

This was published 9 years ago

Syrian refugees take Arctic route to Europe

By Helen Womack

Intrepid Syrian refugees are opening up a new route to Europe by travelling to Russia and crossing a remote Arctic border into Norway on bicycles.

The flow is small so far – only 400 recorded cases this year – but governments in Europe, overwhelmed by a tide of humanity crossing the Aegean Sea and surging up through the Balkans, will be wondering how and why Russia has come to be a conduit for migrants.

Hans Moellebakken, chief of police in the Norwegian frontier town of Kirkenes, pointed to a pile of about 150 abandoned bikes as evidence of how some Syrians had crossed what was once a Cold War dividing line between the Soviet Union and NATO. Wassem Khatib, 25, and Nabeeh Samaan, 31, two cyclists subsequently interviewed at a refugee centre in Oslo, explained how they had achieved their aim of reaching non-EU but prosperous Norway.

Rather than risking their lives on leaky boats or facing the new Hungarian border fence, the two young Syrians said they had simply applied for Russian tourist visas and flown this month from Beirut to Moscow. From there, they had taken an internal Russian flight to the Arctic port of Murmansk, where a taxi driver had charged them $US500 ($700) each for the 220-kilometre ride to the border, with second-hand bikes thrown in as part of the deal.

Syrian refugees at the crossing point on the Russian-Norwegian border.

Syrian refugees at the crossing point on the Russian-Norwegian border. Credit: Getty

The bikes were needed to get them over the last 100 metres of the journey because Russian law bars pedestrians from the border zone and the canny Murmansk taxi drivers know better than to risk Norwegian "people-smuggling" fines for carrying migrants across.

For the money he paid, Mr Samaan was lucky to be given an adult bicycle but Mr Khatib drew the short straw with a child's bike, on which he wobbled over the frontier, loaded down with a rucksack and guitar, and towing a suitcase on wheels.


"My bicycle didn't work very well," he said. "The Russian border guards were laughing."

Asked if he felt he had been ripped off by the Russian driver, he said philosophically: "It's high season for Syrian refugees."

Kirkenes, Norway where some of the migrants pass through.

Kirkenes, Norway where some of the migrants pass through.

The light-hearted reaction of the border guards and the ease with which the young men got visas in Lebanon suggest the Russian authorities have been caught off guard by the enterprising Syrians and have not so far worked out any policy towards migrants. The EU will be watching with interest to see what stance Russia eventually takes.

Despite having deep, historic ties to Syria, Russia has taken very few Syrian refugees and appears to regard the migrant crisis as Europe's problem. Indeed, the media and blogosphere in Russia, still smarting over the West's Ukraine-related sanctions, have been full of gleeful predictions of the EU's imminent demise under the weight of migration.

The popular daily Komsomolskaya Pravda, for example, has been running a diary by a certain "Ulyana Skoibeda", who supplies Russian readers with regular Islamophobic horror stories from Germany. She is believed to be a Russian migrant to Germany called Galina Ivanova.

Using the Russian propaganda technique of mixing truth with falsehood, she wrote that Muslims had taken over to such an extent that pork sausage and salami had been banned from German school canteens. As evidence, she provided a link to a story about one Egyptian family in Austria who had applied – unsuccessfully – for a court to ban pork.

Crisis-hit Russia, where average incomes are lower than social security benefits in the EU, may be reluctant to take refugees for economic reasons. The country already has guest workers from former Soviet Central Asian republics and refugees from the war in eastern Ukraine.

But President Vladimir Putin, who addressed the UN General Assembly in New York on Monday, is hoping to divert the world's attention from Ukraine by focusing on Syria and his comments, if any, on refugees will be revealing. Russia, which has been beefing up its military presence in Tartus and Latakia on the Syrian coast, has so far supported President Bashar al-Assad both diplomatically and militarily.

As for Norway, opinion polls showed 63 per cent of Norwegians approved of the government's plan to accept 8000 UN-registered refugees from Syria, according to the daily Aftenposten.

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