This was published 9 years ago
Iran nuclear deal: what the arms control experts say about the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
By Ruth Pollard
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Arms control experts say the agreement — known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — establishes an effective formula for blocking all pathways by which Iran could acquire material for nuclear weapons.
They say it will allow for the prompt detection and deterrence of possible efforts by Iran to covertly pursue nuclear weapons in the future.
The experts have assessed the deal as "a net-plus for nuclear nonproliferation and is clearly in the interest of both the United States, its allies and partners in the Middle East, Iran, and the international community".
When implemented, they say the agreement will establish long-term, verifiable restrictions on Iran's sensitive nuclear fuel cycle activities, some lasting for as long as 25 years.
They say Iran's plutonium path to the bomb will be eliminated, its potential to "breakout" and amass enough bomb-grade uranium for one bomb will be expanded from approximately 2-3 months to at least 12 months.
It includes a layered monitoring regime, involving International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections under Iran's additional protocol to its comprehensive safeguards agreement.
These provisions will last indefinitely to help detect and deter future nuclear weapons-related efforts.
The sanctions relief that Iran will receive in return as it meets its key nuclear restrictions and nonproliferation commitments also serves as an incentive for Tehran to follow through on its obligations in the long term.
Source: Arms Control Association, involving a group of 30 leading nuclear non-proliferation specialists