

This was published 9 years ago

Iran's grand manipulator at work behind the scenes in Syria

By Paul McGeough

Washington: Striking policy contradictions in Tehran's positions on Syria and Iraq are not getting in the way of Iran's deepening commitment to Syria's beleaguered President Bashar al-Assad.

And if a series of recent reports are to be believed, Tehran's intelligence and military heavyweight, Major-General Qasim Suleimani, has emerged as a grand manipulator chipping away at American influence in the region – negotiating both Moscow's entry to the Syrian conflict and a sensitive new intelligence sharing deal between Tehran, Baghdad, Syria and Moscow.

Members of the Shiite militia Asaib Ahl al-Haq carry the coffin of a fighter killed in clashes with Islamic State at a funeral in the Iraqi city of Najaf last week.

Members of the Shiite militia Asaib Ahl al-Haq carry the coffin of a fighter killed in clashes with Islamic State at a funeral in the Iraqi city of Najaf last week. Credit: AP

Now social media pictures are emerging of Suleimani purportedly with Iraqi Shiite militiamen in Syria, as he coordinates a campaign to restore regime control in Aleppo, the country's biggest city, where government and rebel forces have been fighting since 2012.

When it was revealed last week, the Aleppo campaign was billed almost exclusively as an undertaking by the Assad regime, with military officials confirming that just "hundreds" of Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah fighters would join the fight.

A bomb is released from a Russian Su-34 strike fighter in Syria.

A bomb is released from a Russian Su-34 strike fighter in Syria.Credit: Russian Defence Ministry

But during last weekend all that was turned on its head. Now we read that this is Suleimani's fight, just as he coordinated battles for key centres in Iraq in the last two years. Claiming the Syrian military would have a "minor role", spokesmen for various Iran-sponsored Iraqi Shiite militias said that Suleimani had ordered thousands of Iraqi fighters to Syria to join the fight.

What they appeared to be saying was that the Syrian military would have a token role in a campaign by a combined force of Iranian military, Lebanese Hezbollah and Iraqi militia fighters - with Russian air cover.

Confirming the regional and global character of the war against the so-called Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, Bashar al-Saidi, a spokesman for an Iraqi militia known as Harakat al-Nujaba, told The Washington Post: "It makes no difference whether we're in Iraq or Syria - we consider it the same frontline because we are fighting the same enemy.


"We are all the followers of [Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali] Khamenei and will go and fight to defend the holy sites and Shiites everywhere."

Haji Jaffer al-Bindawi, a leader of the Imam Ali Brigades, an Iraqi Shiite militia fighting Islamic State, with  his men  in Baghdad  in October 2014.

Haji Jaffer al-Bindawi, a leader of the Imam Ali Brigades, an Iraqi Shiite militia fighting Islamic State, with his men in Baghdad in October 2014. Credit: Kate Geraghty

Harakat al-Nujaba has posted photographs of Suleimani on its Facebook page, telling readers: "[Suleimani] oversees the conduct of the battles which is [sic] being waged by the champions of the Islamic Resistance Harakat Nujaba in Aleppo, Syria."

The photographs came to light just days after others, purportedly of Suleimani using a microphone to speak to Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah forces in Latakia, a mountain region on the Mediterranean coast that serves two strategic purposes – it is Assad's home turf and the port of Tartus is Moscow's only Mediterranean naval facility.

Syrian army personnel load howitzers near the village of Murak in Hama province earlier this month.

Syrian army personnel load howitzers near the village of Murak in Hama province earlier this month. Credit: AP

An unnamed spokesman for Kataib Hezbollah, another Iraqi Shiite militia, confirmed that 1000 of its "elite forces" were "sent based on a demand from Suleimani".

Iraqi Shiite fighters have rotated through Syria since 2013. But when Islamic State captured the Iraqi city of Mosul in June 2014, revealing the US and Australian-trained Iraqi National Army as a hollow shell, most Iraqi militias were called back to Iraq for a campaign against Islamic State which is now a stalemate.

Mourners in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley carry the coffin of Hezbollah fighter Hassan Faisal Shuker, killed fighting Syrian rebels at the Syrian town of Qusayr in 2013.

Mourners in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley carry the coffin of Hezbollah fighter Hassan Faisal Shuker, killed fighting Syrian rebels at the Syrian town of Qusayr in 2013.Credit: AP

Joining the dots, analysts say that a reported visit to Moscow by Suleimani in August was vital, in that he had an opportunity to sell Russian President Vladimir Putin and senior military officials on an argument often invoked to justify the US presence in the region – better to fight Islamic State in the Middle East than on their respective home territories.

Within weeks, Moscow began its military buildup in Syria and the intelligence-sharing deal was announced. In Baghdad at the time, Iraqi officials told the Associated Press that Suleimani had spent three hours putting his case to Putin.

Major-General Qasim Suleimani, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force.

Major-General Qasim Suleimani, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force.Credit: AP

The contradictions in Iranian policy between Syria and Iraq, two countries that are falling apart, speak more to Tehran's vested interests in the region than to matters of principle.

Before pulling Moscow into Syria to counter the US role in the conflict, Tehran quietly backed Washington's involvement in Iraq, but would have no foreign intervention in Syria.

Iran is a vocal supporter of the right of the Shiite majority to rule in Iraq; but in Syria it is propping up a minority regime that refuses to acknowledge the rights of the country's Sunni majority.

Similarly, in Iraq, Iran endorsed the US-initiated policy of de-Baathification to end the Iraqi Baath Party's grip on state institutions; but in Syria it wholeheartedly supports Assad's discredited Baath Party regime.

Close observers of the region are not surprised. In June 2015 Suleimani, long content to operate below the radar, was quoted by Iran's state news agency IRNA as saying: "The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing for the coming days."

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