high cost of education and housing means our offspring may be under our roofs for a couple of decades yet, not out of home and earning by their early 20s, as we ourselves were, social researcher Mark McCrindle says.

Average life expectancy is rising, so having the coffers topped up by inheritance is a long way off for most. McCrindle predicts we're likely to enjoy a prolonged experience of the sandwich generation sensation first – being squeezed simultaneously by the demands of the young and the old.

Financial planning should be about determining priorities and being aware of how today's decisions will affect tomorrow's position, according to Melbourne financial planner Matthew Ross.

That means weighing the benefits of private school against the six figures needed to fund it, choosing between the dream home and being mortgage-free somewhere more modest, and deciding whether to start a business now – or never.

"All these things are colliding at once and [Xers have] no time – they're too exhausted at the end of the day to think about these things," Ross says.

Retirement was off the radar until recently but it's now visible on the horizon and Gen X is starting to stress, Nexia financial planner Craig Wilford says.

"The thing I see most with clients in this category is the big wider open picture of 'hey, I've got to fund for myself, this is actually happening, all I've got is my house and a mortgage, I'm 20 years out – do I have enough?'" he says.

Those who have debt on the family home should examine whether they're better to pay it down or pile spare income into other wealth accumulation vehicles – shares, investment property or super.

The antidote to anxiety is to get some certainty around your outlook, rather than panicking about the prospects of a pensioner lifestyle 20 or 30 years hence, Wilford says.

This begins with listing some possible life scenarios, from a dream run for the next two decades, to long-term unemployment or illness, and examining the impact they'll have on your position.

The Martins – juggling priorities

Upgrade to a bigger home and curtail our spending to pay for it or stay put and live larger? It's the 64-dollar question for firefighter Adam Martin, 43, and his wife Michelle, 42, a part-time administration worker.

The pair sold their respective homes in 2005, a year after they met, and pooled the proceeds to purchase their house in Gordon Park in Brisbane's inner north. Now, they're eyeing a flat block in the same area but are chary about committing to the additional debt building would entail.

"We've been doing some soul searching about … how do we do it, to maintain our lifestyle?" Adam Martin says. "A firefighter doesn't earn a lot of money and neither does somebody working part-time so our income's not great, so we're just trying to do it smart and conservatively."

The pair's two sons, Isaac, 11, and Miller, 9, attend a mid-range Catholic school and the family enjoys regular camping holidays and the occasional overseas trip.

Other extravagances are minimal – "we don't drive flash cars or new cars" – and paying down debt has been a priority.

Buying property in their 20s has helped place the family on firm footing, Martin says: "My house tripled in value in three years – that's luck and I can't see that happening any time soon in the future."

Having a defined benefits superannuation policy provides additional surety and a sea change may beckon when Martin hangs up the hoses. "I enjoy my surfing and I love the coast so I'd love to do that," he says. "I guess we'll always live within our means. Hopefully we've got a bit of a nest egg to travel and see things for as long as we're able."

Anthony Gouskos – no stress

Mortgage stress? Thankfully, not here, says 41-year-old systems administrator Anthony Gouskos who's two years off clearing the loan on the home he built in 2011, in Middleton Grange in Sydney's outer west.

He and wife Melissa paid a 20 per cent deposit on the $520,000 house and land package, which they estimate is now worth $850,000. The couple chose to live an hour's commute from the CBD to keep costs down and will look to buy an investment property and save for their two-year-old son Angelo's private school fees once they're mortgage free.

"We're going to have all this extra cash flowing in, so I guess we need to think hard about how we're going to use that money," Gouskos says. The pair have a "decent-sized" portfolio of blue chip shares, amassed over the past 15 years.

"We've always been conservative but at the same time we've been overseas quite a few times and we do enjoy travelling," Gouskos says. "I think we're just able to play it sensibly and not over extend but we can still enjoy what we want to do."

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