

This was published 9 years ago

Refugee crisis: how the world is reacting

By Lia Timson

It's an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Globally it is the biggest human exodus since World War II.

According to the UNHCR, 59.5 million people were forced to flee their homes last year. Most regions in the world are affected in one way or another by the crisis, some more visibly then others. Some 4 million people are estimated to have fled Syria, where the Assad government's 4-year-old war with rebels has killed an estimated 250,000 civilians. An estimated 1.7 million refugees are in Turkey, 1.2 million in Lebanon, more than 600,000 in Jordan.

Thousands of asylum seekers have arrived at Europe's door over the past few days, having made perilous journeys from Africa and the Middle East, in search of safety and a better life.

While, the Australian government has agreed to take 12,000 Syrian refugees above its yearly intake, some countries are trying their best to build fences, strengthen borders and shut their doors. But others are opening their hearts and homes to make sure the world does not see devastating pictures like that of little Aylan Kurdi, who washed up on a Turkish beach, ever again.

Migrants who had crossed the Serbian border into Hungary the previous evening try to keep warm at dawn in Morahalom, Hungary.

Migrants who had crossed the Serbian border into Hungary the previous evening try to keep warm at dawn in Morahalom, Hungary. Credit: Getty Images

Here is a summary of how countries are responding to the crisis. Check back often for updates:


Thousands of asylum seekers arriving in Europe in recent days have demanded to go to Germany. They say they have a better chance of being well received and making a life for themselves there.


Germany and Germans in general have been open to taking them and ease the pain being felt by countries such as Hungary, where migrants are not welcome nor want to stay.

A refugee family is given candy as they arrive at Munich Hauptbahnhof railway station.

A refugee family is given candy as they arrive at Munich Hauptbahnhof railway station.Credit: Getty Images

Germany is expecting to receive 800,000 migrants this year, more than any other UN nation.

A top German official said his country could take half a million refugees a year "for several years", even as some critics questioned on Tuesday whether generous asylum policies serve to entice more migrants to make the dangerous trek for Western Europe.

People hold candles and signs up in support of refugees in Sydney on Monday.

People hold candles and signs up in support of refugees in Sydney on Monday. Credit: Getty Images

"I believe we could surely deal with something in the order of half a million for several years," Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told broadcaster ZDF late on Monday night.

On Monday Germany announced a €6 billion ($9.6 billion) aid package to help ease the crisis. Migrants have taken to carrying pictures of Chancellor Angela Merkel along with "thank you" signs, such is their reception.

The German response "can make us proud", Chancellor Angela Merkel said.

The German response "can make us proud", Chancellor Angela Merkel said.Credit: AP

Opposition to the welcome, however, does exist, with some far-right anti-immigration groups staging protests and repeated incidents of arson of refugee shelters in some towns.


Refugees arrive on a dinghy after crossing from Turkey to Lesbos Island, Greece.

Refugees arrive on a dinghy after crossing from Turkey to Lesbos Island, Greece.Credit: AP

Finland is not used to mass immigration, and the centre-right government is struggling to handle the situation amid deep spending cuts and rising unemployment in the recession-hit country.

On Friday, the Finnish government doubled its estimate for asylum seekers intake this year to up to 30,000, compared with just 3600 last year.

Crowds welcome refugees at the train station in Saalfeld, central Germany. Hundreds of refugees arrived by train from Munich to be transported by buses to an accomodation centre.

Crowds welcome refugees at the train station in Saalfeld, central Germany. Hundreds of refugees arrived by train from Munich to be transported by buses to an accomodation centre. Credit: AP

To prove refugees are welcome there, Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila, a former telecom executive, offered his spare house to host a refugee family from 2016.


The Austrian government allowed migrants leaving Hungary to pass through its territory on the way to Germany, even though European Union rules dictate that refugees must seek asylum in the country of their first arrival – in this case Hungary.

However, on Sunday night, Chancellor Werner Faymann​ said the decision to suspend border checks (which would have stopped migrants without valid papers going on to Germany) was to be revised after some 12,000 people were let through on the weekend.

"Now we have to move step-by-step away from emergency measures towards normality, in conformity with the law and dignity," he said.

The country has accepted 12,000 migrants, but is seeking to reduce the influx.


More than 140,000 migrants have entered Hungary this year

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban​ appears to be opposed to allowing Muslim migrants into his country claiming the crisis threatens Europe's prosperity, identity and "Christian values". At first Hungary tried to keep migrants from moving on to other countries, wanting them to register in their arrival country. It soon relented, providing buses to take thousands of marchers determined to reach Germany on foot on the weekend.

It is building a 3.5 metre high wall on the border with Serbia to keep migrants out. It has vowed to close its southern border by September 15.


Slovakia has reportedly said it will take 200 Christian Syrians, not Muslims, under the UN's distribution of 40,000 refugees.

According to the BBC, Slovakian Interior Ministry spokesman Ivan Netik said Muslims would not be accepted because they would not feel at home.


France has had its fair share of Islamist terrorism in recent years, but it hasn't stopped its government allowing refugees from Africa and the Middle East to set up camps within its borders, nor some of its people from going to the streets to demonstrate support for migrants. Migrant shelters are spread throughout the country, including in Paris where a disused building managed by the local council houses refugees.

President Francois Hollande said on Monday his country would provide a haven to 24,000 migrants from frontline European nations over two years.

Not everyone is immigration happy, however. The French far-right would rather curtail migrant intake, with its leader, Marine Le Pen, accusing Germany of ulterior motives by opening its doors to thousands of migrants and refugees.

"Germany probably thinks its population is moribund, and it is probably seeking to lower wages and continue to recruit slaves through mass immigration," Ms Le Pen told supporters in Marseilles on Sunday.

France agreed to set up a command and control centre with Britain in Calais to stop people from risking their lives by stowing away on trains and trucks.


Britain accepted some 330,000 migrants last year, of which 25,000 were refugees. Prime Minister David Cameron announced on Monday that Britain would take in 20,000 Syrian migrants over five years (up from 216 so far), but from camps near the Syrian border, not from the boat and train loads arriving unannounced.

"What matters is that when they come they get a proper welcome and we look after them, and that is exactly what we'll do," Mr Cameron said.

The Vatican

Pope Francis has called on every European parish and religious community to take in one migrant family each in a gesture of solidarity he said would start in the tiny Vatican state.

"I appeal to the parishes, the religious communities, the monasteries and sanctuaries of all Europe to … take in one family of refugees," he said after his customary Sunday address in the Vatican.

The Washington Post quotes the Centre for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University in reporting there are about 120,000 parishes in Europe.

If every one took a family, it could amount to close to half a million people and a small dint in the number of people seeking refuge in Europe.


The Nordic country anticipates taking in 74,000 asylum seekers this year.


The country announced on Monday that it was willing to accept 250 "war refugees" arriving in Germany.

Italy and Greece

Italy and Greece have borne the brunt of the migrant wave fleeing Libya and Syria by boat. Their ports and systems are overburdened and both countries have asked for EU help to cope.

Some 250,000 migrants are entering Europe through Greece's borders. Currently, an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 migrants are congested on the Greek island of Lesbos awaiting documents allowing transit to the European mainland, creating crisis conditions, according to the UN refugee agency.

Italy has received nearly 120,000 migrants arriving on its shores from North Africa.


Turkey has taken in the most refugees of any country, and is currently home to more than 1.9 million Syrians who have crossed the shared border. Around a third live in government-run camps near the border while others have dispersed.

European Union

The European Commission last month approved €2.4 billion ($3.6 billion) of aid over six years for countries including Greece and Italy. Italy is to receive the most aid – nearly €560 million, while Greece will receive €473 million.

On Wednesday EU president Jean-Claude Juncker announced a blueprint for another 120,000 asylum seekers to be distributed among EU nations, with binding quotas for each country and co-ordinated systems including new legal migration channels into Europe.

Middle East

Lebanon has taken in 1.1 million registered refugees and others who are not registered. Government officials put the overall number at 1.5 million, while Jordan says it has taken in 1.4 million Syrians, although the UNCRH counts 629,266 registered refugees.

Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have been criticised by rights organisations that say the wealthy Persian Gulf countries have not offered to help. The nations have reportedly contributed to humanitarian aid. Read here about why the Gulf countries – Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait - aren't doing more.

Israel is the only country sharing a border with Syria that has not taken in any Syrian refugees. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected a call to host refugees from Syria and elsewhere, saying that although Israel was "not indifferent to the human tragedy of the refugees," it was not in a position to take them in. He said his country provided medical care for more than 1000 injured Syrians, as well as aid to African nations which helped stem the flow of migrants.


President Barack Obama instructed his administration on Thursday to take in at least 10,000 displaced Syrians over the next year.

The United States had earlier planned to raise its refugee intake by 5000 next year to 75,000, including an unspecified number from Syria. Now Secretary of State John Kerry said at a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill the refugee intake could rise to more than 100,000. State Department officials said that not all of the additional 30,000 would be Syrians, but many would be.

Religious groups had earlier urged the White House to step up its response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

Church World Service, a global humanitarian organisation that represents 37 Christian denominations, called on the US government to take in 100,000 Syrians over the next year.

Since Syria's war broke out in 2011, Washington has accepted 1500 refugees, most of them this year.


Japan is already one of the developed world's least welcoming countries for refugees, accepting 11 of a record 5000 asylum seekers in 2014. Now it is looking to clamp down even further. Measures including deporting failed applicants, curbs on repeat applications and pre-screening of new asylum seekers are being considered as part of changes to the immigration system, an official said on Wednesday.

"We're not looking to increase or decrease the number of refugees coming to Japan, but to ensure real refugees are assessed quickly," said Hiroaki Sato, a Ministry of Justice official told Reuters. He could not say when changes would be finalised.

South America

Chile said on Tuesday it would initially take in 100 families seeking refuge from Syria's civil war, joining South American neighbours Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Colombia, which already host refugees from the war-torn nation.

According to Agency France Presse, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro this week ordered his foreign ministry to take steps to receive 20,000 Syrians, while Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said her country would welcome Syrian refugees with "open arms". It took 1405 last year.

Venezuela deported around 1000 Colombians last month, among 100,000 who have sought to migrate to the country recently.

- With USA Today, Washington Post, Reuters, LA Times

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