This was published 8 years ago
Iraq makes Iran-backed Shiite militias official despite abuse claims
By Mustafa Salim and Missy Ryan
Erbil, Iraq: The Iraqi parliament has passed a law making militia units, including Iranian-backed groups accused of human rights abuses, an official part of the country's security forces.
MPs passed the controversial measure by a vote of 208 to zero in a session that was boycotted by most Sunni Arab politicians, who opposed an initiative that extends the influence of powerful Shiite groups that many Iraqi Sunnis view with suspicion.
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi praised the new law, saying that it gave due to fighters who had proven themselves a key part of Iraqi defences since the onslaught by Islamic State militants in 2014.
"Those heroic fighters, young and old, need our loyalty for the sacrifices they have made," a statement issued by Mr Abadi's office said. "This is the least we can do."
Members of the Shiite group Asaib Ahl al-Haq march in Baghdad in July.Credit: AP
But the measure, which also legitimises smaller Sunni tribal groups that have fought alongside Iraqi forces since 2014, threatens to inflame sectarian tensions that could surge anew after the eventual defeat of IS. It could also complicate Iraq's military cooperation with the United States and other Western partners.
Some of the most powerful militias included in the so-called Popular Mobilisation units are closely aligned to Tehran, and the United States considers one of them a terrorist group. Some of the fighters have been accused of abuses and mistreatment of Sunnis in their response to the Islamic State.
The units, who now number over 110,000, were formed in the summer of 2014, partly in response to a call from Iraq's most senior Shiite religious leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. They drew from existing militia groups and from volunteers who rushed to defend Iraq.
Since then, the units have played an important role in most of the major battles against IS, and are currently conducting operations west of the city of Mosul.
Members of the Shiite Popular Mobilisation forces mourn during Shiite rites of the month of Muharram inside the shrine of Imam Abbas in Karbala, Iraq, in October.Credit: AP
Some militia groups were involved in attacks against the United States during the years after the 2003 invasion of Iraq. US military leaders have said groups such as Kataib Hezbollah, considered a terrorist organisation by the US government, and Asaib Ahl al-Haq were responsible for the death of at least 500 US military personnel.
Sunni politicians who opposed the measure accused the parliament's Shiite majority of ignoring their objections.
Iraqi special forces soldiers - flying a sectarian Shiite flag from their vehicles - move out to join the Mosul offensive from a camp near Khazer, Iraq, on Friday. Credit: AP
"What was passed today is a breach to the principle of the state and of balance in our security institutions," Vice-President Osama al-Nujaifi said in remarks released by the parliamentary media centre. "It would weaken the Iraqi state and weaken hopes for building a stable Iraq."
Raed al-Dahlaki, another Sunni politician, said the official status would give "legal cover to all these militias who committed and are still committing countless violations against the Iraqi people, like killing, kidnapping, looting and burning houses".
Fighters of the Popular Mobilisation Forces stand at the front line outside Mosul this month.Credit: AP
While rights groups have complained repeatedly about abuses by militia forces, the Abadi government has said it has identified only a few isolated actions. This week Mr Abadi said the Mosul campaign had been conducted without such problems.
Salim al-Jubouri, a Sunni Arab who is speaker of the Iraqi parliament, said the mobilisation units sought to reassure those worried by the measure, promising that the law would not grant immunity to those who had committed crimes or abuses in the past.
Shiite Popular Mobilisation forces prepare to attack Islamic State positions at Khalidiya Island in Anbar province, Iraq, in August.Credit: AP
Mr Jubouri said that once Iraq's major cities have been cleared of IS, the Popular Mobilisation forces would be responsible for holding ground and maintaining security. But important details still must be worked out, such as who will command the troops on the ground and how they will be structured and funded.
Mr Abadi's office said the fighters will be under the prime minister's direct control, as is Iraq's elite counter-terrorism force. Under former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, that force was seen as having been used at times for the prime minister's purposes.
"With a sensitive law like this one, the prime minister needs to be careful how he implements it," said Ahmed al-Mayali, a political analyst,
The incorporation of groups such as Kataib Hezbollah into Iraqi security forces could require adjustments in the way in which security partners such as the United States assist Iraqi with its security.
In addition to the approximately 6000 US troops on Iraqi soil, the United States sells weapons and aircraft to Iraq and provides training to its military. But US law requires that military units receiving US assistance be vetted to ensure they aren't guilty of abuses.
The US embassy in Baghdad declined to comment on the new law. The US military has said made a point of seeking to withhold air support to the militia units, although at times its fire power has helped those units indirectly.
Ahmed al-Asadi, an MP who is also spokesman for the government committee overseeing the mobilisation units, said the militia units, once incorporated into the government, would not retain their current command structure.
"All the links they had previously to political parties will be severed and it will be under the commander-in-chief," he said.
Washington Post