

This was published 9 years ago

Europe's migrant crisis: Britain, France to accept some refugees as flow accelerates

By Michael Birnbaum

Brussels: As the wave of asylum-seekers reaching Europe's shores continued to expand on Monday, Britain, France and Germany announced new measures to take them in.

But the plans fell far short of the need, and there were few signs that Europe was moving closer to a comprehensive agreement about how to handle the refugee crisis.

The great walk north ... Migrants cross into Hungary from Serbia on Monday.

The great walk north ... Migrants cross into Hungary from Serbia on Monday.Credit: Getty Images

French President Francois Hollande said Monday that his nation would take in 24,000 people from frontline European Union nations. British Prime Minister David Cameron plans to resettle up to 20,000 Syrian refugees. And German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that she was reallocating up to $9.6 billion to deal with the influx.

German authorities said they had taken in far more asylum-seekers than they had expected in a dramatic weekend after Hungary dropped attempts to bar their passage across Europe.

Constant flow ... Migrants cross into Hungary as they walk over railroad tracks at the Serbian border with Hungary.

Constant flow ... Migrants cross into Hungary as they walk over railroad tracks at the Serbian border with Hungary.Credit: Getty Images

Hundreds of migrants spent a shivering night on the border between Serbia and Hungary, after a new reception camp there was filled over capacity. And in Greece, the refugees' first port of call, authorities called for emergency EU assistance as islands received asylum-seekers faster than they could be ferried to the mainland.

There was no sign the crisis was easing, with a deep well of millions of refugees fueling a nearly endless supply of people making the risky voyage to Europe. Greece's coast guard said it had rescued more than 2000 asylum-seekers in the Mediterranean Sea since Friday alone.

Britain's plan would drastically expand its government relocation programs after accusations that it wasn't doing enough. So far, Britain has resettled 216 Syrian refugees through its government program, far less than other European countries such as Germany and Sweden.

Cameron said Monday that his nation was acting with "head and heart" by accepting refugees only from camps around the Syrian border and not from among the thousands who have already poured into Europe in risky voyages.

British Prime Minister David Cameron plans to resettle up to 20,000 Syrian refugees.

British Prime Minister David Cameron plans to resettle up to 20,000 Syrian refugees.Credit: Getty Images

"We want to encourage people not to make that dangerous crossing in the first place," Cameron said.

In Germany, pressures were mounting over the country's open-door response to refugees who made it to their country.

The German response 'can make us proud,'  ... German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the nation was reallocating up to $9.6 billion to deal with the influx of migrants.

The German response 'can make us proud,' ... German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the nation was reallocating up to $9.6 billion to deal with the influx of migrants.Credit: Bloomberg

"We have a moving, in some ways breathtaking, weekend behind us," Merkel said in Berlin on Monday. Authorities in Munich said they expected to take in 10,000 more people on Monday after a weekend in which 18,000 came by rail from Austria.

The German response "can make us proud," Merkel said.

Young migrant children play as they wait to board a train to Austria at Keleti station in Budapest on Monday.

Young migrant children play as they wait to board a train to Austria at Keleti station in Budapest on Monday.Credit: Getty Images

But there were fast-growing strains on authorities' ability to take in the migrant flow, as Germany announced that it would reallocate $9.6 billion to fund the refugee intake next year. Germany authorities have said they expect 800,000 asylum-seekers this year alone.

"No society can handle something like this," said Horst Seehofer, the leader of Merkel's Christian Social Union allies at a party event on Sunday.

French President Francois Hollande said emergency services were mobilising.

French President Francois Hollande said emergency services were mobilising.Credit: Bloomberg

There were new details on Monday about an emerging E.U. plan to accommodate more refugees, but they appeared to fall far short of the need.

In France, Hollande said that his nation stood ready to take in 24,000 refugees under a European Commission plan that will be unveiled on Wednesday. That is less than Germany expects to receive in three days alone.

"France as a people has always been capable," Hollande said at a news conference in Paris. "The French people do have legitimate causes for concern, which we need to allay. It's not just a matter of welcoming people in any old way."

He proposed hosting an international conference on refugees in France, warning that if Europe does not come up with a unified response to the crisis, its borderless movement zone will "collapse."

He also said that France plans to start reconnaissance flights over Syria to contribute to the fight against the Islamic State, a step that he linked to the root causes of the refugee crisis.

The latest refugee drama was sparked last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, when he tried to bar the passage of the thousands of asylum-seekers traveling through his nation on their way to Western Europe. He said that Europe's "Christian roots" were at threat of being overrun by the crowds of mostly Muslim asylum-seekers.

Pope Francis on Sunday launched a frontal challenge to that assessment, calling on every parish, religious community, monastery and sanctuary in Europe to take in one refugee family. That appeal, if honored, would offer shelter to tens of thousands.

The call was especially powerful given the Roman Catholic Church's prominent role in Hungarian society.

But Orban on Monday refused to back down, saying that the new arrivals are "immigrants, not refugees."

People who leave refugee camps in Turkey and Jordan — and those who spurn Hungary's own modest offers of shelter — "want to live a German life. It has nothing to do with security," Orban told a conference of ambassadors in Budapest, according to Reuters.

Hungary has sought to seal its border by September 15, severely restricting the number of people allowed to enter from Serbia, where refugees travel after making the perilous voyage to Greece.

A new reception camp for asylum-seekers that opened on the Hungarian border on Sunday was quickly overwhelmed, local reports said. Hundreds of people, including small children, had to sleep outdoors overnight with temperatures dipping into the low 50s. Hungarian authorities have been inconsistent in how they apply their new rules, in many cases fingerprinting the asylum-seekers but allowing them to proceed onward to Western Europe.

They said that 5400 new asylum-seekers had crossed into Hungary from Serbia over the weekend.

The Washington Post

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