

This was published 9 years ago

US-Russian relations in step with new Assad reality

By Nick O'Malley

New York: One of the more revealing things about Barack Obama's speech to the United Nations General assembly was how willing he was to towel-up Vladimir Putin and how delicately he spoke about the future of Syria's President Bashir al-Assad.

Russia, said Obama, had "flagrantly violated" Ukraine's territorial sovereignty while its state controlled media cheered from the sidelines.

Russian President Vladimir Putin toasts at a luncheon hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Russian President Vladimir Putin toasts at a luncheon hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Credit: AP

This had prompted "capital flight, a contracting economy, a fallen ruble, and the emigration of more educated Russians".

No, it is not surprising that Obama holds these views, but they were put in fairly direct terms given that Putin was in attendance at the General Assembly, that Obama was about to sit down to lunch with him, and more importantly, was about to engage in talks over Syria's future with him.

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives for a lunch hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, right, on Monday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives for a lunch hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, right, on Monday.Credit: AP

Early in his speech Obama rejected the notion that, "logic, we should support tyrants like Bashar al-Assad, who drops barrel bombs to massacre innocent children, because the alternative is surely worse".

But then this, a few minutes later.

"Yes, realism dictates that compromise will be required to end the fighting and ultimately stamp out ISIL. But realism also requires a managed transition away from Assad and to a new leader, and an inclusive government that recognises there must be an end to this chaos so that the Syrian people can begin to rebuild."


This is a new position, though Obama has sought to obscure it in old rhetoric. Formerly it was the clear position of the Obama administration and its allies in the fight against the Islamic State that Assad's removal had to be the first step in any plan to restore peace in Syria.

United States President Barack Obama, right, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin pose before a bilateral meeting on Monday.

United States President Barack Obama, right, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin pose before a bilateral meeting on Monday.Credit: AP

Now there is room for compromise, though what that might mean in practice is not yet clear.

Speaking in London last weekend Obama's chief diplomat, Secretary of State John Kerry was more transparent about the new stance.

"For the last year and a half we have said Assad has to go, but how long and what the modality is ... that's a decision that has to be made in the context of the Geneva process and negotiation," he said.

"It doesn't have to be on day one or month one ... there is a process by which all the parties have to come together and reach an understanding of how this can best be achieved."

Obama's distaste at having to accommodate Assad, even in the short term, is clear then, and it is not hard to see why.

For years Obama has worn criticism for his failure to act more decisively on Syria. His decision to set and then fail to enforce the use of chemical weapons as a "red line" to prompt military action has only intensified that derision.

Through it all though, notes Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East program at Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Obama has in fact been proud of his discipline in refusing to allow the US to become mired in another war.

Now though Obama has had to acknowledge that the policy – such as it was – has failed. An estimated 3.3 million Syrians have died, nearly 8 million have been displaced internally and another 4 million have been forced to seek refuge outside its borders.

Yes, Obama might have kept his nation out of the war, but Syria has become a catalyst for destabilisation throughout the region and the world.

Assad has even managed to weaponise the abject misery of his own people by sowing discord through the European Union by deluging its members with refugees.

The EU's crucial tenet of freedom of movement is under threat, its member states pitted against one another.

At present Assad's actions appear to be having the effect he intends. Russia is increasing its engagement in his defence, Europe and America – and Australia – are accepting this as the new reality.

After Obama and Putin traded blows in the General Assembly they shared an awkward toast at a lunch together. Later again they appeared for an even more awkward 15-second photo opportunity together before they sat down for what was scheduled to be an hour-long meeting on Syria's future.

In fact the two men spoke for 90 minutes.

An American official described the talks as "business-like" and "focused". Putin, speaking with Russian journalists, was more upbeat. He characterised the meeting as "very constructive, businesslike and very frank".

The new reality, with Russia's expanded role in it, has already begun.

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