

This was published 8 years ago

Shockingly well-mannered: the latest Republican debate

By Paul McGeough

Washington: Trade and jobs have become decisive hot-button issues of the US election campaign, but when the four candidates vying for the Republican nomination assembled for their 12th debate in Miami , it was as though the Kool-Aid had been spiked with sedatives.

The stakes were huge. New York billionaire Donald Trump has declared he will win the Florida primary on March 15 – to come second or worse would take the wind from his sails. Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Ohio Governor John Kasich came to Miami fully aware that to stay in this race they needed to lift their games – and they did.

But seemingly in response to the last week's debate, which went into the gutter when Trump responded to a penis-size jibe from Rubio, Thursday's debate was shockingly well-mannered – no insults, no school-yard name calling; no yelling over each other, no mention of body parts or bodily functions.

Seriously, we're talking attempted gravitas, as the debate focused on questions that underscored the extent to which Trump's fluid, or only briefly-explained, policy position has provided rocket fuel for his campaign and the Republican discourse – Islam, climate change, violence at election rallies and Israel.

Republican presidential candidates, from left, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich stand for a moment of silence for former first lady Nancy Reagan during the well-manned primary debate in Miami on Thursday.

Republican presidential candidates, from left, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich stand for a moment of silence for former first lady Nancy Reagan during the well-manned primary debate in Miami on Thursday.Credit: The Miami Herald/AP

Both Rubio and Texas Senator Ted Cruz ignored obvious openings to have a lash at Trump, even when they were invited to do so by the moderators.

Instead, obsequious deference was the first order of business, and there was even the odd backhanded compliment as stark policy differences were dissected. It was as though the real candidates had called in sick, and had asked their nice and sensible older brothers to stand in.

As the front-runner, Trump was under constant pressure, but less flustered than previously and he refused to take any baits. Strong but respectful performances by Rubio and Cruz earned loud applause for both candidates from an audience of about 1800.


Rubio, who bobbed as a boxer and yelled like a banshee when he went after Trump in last week's debate, admitted ahead of the Thursday's debate that attacking Trump had backfired – and that he'd not be doing it again.

Protesters gather last year. Their calls for a decent political debate only seemed to have been heeded this week.

Protesters gather last year. Their calls for a decent political debate only seemed to have been heeded this week.Credit: AP

Instead, he was almost statesmanlike. But given that the venue was Miami, it was hardly surprising that he won probably the biggest audience applause of the night for his assault on President Barack Obama's thaw in relations with Cuba, even though it came across as another of his well-rehearsed stump spiels.

Going after Trump ever so obliquely at one stage, Rubio said: "I know that a lot of people find appeal in the things Donald says, because he says what people wish they could say – the problem is presidents can't just say anything they want, because it has consequences here and around the world."

But Rubio's performance might have been too little too late. The New York Times observed: "His modulated tone and manner were signals that if his campaign was nearing the end, he wanted to exit the race on a higher plane."

The stakes are this high – Trump is determined to win next Tuesday's winner-take all primaries in Florida and Ohio, Rubio and Kasich's home states respectively.

Trump is ahead of Rubio in opinion polls, but the gap is narrowing and Cruz has doubled down on his campaign effort in Florida, in the hope that victory by himself or Trump will finish off Rubio's campaign and leave himself and Trump fighting for the biggest delegate following going into the Republicans' July convention in Cleveland.

More than 165 convention delegates are up for grabs in both states. Kasich is so low in the delegate count that for him to win Ohio would not inflict great damage on Trump.

But for Trump to win in Florida would stretch his lead over the second-placed Cruz significantly. Trump is also ahead in opinion polls in North Carolina and Illinois, which also vote in Republican primaries on Tuesday, but he is neck-and-neck with Kasich in polls in Ohio.

In previous debates, Trump came under attack because he hires foreign workers for his resorts. On Thursday night he boasted as a businessman he was better equipped to negotiate better trade deals for the US and none of the others took a whack at him.

Or admitting that he exploited openings in immigration regulations to get foreign workers into the country, he said: "I'm a businessman, I have to do what I have to do." Trump went on to claim that what he did should not be allowed because 'it's very bad for workers, very unfair to our workers.'

Trump also came under pressure for his position on Israel – his claim that he would be neutral in his approach to the Middle East; and on Islam and terror – in particular, his statement ahead of the debate that "Islam hates us".

In both cases he offered qualifiers – he loved Israel, some of his friends and family were Jews or Israelis and they all wanted him to seek peace; not all Muslims.

Trump announced that Ben Carson, the outsider neurosurgeon who briefly was running second behind Trump in opinion polls as the preferred nominee but whose campaign collapsed last week, would endorse him.

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