By Paul McGeough
- Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi claims victory against Islamic State in Tikrit
- Iraqi militias explain why they fight ISIL: it's not to please the West
Big men talk about each other – and sometimes to each other.
Returning to Iraq recently, former US military and intelligence chief David Petraeus told of a message, conveyed through an Iraqi intermediary, from the Iranian heavyweight he refers to as "Hajji Qassem" – that would-be General Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force.
Iraqi security forces on the gate of Tikrit.Credit: Reuters
"General Petraeus, you should be aware that I, Qassem Suleimani, control Iran's policy for Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Afghanistan." The Iranian was telling the American that they would have to deal with each other, but Petraeus replied that Suleimani could go "pound sand" – an American equivalent of the Australian vernacular "to piss in the wind".
It was 2008, when the American-led coalition and Iraqi government forces were at war with Iranian-backed Shiite militias in Iraq. Fast forward to the present, and the relative calm imposed by Petraeus' "troop surge" has been undone; Petraeus has been sidelined by personal disgrace; and we find that Suleimani is emerging from the shadows, as a principal architect of the new Iraq.
Iraqi security forces and allied Shiite militiamen celebrate as they hold a flag of the Islamic State group they captured in Tikrit.Credit: AP
"Suleimani is an operational leader," a senior Baghdad official was quoted recently. "He's not a man working in an office. He goes to the front to inspect the troops and see the fighting. His chain of command is only the supreme leader [of Iran]. He needs money, gets money. Needs munitions, gets munitions. Needs materiel, gets materiel."
Look for the Iraq of tomorrow on a geopolitical map and you'll find it between today's Lebanon and Ukraine – think of the Iran-backed Hezbollah's grip on the affairs of Lebanon and of Moscow's efforts to pull Kiev back into its orbit, and Baghdad's destiny and its relationship with the region and the world comes into focus.
Previously the likely carve-up of the country was seen as a three-way inevitability – Shiite in Baghdad and to the south; Kurds in the north; and Sunni in the west and some central turf. But the Iraqi response to the IS crisis is revealing the "how".
In hindsight, the "shock and awe" of the initial US-led assault on Baghdad in 2003 was but a TV moment – spectacular, to be sure, but nothing compared with the shock and awe in an emerging realisation that Iraqi governance could go the same way as the country's hollowed-out security forces.
Iraq's Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi Tikrit after Iraqi security forces regained control from Islamic State militants.Credit: Reuters
Already, a new breed of militia is elbowing aside the army leadership. In Baghdad late last year, I was given first-hand accounts of their dominance of strategic planning and force deployment. And these days, Iraqi Army commanders are candid in admitting that their orders come from militia leaders who boast of their cooperation with and funding, arming and training from Iran.
Alluding to photographic evidence of such meetings, Institute for the Study of War president Kimberly Kagan told The Christian Science Monitor: "they [are] going to erode Iraq's sovereignty by taking the command-and-control of the security forces out of the hands of Iraqi officials, and placing [it] in the hands of Iran".
An Iraqi soldier guards a checkpoint in Tikrit.Credit: AP
Now Baghdad has regained full control of the strategic city of Tikrit, where forces of the so-called Islamic State have been routed, Washington and the government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will chalk up a victory.
But the real winners are Suleimani who Petraeus judges to be a "capable, resourceful individual, a worthy adversary [who] plays his hand well." The Iraqi Shiite militias controlled by Suleimani will also be on the winners' podium.
Iraqi security forces and allied Shiite militiamen prepare to attack Islamic State extremists in Tikrit.Credit: AP
Listen to Petraeus: "Longer term, [the] Shiite militias could emerge as the pre-eminent power in the country, one that is outside the control of the government and instead answerable to Tehran."
Writing for The Washington Post, he goes on: "If [IS] is driven from Iraq and the consequence is that Iranian-backed militias emerge as the most powerful force in the country – eclipsing the Iraqi Security Forces, much as Hezbollah does in Lebanon – that would be a very harmful outcome for Iraqi stability and sovereignty, not to mention our own nationals' interests in the region."
Iraqi security forces launch rockets against Islamic State extremist positions in Tikrit before taking the city.Credit: AP
The kabuki-like drama in the last days of the battle for Tikrit points to such an outcome. More than 25,000 militiamen, most of them sponsored by Suleimani, led the charge at Tikrit – accompanied by just a few thousand members of the Iraqi Army. When air power was required for the last push, Washington refused to mount airstrikes unless the militias stepped back; some of the militias withdrew briefly, amidst howls of protest that Washington wanted to steal their victory; but in the end, the Americans abandoned their demand – and went ahead with the bombing runs.
The problem in all this is that the militias resort to the same atrocious tactics as IS and thus continue to alienate the country's significant Sunni minority – if they don't have a future under a Shiite-dominated Baghdad government, goes the reasoning, perhaps they will under IS.
Shiite paramilitary fighters and Iraqi security forces arrest Islamic State militants in Tikrit this week.Credit: Reuters
Reports by groups like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International chronicle widespread abuses by the Shiite militias – sectarian cleansing, beheading, extra-judicial killings and ransom rackets. With Iraqi sectarian violence back to the grotesque levels that drove the US surge, AI's senior crisis response adviser Donatella Rovera observes: "Shiite militias [now] are way more important than the army and are running the show".
An AI report, published on October 2014, warns that the existence of the militias – "sectarian, unregulated and unaccountable" – is a cause and a result of Iraq's growing insecurity and instability and precludes any possibility of establishing effective and accountable security and armed forces.
An injured Iraqi officer waits for treatment on the front line during clashes with Islamic State extremists in Tikrit.Credit: AP
Michael Knight, an analyst at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, takes up Petraeus' Hezbollah warning – "if anything, the battle for Tikrit has shown that there's a whole side of the war from which the international community has been excluded," he writes in Foreign Affairs.
"Iran and its Iraqi proxies have been carving out a zone of influence in eastern Iraq for well over a decade … the result will be the same [as in Lebanon] – a swathe of land in which the government is gradually ceding ground to powerful paramilitary factions with strong terrorist connections".
Analysts warn too that if and when IS is seen off, there likely will be a new round of bloody civil and sectarian violence, as the Peshmerga forces of the Kurdish north face off against the Shiite militias, over the contested city of Kirkuk and other disputed centres.
Ali Khedery, a special assistant to five American ambassadors in Iraq and a senior adviser to three chiefs of US Central Command, is especially despondent. Predicting failure for the latest US bid to put the Iraqi "Humpty Dumpty back together again", he writes in Foreign Policy: "The day after [IS] is expelled from Iraq is the day Iraq's next existential struggle for survival will begin …
"Iraq is the new, much larger, much wealthier Lebanon, and its battle-hardened militias are the new, much larger, much wealthier Hezbollah. They will haunt the world for decades to come on a scale exponentially more lethal and damaging than Lebanese Hezbollah."
There are dozens of militias. But chief among them are three movements that are the fighting wings of existing Iraqi political parties, all with strong ties to Iran that go back to the era of Saddam Hussein and all accused of mounting lethal attacks on coalition forces in the aftermath of the US-led invasion in 2003.
The Badr Organisation is headed by Hadi al-Amri, a member of the Baghdad parliament who steps out in the uniform of Iran's IRGC, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Hezbollah Brigades, the only Iraqi militia formally designated as terrorist by the US, is run by Jamal Jaafar Mohammed, also known as Abu Mahdi the Engineer, who reputedly has worked with the IRGC since the days of the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s – during which he was accused of bombing the US and French embassies in Kuwait.
Qais al-Khazali's Asaib Ahl al-Haq, the third biggest, a break-away from the Mahdi Army of the young firebrand Moqtada al Sadr, is notorious for the ferocity of its attacks on Sunnis and Americans – it boasts of its responsibility for as many as 6000 attacks on US forces.
All still see the US as an enemy – senior figures threatened to target American aircraft and US troops in the end days of the fight for Tikrit. And despite depending on them for boots-on-the ground, US generals reciprocate in their rhetoric.
US Central Command chief General Lloyd Austin last week told a Senate committee: "I will not, and I hope we never, co-ordinate or cooperate with Shiite militias." On the same day, on the other side of the world, he was laughed off by Hadi al-Amri of the Badr Brigades, who explained to reporters that he had no need for direct communication with the Americans because, when he needed to relay or receive information from the US, he simply went through the Iraqi security forces.
Tehran's logic is easily grasped – with its regional strategic depth under pressure in Lebanon and Syria, Iraq assumes an importance that goes well beyond the immediacy of Baghdad merely being a neighbouring country that happened to be predominantly Shiite.
In December 2014 the Iraqi prime minister pledged, in an op-ed published by The Wall Street Journal, to "bring … all armed groups under state control. No armed groups or militias will work outside or parallel to the Iraqi Security Forces".
But as Baghdad becomes even more reliant on the militias, it seems that the reverse is becoming the new Iraqi reality – the militias are in control of the Iraqi Security Forces and much of the government.