This was published 8 years ago
Donald Trump floats above the fray as supporters use their fists
By Paul McGeough
Washington: Donald Trump is not a violent man – he says so himself. So which New York billionaire who wants to be US president uttered the following?
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, February 1: "Knock the crap out of him, would you? Seriously, OK – just knock the hell. I promise you I'll pay for the legal fees, I promise; I promise."
Las Vegas, Nevada, February 23: "I'd like to punch him in the face," as a protester was ejected from a rally. The speaker wished for the "old days [when] you know what they used to do to guys like that, when they were in a place like this? They'd be carried out on a stretcher."
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 27: "In the good old days, they'd rip him out of that seat so fast," talking about a protester who was being ejected. "But today, everyone is so politically correct. Our country is going to hell – we're being politically correct."
Miami, Florida, March 10: "I think she made it up," in response to a reporter's claims that she had been manhandled in the aftermath of a Trump press conference two days earlier.
When Trump was asked if he might have created an environment in which one of his supporters thought it appropriate to sucker-punch a protester who was already being escorted out of a rally in North Carolina, the candidate replied: "I hope not; I truly hope not."
On being charged by police, John McGraw, the 78-year-old Trump supporter who threw the punch, explained himself: "No. 1, we don't know if he's [the protester] ISIS. We don't know who he is, but we know he's not acting like an American ... the next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don't know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organisation."
In Thursday's Republican candidates' debate in Miami, Trump offered a similar logic: "We have some protesters who are bad dudes – they have done bad things. They are swinging; they are really dangerous and they get in there and they start hitting people.
"People come with tremendous passion and love for the country [and] when they see what's going on in this country, they have anger that is unbelievable ... it's a beautiful thing in many respects. But I certainly do not condone that at all."
Trump has been heard at rallies urging his followers not to hurt protesters, telling them in one instance: "If a protester starts demonstrating in the area around you, please do not touch or harm the protester."
The neurosurgeon Ben Carson, whose briefly stellar campaign for the Republican nomination collapsed last week, attempted to clarify any confusion on Trump the Puncher and Trump the Pacifist when he gave Trump his endorsement on Friday.
Carson, who Trump had dismissed earlier, as "pathological", told Fox News Radio: "There's two Donald Trumps. There's the Donald Trump that you see on television and who gets out in front of big audiences and there's the Donald Trump behind the scenes. They're not the same person – one's very much an entertainer, and one is actually a thinking individual."
So that explains it. And it explains too the man who appeared on stage in Thursday's debate, claiming to be Trump. This was the candidate as few Americans have seen him – no abuse, no condescension, no nicknaming.
The result was en exquisite political moment.
In the absence of the children-in-a-sandpit antics that have passed for debate in previous encounters, the remaining four candidates thrashed around on policy issues, instead of each other.
In the midst of such calmness, Trump ventured more deeply into policy thickets than is his wont – and because the candidates themselves had imposed this calmness, the others rarely piled on as Trump's shortcomings were revealed.
Trump raised eyebrows by describing the 1989 pro-democracy uprising in Tiananmen Square as a "riot". He did an about-turn on Islamic State, saddling up to send as many as 30,000 US troops to do battle. In briefly veering towards ridicule, Texas senator Ted Cruz crystallised Trump's foreign policy as "China bad, Muslims bad" – to which many of Trump's supporters probably would have responded: "and your point is?"
Such attacks on Trump's demonstrated lack of detail on policy have failed to slow his stride and on Thursday he stuck to his default response – as each policy crisis was thrown at him, it became a generic problem, to be resolved by the "best deal" for the US, and Donald Trump was best equipped to get the best deal.
The pundit consensus on the night was that Trump needed to remain the front runner – and he did; that Florida senator Marco Rubio needed to remain standing – and he did, but probably too late; that Cruz needed to get one over both Trump and Rubio – and, really, he didn't; and that Ohio Governor John Kasich needed to do something special – and in all seriousness, he didn't.
The debate at the University of Miami was the last headline event before a critical series of primaries on Tuesday – Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina.
If Trump can defeat Rubio in his home state, and numerous polls say he will, Rubio's campaign is probably finished. If Trump can defeat Kasich in his home state, and numerous polls say that he just might, Kasich's campaign is probably finished.
Regardless of whether Rubio or Kasich escape the ritual humiliation of rejection by the voters of their respective home states, there is an expectation that the field will shrink to a two-man contest – Trump v Cruz.
Rubio and Kasich want the nomination process to go all the way to the GOP convention, to be held in Cleveland in July. Cruz is trumpeting that he is within 100 delegates of Trump, so the other two should get out of his way.
But if Trump wins only Florida on Tuesday, he would be about 200 delegates ahead of Cruz and another 268 delegates are up for grabs in the other states, in all of which Trump is in front in polling – ranging from a narrow 2.5 points in Ohio to 12 points in Illinois, according to the Real Clear Politics average of polls.
Banking on a belief that if he wins in Ohio he can stay in the race, Kasich's response to a suggestion that whichever candidate won the most convention delegates ought to be anointed as the nominee, was toby refer toretreating behind a requirement that a candidate must capture 1237 delegates to win the nomination.
He told the debate audience: "Math doesn't tell the whole story in politics – in school, if you got an 86 you got a B; just because everyone else got an 84, doesn't mean you got an A."
Rubio is urging his supporters in Ohio to vote for Kasich on Tuesday, hoping to thwart Trump by keeping Kasich in the race. And both Trump and Cruz insistare demanding that the 1237 delegate requirement is arbitrary and should be ignored – each being supremely confident that they can win a two-horse race.
Acknowledging that for the party establishment both he and Trump are the two least-popular candidates, Cruz said in the debate: "There are some in Washington who have fevered dreams of a brokered convention – they're unhappy with how the people are voting and they want to parachute in their favourite Washington candidate to be the nominee.
"I think that would be an absolute disaster. We need to respect the will of the people."
Analysts say that Trump is the only candidate who can reach the 1237-delegate target – "but it's a tightrope walk that leaves the businessman with little margin for error", says says.
By's calculation, Cruz would need to win about 70 per cent of the remaining delegates – by contrast Trump needs to win just 54 per cent.
Assuming that none of the candidates reaches the mandated delegate count required to clinch the nomination, the margin by which they fall short will be critical in any backroom calculus to use a convention vote to bar either Trump or Cruz from the nomination.
In the first vote at a brokered convention, delegates are required to vote according to the outcome of the primary in their state – but about 5five per cent are not bound to candidates and the convention will have one vote after another till a candidate wins a majority.
If a second vote is necessary, delegates from about 30 states, more than half of the convention, become free to vote as they wish. In any third vote, as many as 80 per cent of the delegates are allowed to vote as they please.
A further rule requirement is that when a candidate is confirmed to have won a majority, another rule comes into play – it then must be confirmed that the winning tally includes more than half of the delegates from at least eight states.
And there is also an anything-goes option for the convention to change the rules as it sees fit.
After months as a political bovver boy, Trump has gone all presidential – debating demurely, demanding that the other candidates withdraw and for the party to "embrace" his candidacy, to allow him to go full tilt at Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democrat candidate for the White House. "Be smart and unify," he said.
The crude and cruel political lesson from this campaign to date is that it does not pay to mess with Trump. The mogul is cutting his way through a swathe through a diverse field of 16 challengers and as Dan Balz writes in The Washington Post: "He is a ruthless attackerd and a pitiless counterpuncher. He reads people and goes for the jugular. He delights in putting down his opponents and shows no mercy as he does so."
Hillary Clinton, take note.